• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Aug 27, 2021
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Universal acclaim- based on 712 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 54 out of 712
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  1. Aug 27, 2021
    Listened because of Trent Reznor production and he with Halsey did not disappoint! I’m not the biggest their fan, but really impressed with this work! Spectacular and grandness album, the concept and execution!
  2. Aug 27, 2021
    We clearly can observe the growth of Halsey as a songwriter and an artist. Songs are filled with thoughtful and meaningful lyrics, some of the song deal with important topics, for example, religion. I would like to highlight some top tracks: 1121, honey, I am not a woman, I'm a god. The album allows you to plunge into a mystical atmosphere and dissolve in it.
  3. Aug 27, 2021
    Глоток свежего воздуха после предыдущего альбома, если его таковым назвать вообще можно.
  4. Nov 16, 2021
    Nice and powerful!!!!!!!!
    Strong woman,we love u halsey!and wish u could have world tour
  5. Aug 27, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is great. very experimental and very cohesive. The vocals are immaculate and so is the production, even though a couple tracks don’t completely hit the mark Expand
  6. Aug 29, 2021
    Halsey is back! Her artistry and passion to this album deserves a lot of streams, sales, and that #1!
  7. Aug 27, 2021
    this is such a good album! i highly recommend listening to “ya’aburnee”, “darling”, “bells in Santa Fe”, and “i am not a woman, i’m a god”.
  8. Oct 30, 2021
    This album is fantastic. I was pretty impressed by Halsey's work. "Easier than lying" and "The tradition" are my favourite songs of the album!!!
  9. Aug 27, 2021
    On her fourth full-length project, Halsey bears the unbearable truth. If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power is a concept album that explores the dark reality of pregnancy, and the power struggle that comes with its physical and emotional challenges. Production by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross creates a grim yet mesmerizing cinematic atmosphere where love and power are constitutions of painOn her fourth full-length project, Halsey bears the unbearable truth. If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power is a concept album that explores the dark reality of pregnancy, and the power struggle that comes with its physical and emotional challenges. Production by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross creates a grim yet mesmerizing cinematic atmosphere where love and power are constitutions of pain unraveling. With each track, pain is either being endured, inflicted or both simultaneously. Ultimately, the question for the listener seems to be “what and why are you compromising?”. A terrific effort by Halsey, that will certainly solidify her as one of the best storytellers in the music industry! Expand
  10. Aug 30, 2021
    Really good! Thank you for this masterpiece! The lyrics are amazing! And the production too!
  11. Aug 29, 2021
    The tradition and Bells in Santa Fe were so good that gave me goosebumps. Halsey has amazing vocals and she's a good lyricist but the album could still be better or at least I expected it to be better because of the film trailer.
  12. Aug 27, 2021
    [ ek-suh-luhnt ]

    possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good.
  13. Apr 9, 2022
    Such a cool and immersive experience! Definitely not something I was expecting to see from Halsey, however this album contains a wide variety of tracks! Some of which are just perfect. This album is a must hear!
  14. Aug 28, 2021
    Arguably the best album of 2021 so far. Bold, mature and cohesive. A top notch production and writing is clearly evident and I can tell she's getting more confident with her vocals. Even though there are a few songs that I need to spend more time with, im sure I will end up liking them. All that being said, some of the songs are her best as well songs of the year. Being pregnant does notArguably the best album of 2021 so far. Bold, mature and cohesive. A top notch production and writing is clearly evident and I can tell she's getting more confident with her vocals. Even though there are a few songs that I need to spend more time with, im sure I will end up liking them. All that being said, some of the songs are her best as well songs of the year. Being pregnant does not stop a hard working woman and hard work pays off and this is nothing but prove of that. I'm really proud of her. She really did that. Congratulations Halsey!!! Expand
  15. Aug 28, 2021
    Amazing production and vocals. I loved it, I have to listen to it more to like more some songs, a pleasant surprise.
  16. Aug 28, 2021
    This is Halsey’s best album. The seamless transitions and vivid lyricism as well as the production from Reznor and Ross that shines and proves that Halsey can pull different sounds well. A very well thought out project.
  17. Aug 29, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Me dieron justo lo que quería de Halsey. Hay veces que quieres que un artista te sorprenda con un estilo en el que piensas que puede encajar bastante bien y este cuarto álbum de Halsey me encantó por ese mismo motivo. Desde Badlands se ve cómo Halsey tiene una voz y un estilo que es idóneo para un tono más oscuro y rockero, un dark pop rock. Pasan sus álbumes y vemos cómo va en dirección a algo más pop en sus próximos álbumes pero perlas como Nightmare, 11 minutes con Yungblud o la reciente colaboración con Machine Gun Kelly hizo que mis ganas por un álbum así se hicieran real y es cuando llegamos a este momento. Mi experiencia con el álbum no está completa aún, pues me hace falta ver la película para culminar todo el concepto del álbum y ver todo lo que Halsey nos quiere transmitir artísticamente. Aún así, ya como álbum solo me ha gustado. El inicio y el cierre son perfectos y aunque para mi flojea más en el nudo sigue siendo bastante gratificante la experiencia. En cuanto a canciones se refiere me encanta las de estilo pop rock del 2000 como puede ser Easier than Lying y Honey con unos ritmos más desenfrenados. Por otro lado su tema de inicio es perfecto, "The Tradition" te envuelve en el aura oscura del álbum y te transporta a ese mundo medieval en el que nos quiere sumergir con su film. 1121 hace referencia al momento que se enteró que estaba embarazada y es una canción muy potente y bonita por todo lo que significa para la artista. Terminando el álbum tenemos a The Lightouse y Ya'aburnee que son muy buenas como colofón final. Pero, quería darle más protagonismo en esta "reseña" A I Am not a Woman, I'm a God, mi favorita del álbum y seguramente de mis canciones favoritas en el año, una canción con un mensaje muy potente, muy empoderadora y que desde que la escuché brevemente en los Tráilers de la película supe que me iba a fascina. Y eso, pues me ha encantado. Mi álbum favorito de Halsey sin duda junto con Badlands y aue espero que le vaya todo lo bien posible a este y a Halsey con su hijo. Expand
  18. Sep 5, 2021
    Halsey’s 3rd studio album, produced by (arguably) some of the greatest musicians and film composers of all time in Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross, is triumphant, cinematic, moody, honest, and full of so much genuine artistry. Worlds collided for this record & were all better for it. 91/100
  19. Aug 29, 2021
    Halsey’s new studio album was overwhelming and amazing compared to her other studio albums. I would even say album of the year.. The only confusing thing is honey being in the album, not in the theming of the album.
  20. Aug 29, 2021
    **** phenomenal. Her best piece yet. Maybe could’ve done with a bit more promotional material but the album has made two songs singles and I’m excited to see her execution of their rise in the charts.
  21. Aug 31, 2021
    beautiful new sound for halsey, glad they chose this route. 1121 and bells in santa fe have my heart!
  22. Sep 2, 2021
    Halsey’s amazing voice with NiN, it’s like the Reese’s Peanut butter cup of music!
  23. Feb 1, 2023
    Halsey experimented a lot here so I was afraid it might not be a good design but I'm glad I was wrong.
  24. Aug 16, 2022
    Halsey’s raw vulnerability finds the perfect vehicle in Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross’s exquisite production.
  25. Aug 21, 2022
    This is one of the most underrated and albums that has not been discussed nearly as much as it should be! It is my favorite album of hers so far and I am excited for the future!
  26. Sep 8, 2021
    At first listen some will claim this album is a chocolate cheeseburger: Everybody loves chocolate, and everybody loves cheeseburgers. But not necessarily together. Halsey’s voice is beautiful, and Reznor/Ross’s music is phenomenal. Yet some may say that they don't necessarily go well together. But after a second and third listen, you realize that they go together really perfectly.
  27. Sep 14, 2021
    More than once the epic bombast and regality that the record unfortunately tries to force as much as it lets it come naturally threatens to grow more suffocating than compelling, but Halsey largely overall succeeds in crafting an experience both epic and intimate in scale, with producers Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross's industrial rock expertise lending a dark, operatic energy to infectiousMore than once the epic bombast and regality that the record unfortunately tries to force as much as it lets it come naturally threatens to grow more suffocating than compelling, but Halsey largely overall succeeds in crafting an experience both epic and intimate in scale, with producers Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross's industrial rock expertise lending a dark, operatic energy to infectious pop melodies. Expand
  28. Aug 27, 2021
    I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the album and the instrumental of the songs
    Really good work
  29. Aug 31, 2021
    Halsey has been known throughout her life for presenting solid works, both musically and conceptually (videos, costumes, promotion, etc.), and this last work hasn't been the exception to her impeccable attitude. But I can't deny that IICHLIWP is the most sonically ambitious to date; you feel the mixture of grunge, pop, passion, fear, courage, rock, love. Maternity. "Ya'aburnee" is theHalsey has been known throughout her life for presenting solid works, both musically and conceptually (videos, costumes, promotion, etc.), and this last work hasn't been the exception to her impeccable attitude. But I can't deny that IICHLIWP is the most sonically ambitious to date; you feel the mixture of grunge, pop, passion, fear, courage, rock, love. Maternity. "Ya'aburnee" is the cutest piece she has created here. Exactly, her life is a film and this is the soundtrack. "The Lighthouse" represents everything she left in 2019, while "Bells in Santa Fe" would allegory the process of discomfort during pregnancy. Halsey is a genius, and y'all must stop ignoring her forever.

    fav tracks: "The Tradition", "honey", "Easier than Lying", "Girl is a Gun", & "Whispers"
    KEY-TRACK: "Ya'aburnee"
  30. Sep 7, 2021
    Halsey is playing with an experimental side of their musical ability. From the punk-heavy, Dave Grohl featuring honey, to the synth-aided, electro pumps of I am not a woman, i'm a god. Many of the songs on the album are a pleasant listening experience, and they have matured a lot since 2020's Manic. Recorded during their pregnancy of their first child (hence the baby on the cover), theyHalsey is playing with an experimental side of their musical ability. From the punk-heavy, Dave Grohl featuring honey, to the synth-aided, electro pumps of I am not a woman, i'm a god. Many of the songs on the album are a pleasant listening experience, and they have matured a lot since 2020's Manic. Recorded during their pregnancy of their first child (hence the baby on the cover), they are always evolving with their projects. This studio album isn't perfect, however this album is recommended to punk-rock lovers, and those into some synth-pop.

  31. Sep 3, 2021
    This album feels great! It's really cinematic, the vocals are on point, the instrumentals are great and it's lyrically a true masterpiece. I'm not familiar with Halsey's discography so I'm not sure if this is her best work, but it's definitely better than I expected and better than everything else I've listened from her. That being said, there are some things that I didn't like about it:This album feels great! It's really cinematic, the vocals are on point, the instrumentals are great and it's lyrically a true masterpiece. I'm not familiar with Halsey's discography so I'm not sure if this is her best work, but it's definitely better than I expected and better than everything else I've listened from her. That being said, there are some things that I didn't like about it: for some reason, the way that her vocals were mastered is not good, it feels cheap and it makes some songs feel worst than they really are, this is something that really bothered me (and it wouldn't if this project was from a small artist that recorded it on their basement but it's Halsey). Second, I don't think that the album is really consistent, some songs - while are great alone - feel lost in the middle of this project, like Easier than Lying. I also think that some songs could be a little longer because I wanted to see more of it. But it's a really great project and I would really recommend it. Expand
  32. Aug 31, 2021
    This album is a breakthrough for music. Production and lyrics in this album are very beautiful and strange !!!! This is Halsey's best album.
  33. Sep 4, 2021
    Most adventurous pop album I've heard in a while with the personnel to match
  34. Dec 19, 2021
    "If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power" is a collection of great songs with some awesome sounds and genius lyrics. The album gets you from beginning to end ans never let you go until the very last track which ends this beautiful piece of art in a very melancholic and heartbreaking tone. The only problem with this album is cohesiveness; Halsey aims to talk about her pregnancy and all about"If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power" is a collection of great songs with some awesome sounds and genius lyrics. The album gets you from beginning to end ans never let you go until the very last track which ends this beautiful piece of art in a very melancholic and heartbreaking tone. The only problem with this album is cohesiveness; Halsey aims to talk about her pregnancy and all about that, but at the end she has talked about pregnancy, relationships and more, what wouldn't be a problem if she hadn't promised an album about a specific theme right at the beginning. However, that is only a little defect that does not, at any circunstancies, damage the phenomenal experience that is this perfectly written album. Expand
  35. Oct 29, 2021
    It was an unexpectedly good album by Halesy. Especially dropping that suddenly and not disappointing the fans.
  36. Aug 27, 2021
    Although I didn't like 3/4 tracks I feel this is her best album. Visually it has no faults, I loved it.
  37. Sep 4, 2021
    Reznor, Ross and Halsey team up has created a raw and majestic blend on her latest album. If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power has this unspoken, unique craft of pop and rock. As a new fan of Halsey, with her 'Experiment on Me' song that features Bring Me the Horizon on production, this genre/approach is the perfect one for her.
  38. Aug 30, 2021
    Great album, love it! It has a more mature vibe than her previous album Manic. I can’t decide if I like it better than Manic though, I will have to listen a few more times to make up my mind!
  39. Sep 3, 2021
    Interesting beats but Halsey’s vocals don’t really match the punk rock style of the album.
  40. Dec 22, 2021
    Probably her best album, but not a masterpiece. The production is amazing, but as an album it won't last. So cohesive but nothing great.
  41. Aug 21, 2022
    Pure art! The visual perfectly fits the album, I think it's the best way to listen to the album

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Aug 30, 2021
    Compared to this summer's pop offerings—think of the similarly themed efforts by Billie Eilish and Lorde, both of which deal with the trappings of fame with serenity and blissful detachment, respectively—If I Can't Get Love, I Want Power is provocative, and even ugly, in its most vulnerable moments. Self-indulgent, sure, but its emotional chaos feels earned.
  2. Aug 30, 2021
    Easier Than Lying is shouty and electronic, while You Asked for This finds Halsey fronting a Smashing Pumpkins pastiche. Amid all the Sturm und Drang and sludgy oompah (The Lighthouse) there is some high-quality writing, chiefly in the pizzicato niggles and Jesus analogies of Bells in Santa Fe (“it’s not a happy ending”) and Whispers.
  3. Aug 30, 2021
    If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power is on an upward trajectory in terms of Halsey releasing quality music. By and by, Halsey may not have love, but her latest record is power.