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Universal acclaim- based on 134 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 10 out of 134
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  1. Sep 3, 2019
    The most perfect album of 2019, which is hard but also so soft. It shows us a smartful art with the lyrics
  2. Sep 3, 2019
    Um album perfeito!! banks eu te amo demais cara. com uma atmosfera nova e brilhante, banks trás uma vibe mais "feliz" pra sua discografia com o "III", provavelmente um dos melhores álbuns de 2019
  3. Aug 31, 2019
    Don't be scared if you are not convinced on the first listen. This album might take time to understand it. But it delivers. BIG TIME. Banks presents elaborate songs and productions but the same tools used to create masterpieces such as "Gimme", "Propaganda" or "The Fall" might backfire: "Look What You're Doing to Me" is the proof. Overall the album is really strong and serves to bring aDon't be scared if you are not convinced on the first listen. This album might take time to understand it. But it delivers. BIG TIME. Banks presents elaborate songs and productions but the same tools used to create masterpieces such as "Gimme", "Propaganda" or "The Fall" might backfire: "Look What You're Doing to Me" is the proof. Overall the album is really strong and serves to bring a relatively new artist to the spotlight. Watch-out. Her next move might define the pop/alternative world of music. Expand
  4. Aug 31, 2019
    Without a doubt, her best album yet. It keeps the best parts of The Altar and Goddess, whilst incorporating more interesting styles. It's much more experimental and explores more genres than The Altar, whilst still being cohesive. Till Now, Sawzall, and What About Love are discography highlights.
  5. Aug 20, 2019
    surprising, bold and amazing. her voice is unique, so as the lyrics and melodies.
  6. Jul 26, 2019
    Creative, bold and brilliant. III is BANKS’ best and most self assured work to date. Each song has its own universe and they all piece together perfectly to make an amazing album. Highlights include Stroke, Contaminated, Alaska and Propaganda.
  7. Jul 17, 2019
    Esse álbum é perfeito a BANKS deixou o lado mais dark r&b e explorou mais o seu lado pop e o resultado foi esse álbum incrível, melhor álbum pop do ano.
  8. Jul 15, 2019
    lowkey, watching an artist evolve with their music throughout the years is admiring. yes, it did take a few listens to completely digest and understand this album, disregard the fact that banks nearly ditches her dark-electronica sound for half of iii , and completely embrace another side of banks I was so unaware I was ready for. honestly, iii is unlike her first two albums and that makeslowkey, watching an artist evolve with their music throughout the years is admiring. yes, it did take a few listens to completely digest and understand this album, disregard the fact that banks nearly ditches her dark-electronica sound for half of iii , and completely embrace another side of banks I was so unaware I was ready for. honestly, iii is unlike her first two albums and that makes this album so refreshing to listen. there are glimpses of dark-pop banks, but she also introduces a more softer, delicate yet playful side of her soul which she bares so well. she remains blunt with her lyrics, sometimes sloppy and harsh with delivery but that's an admiring trait that i pray banks never censors. the three years inbetween albums were long yet a rewarding wait.

    highlights: till now, contaminated, sawzall, hawaiian mazes, if we were made of water
  9. Jul 15, 2019
    Bank's III is a better than decent, in fact it is quite good. Unlike 'The Altar' there is not as much experimentation with sound variation and there is a stronger cohesion. Unlike 'The Altar' there aren't as many memorable tracks.
    Listen to: Gimme, Look What You're Your Doing to Me, Stroke, Propaganda.
  10. Jul 14, 2019
    Offers all kinds of songs, an evolution from her own sound. Really great album!
  11. Jul 14, 2019
    Another great album from Banks. She keeps her originality and this is what i love the most! Unique.
  12. Jul 14, 2019
    PERFEIÇÃO ♡ um trabalho digno, que representa uma grande evolução e crescimento profissional.
  13. Jul 14, 2019
    Best album of the year. She has outdone herself. Every track as amazing as the last.
  14. Jul 14, 2019
    An incredible album, the return of a great artist with very good lyrics and sounds. Excellent return.
  15. Jul 14, 2019
    Her most powerful album so far. The on fleek music production matches the lyrics perfectly. An empowering album that will get you dancing around as Banks takes you to different places.
  16. Jul 14, 2019
    a 10/10 unique banks sound, a 10/10 album.
    Every song is uniquely different yet doesn't make you feel like losing her idenitiy while listening, every song was thought-thru, based on a 30th listen. yes i love banks so much. you have the semi up-tempo songs "Gimme, Propaganda, Alaska....." then strips down with "Hawaiian Mazes, Sawzall, Look What you're doing to me, If we were made of
    a 10/10 unique banks sound, a 10/10 album.
    Every song is uniquely different yet doesn't make you feel like losing her idenitiy while listening, every song was thought-thru, based on a 30th listen. yes i love banks so much. you have the semi up-tempo songs "Gimme, Propaganda, Alaska....." then strips down with "Hawaiian Mazes, Sawzall, Look What you're doing to me, If we were made of water...." let's you sink into the unique banks sound, a dark-emotional journey with "Stroke, Till Now, Godless" Thank you Jillian Banks.
  17. Jul 14, 2019
    After she found her sound and her identity on "The Altar", "III" sees Banks elaborating that identity furthermore and not holding anything back. Whether it'd be on the bass-heavy, fierce tracks ('Stroke', 'Gimme', 'The Fall') or the softer-sounding ballads ('If We Were Made of Water', 'Contaminated'), Banks wears her heart on her sleeve, and makes us dive head-first into pages of herAfter she found her sound and her identity on "The Altar", "III" sees Banks elaborating that identity furthermore and not holding anything back. Whether it'd be on the bass-heavy, fierce tracks ('Stroke', 'Gimme', 'The Fall') or the softer-sounding ballads ('If We Were Made of Water', 'Contaminated'), Banks wears her heart on her sleeve, and makes us dive head-first into pages of her diary. She even introduces a new, more organic sound on tracks like 'Sawzall' and 'Hawaiian Mazes', which goes very well with her vibe in general. Her vocals are less restrained than any of her other projects ('Till Now', a stellar introduction to the record, features her raspiest vocals ever), and the productions are very well made.
    All in all, "III" is a great alternative-pop record, proving that she really is "that **** she proclaims she is on 'Gimme'.
  18. Jul 13, 2019
    III is an album that’s both fierce and gentle, and that really does show BANKS’ journey and progression as a person. For example, there are tracks that are intrapersonally and/or interpersonally confident, such as “Till Now,” “Gimme,” “Stroke,” and “The Fall.” Powerful, raw emotional connections are achieved at several points in the album, such as “Sawzall,” “Hawaiian Mazes,” “If We WereIII is an album that’s both fierce and gentle, and that really does show BANKS’ journey and progression as a person. For example, there are tracks that are intrapersonally and/or interpersonally confident, such as “Till Now,” “Gimme,” “Stroke,” and “The Fall.” Powerful, raw emotional connections are achieved at several points in the album, such as “Sawzall,” “Hawaiian Mazes,” “If We Were Made of Water,” and “What About Love.” And the production on tracks like “Godless” and “Alaska” really shines through, and makes it an album that is both sonically and lyrically enjoyable. Expand
  19. Jul 13, 2019
    HER BEST ALBUM! Literally EVERY song is so **** amazing, i am WIGLESS and SHAKING!
  20. Jul 13, 2019
    This album slaps. Nothing else needs to be said. From top to bottom, banger after banger.
  21. Jul 13, 2019
    She continues to push her boundaries, making a dark & emotional album similar yet new from her previous two. My favorite of her discography.
  22. Jul 13, 2019
    This is such a great and cohesive album. It has everything from good production to catchy lyrics and vulnerability as well. BANKS shows such a good evolution in her artistic ability and we are here for it!
  23. Jul 13, 2019
    absolutely stunning, from the heart. spoke to my soul in ways music hasn’t done before. relatable for anyone healing, food for the soul. beautiful
  24. Jul 12, 2019
    AMAZING ALBUM, Banks nailed again, as usual, but still a few songs didn’t click for me. My faves are Contaminated - which is just everything-, Stroke, Godless, Hawaiian Mazes.
  25. Jul 12, 2019
    With an intro that seems reminiscent of a love child between, Bon Iver, Halsey, and Kanye West, the album sets of a rather discomforting comfort of a musical centerpiece that will test what we deem to be the "conventional" BANKS. While this new, heavier, and more ravishing version of the Princess of Emo R&B is refreshing, the high quality, pulsating production and emphatic pressure of thisWith an intro that seems reminiscent of a love child between, Bon Iver, Halsey, and Kanye West, the album sets of a rather discomforting comfort of a musical centerpiece that will test what we deem to be the "conventional" BANKS. While this new, heavier, and more ravishing version of the Princess of Emo R&B is refreshing, the high quality, pulsating production and emphatic pressure of this work is the highlight. With a collection of a few proving love songs and motifs that seem rather close to her thematic counterpart The Weeknd, BANKS does an excellent job at providing her most complete LP to date. Expand
  26. Jul 12, 2019
    This is the best album of 2019. The lyricism, production, and the way Banks can try something new but it still sound like HER is amazing. And like all of her albums I love how personal she is. Amazing album by an amazing artist. We love you Banks!!
  27. Jul 12, 2019
    She has done it again. An amazing album full of emotional lyrics and sick beats you can dance your ass off to. But her style's not something everyone can like and appreciate. It is unusual, maybe even weird. But these sometimes gospel, sometimes tropical and sometimes ballad-ish vibes create such a mood! She is so talented and so open and raw, it's like I can feel the things she wentShe has done it again. An amazing album full of emotional lyrics and sick beats you can dance your ass off to. But her style's not something everyone can like and appreciate. It is unusual, maybe even weird. But these sometimes gospel, sometimes tropical and sometimes ballad-ish vibes create such a mood! She is so talented and so open and raw, it's like I can feel the things she went through writing this album. I'm in awe. I'm in tears. It takes a real legend to create something so powerful! I love BANKS! She never disappoints. 10/10. I'm listening to it on repeat for the next century ok bye. Expand
  28. Jul 12, 2019
    Melhor álbum da carreira.

    ........... ... ....................... ....
  29. Jul 12, 2019
    This album is definitely one of the best albums of the year! BANKS serves us a beautiful story about her life in 13 songs and it’s absolutely worth listening. Album is lyrically stunning and you can hear it from the first minutes. The balance between slower and these uptempo ones is so good. Songs give me goosebumps every time I listen to them! It will be a tough challenge for otherThis album is definitely one of the best albums of the year! BANKS serves us a beautiful story about her life in 13 songs and it’s absolutely worth listening. Album is lyrically stunning and you can hear it from the first minutes. The balance between slower and these uptempo ones is so good. Songs give me goosebumps every time I listen to them! It will be a tough challenge for other artists to make a better longplay than this one. Expand
  30. Jul 12, 2019
    This album is just perfect. I loved the lyrics, the production and her voice.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Jul 17, 2019
    While she can’t always shake the anodyne songwriting that plagued her past work, it’s still her best album to date.
  2. Jul 15, 2019
    As with all the best sets, it’s coherent but not repetitive, the ghostly Auto-Tune choir, which features on most tracks, sighing and whispering encouragement behind Banks’s increasingly empowered words. There are shades of Bon Iver and Billie Eilish in her layered, subtle sound, but also a rare, steely delicacy all her own.
  3. Jul 12, 2019
    [The off-trend songs like Alaska, Sawzall and Hawaiian Mazes] feel freer, more exciting and more innovative. But III isn’t that. Instead, for the most part, it feels like Banks-by-numbers.