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Universal acclaim- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Sep 9, 2016
    The record is an incredible release start to finish. The melodic emo guitar parts are more catchy than most of their ilk, while nostalgic pop-culture references are both comforting and sincere. It sustains the same atmosphere throughout the entirety of the record, which in a world full of singles, it’s nice to hear a record that feels very much like a body of work.
  2. May 13, 2016
    I had a lot of great hours with this album. Its dripping in emotion, in great riffs, in such huge ballads, that will make you shad a tear. Insane start with the song "Cherry" and great ending with the song "I'll Hope You're Miserable". What is in between is sometimes a bit bland and uninspired, but you cant expect like Bon Iver level song writing from a pop punk record. But for what itsI had a lot of great hours with this album. Its dripping in emotion, in great riffs, in such huge ballads, that will make you shad a tear. Insane start with the song "Cherry" and great ending with the song "I'll Hope You're Miserable". What is in between is sometimes a bit bland and uninspired, but you cant expect like Bon Iver level song writing from a pop punk record. But for what its what to be, its great. I would recommend this to everyone, that likes Man Overboard, The Story So Far, Tigers Jaw etc. And even if you are just into some emotional acoustic and punk music, you will have some fun with this album. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Kerrang!
    Nov 5, 2014
    The melodic emo guitar parts are more catchy than most of their ilk, while nostalgic pop-culture references are both comforting and sincere. [11 Oct 2014, p.53]
  2. Oct 14, 2014
    A lofty debut effort indeed.
  3. It makes for a mixed bag of an album--occasionally the band sticks to their wheelhouse and sounds great, occasionally their normal stuff gets a bit stale; sometimes they experiment and it goes well, sometimes not.