• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Aug 21, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 93 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 64 out of 93
  2. Negative: 16 out of 93
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  1. Dec 25, 2020
    Uno degli album migliori della band, in continua evoluzione! Difficile che mi stanchino.
  2. Jan 19, 2020
    I bought this at a reduced prize at a retailer out of curiosity (Never heard of Disturbed before). This was worth my money and a good surprise. It has lot of powerful songs. My favorites are “The Vengeful One”, “Fire it up”, “You are mine” and “Who taught you to hate”. I also like the take on “The Sound of Silence” even if it is a complete other style compared to the other songs. I likeI bought this at a reduced prize at a retailer out of curiosity (Never heard of Disturbed before). This was worth my money and a good surprise. It has lot of powerful songs. My favorites are “The Vengeful One”, “Fire it up”, “You are mine” and “Who taught you to hate”. I also like the take on “The Sound of Silence” even if it is a complete other style compared to the other songs. I like their overall style and performance and think they are a good alternative for Linkin Park. Yes, they are different and maybe it is a bad comparison but the lines between Nu Metal, Alternative Metal and (Heavy) Metal are blurry (Avoid this topic at discussions!). Overall I am glad that I bought this and would recommend it. You can listen to most songs on YouTube if you are not sure. Expand
  3. Apr 6, 2017
    This was a great album and it is probably the best album to date out of their whole catologue. Hopefully they release more albums like this in the future.
  4. Aug 31, 2016
    This album was everything I was waiting for after a 5 year hiatus. I love the entire album, and the Sound of Silence was a great cover. Disturbed fans will not be disappointed.
  5. Aug 2, 2016
    Immortalized is normal album . In Immortalized there are awesome songs - eg Immortalized, The Vengeful One, The Light and others songs . All Album from Disturbed is heavy metal and Immortalized album is heavy metal too . I think Immortalized isn't best Disturbed album, best Disturbed album is Asylum (2010), but Immortalized good too, not bad album .
  6. Jan 24, 2016
    This is an album I am glad I have listened to many many times as someone who isn't a fan of modern music this was my favourite album of 2015 and the first of just three 2015 albums I downloaded onto my phone. My favourite song without a shadow of a doubt The Sound of Silence a must listen.
  7. Sep 21, 2015
    Disturbed is back with a slight twist to their sound. There's enough new here to make them noteworthy again, even if it isn't quite enough to put them back at the top of everyone's "must listen to" list. It's still very much Disturbed so fans are going to eat this up. While there ultimately isn't too much wrong going on here the album does have some noticeable flaws.

    It doesn't take
    Disturbed is back with a slight twist to their sound. There's enough new here to make them noteworthy again, even if it isn't quite enough to put them back at the top of everyone's "must listen to" list. It's still very much Disturbed so fans are going to eat this up. While there ultimately isn't too much wrong going on here the album does have some noticeable flaws.

    It doesn't take long to notice that the instrumentals on this album start to sound the same across just about every track. It's up to songs like "The Light" and their Simon & Garfunkel cover do add some diversity to the album. It's nice to see a softer side of the band portrayed, even if the latter track isn't particularly good in my opinion. There are those who are going to find the album, which at times feels like one long stretch of the same song, exhausting. However metal purists and the Disturbed faithful are going to appreciate the devotion to keeping the heavy tone almost constant throughout. Even if it means they include a goof up track or two onboard.

    Honestly I find "Fire It Up," the album's weed glorifying song, to be a little too juvenile for the band, and honestly kind of embarrassing to listen to. Still, the actual bad tracks are actually barely existent. This is a solid Disturbed album all the way through. The track "Never Wrong is a particular highlight. It harkens back to their pre-"Asylum" glory days.

    While it's not the bands best work they get enough right here with their experimentation while still staying true to their roots to make it worth listening to. Disturbed fans have another album to celebrate and mainstream metal gets a little bit more for people to get excited about. A few stumbles appear here and there, but overall Disturbed has made a mostly satisfying return.
  8. Sep 1, 2015
    Expected to be more similar to Indestructible or Asylum but in my opinion the feeling just isn't the same. But it still has very good songs.

    I wish they would make another album like Believe or The Sickness
  9. Aug 31, 2015
    It's another Disturbed album. Nothing particularly new or profound here. It's more of the same - I mean, what did you expect? If you like Disturbed's previous albums, you'll no doubt enjoy this. If not, then why are you even here?
  10. Aug 26, 2015
    While it may not be as heavy as previous records, Immortalized marks forward progress for Disturbed. It shows they are willing to go outside their comfort zone and experiment musically. Who really wanted another Indestructible or Asylum? I'm very happy with what Disturbed has given us. The Light and You're Mine are my two new favorite Disturbed songs. When The Light started, it did notWhile it may not be as heavy as previous records, Immortalized marks forward progress for Disturbed. It shows they are willing to go outside their comfort zone and experiment musically. Who really wanted another Indestructible or Asylum? I'm very happy with what Disturbed has given us. The Light and You're Mine are my two new favorite Disturbed songs. When The Light started, it did not sound like a Disturbed song, and I appreciate that lack of familiarity. The songs The Vengeful One, What are you Waiting for, and Never Wrong also impressed me, as well as the bonus track Tyrant. All in all, Immortalized has become my favorite Disturbed album, surprising me in a very good way. Expand
  11. Aug 26, 2015
    After years of waiting for Disturbed to return, I'm appalled at the negative response of critics. "Disturbed didn't even try", they've said. "Didn't appeal to core audience"? "No diversity"?

    Songs like The Vengeful One, Who, Never Wrong, and Open your eyes are rock powerhouses that are true to the core of Disturbed while pushing the envelope at the same time. Every time Draiman says
    After years of waiting for Disturbed to return, I'm appalled at the negative response of critics. "Disturbed didn't even try", they've said. "Didn't appeal to core audience"? "No diversity"?

    Songs like The Vengeful One, Who, Never Wrong, and Open your eyes are rock powerhouses that are true to the core of Disturbed while pushing the envelope at the same time. Every time Draiman says 'I'm the hand of God' it sends goosebumps down my spine.

    Not only are Disturbed true to their fans, but they also did an EXTREMELY good job at surprising us, and disproving every nay-sayer that has ever said all Disturbed songs sound the same. Fire it up: a modern sweet-leaf masterpiece. Sound of Silence: a cover of a classic song that does the original justice and shows us a side to Draiman's voice that we have never heard before. Save our last goodbye: a song about losing a friend to cancer that will bring tears to your eye. You're mine: a love song.

    I love Disturbed. I have for almost a decade now. But I never, EVER expected anything nearly as good as this album. This is every Disturbed fan's fantasy.

    Friends of mine that absolutely HATED Disturbed have told me that they love this album. The lyrics carry power, loss, inspiration.

    People will always bash Disturbed, because we live in a world that embraces conformity and monotony. When you have a band that preaches to break free of those restraints, that makes a lot of the sheep feel uncomfortable. It speaks so fiercely and fearlessly to empower you, that the people who profit from the illness of this world see it as a threat.

    I guess in the end... and no matter how hard people try to tear this band down, it will only emerge stronger.

    So all of you angry, trolling, miserable keyboard warriors who bash Disturbed and cry wolf time and time again deserve a thank you. Thank your for every dark day, every jab, every single lie and attempt to slow us down. It's cute to see you try so hard. You have made us powerful beyond belief.
  12. YDG
    Aug 25, 2015
    A pretty enjoyable album, especially for die-hard Disturbed fans. It's what we've come to know and love the band for: a heavy sound with some interludes and Draiman's amazing, hypnotic and demonic voice. Sure, you have some songs that do just blur together or just sound pretty forgettable (mainly the deluxe edition extras) but the rest are at least decent. The band knows what works forA pretty enjoyable album, especially for die-hard Disturbed fans. It's what we've come to know and love the band for: a heavy sound with some interludes and Draiman's amazing, hypnotic and demonic voice. Sure, you have some songs that do just blur together or just sound pretty forgettable (mainly the deluxe edition extras) but the rest are at least decent. The band knows what works for them and use the same structure they've been using from the start, but that's not necessarily a bad thing; it's a familiar sound that we've been missing for the past five years and is just fresh enough to keep me satisfied until their next album. They explore some new sounds in this album, especially when it came to the Simon and Garfunkel cover, but nothing truly unexpected. It's at least worth a listen for any rock/metal lover and there's something in there for everyone to enjoy. There are signs that Disturbed are improving and evolving as a band, but I don't think they quite hit that spot just yet. Critics aren't loving it mainly because they expected more, something that was just a little more fresh and different to previous works, but don't let those reviews discourage you from giving the album a shot. The album DOES distinguish itself from previous albums, but it's really up to you to decide whether that's good or bad.

    Overall, it was a pleasant experience, giving me some new favourite songs and just something new to listen to on the way to work. Here's hoping that the band reflect on any criticism the album receives and deliver something that they really have the talent to achieve for their next album. It's not bad, but I don't think they achieved their goal of making it 'worth the hiatus'.

    Album favourites: The Vengeful One, The Light, You're Mine, Never Wrong.
    Album low points: What Are You Waiting For, Tyrant, The Brave And The Bold.
    That being said, even the low points aren't bad, just okay or are a miss with me.
  13. Aug 22, 2015
    Though it doesn't go beyond anything we've heard in the past, Immortalized is a collection of songs that bring together the sounds of albums past. This album wont win over anyone who's listened to them before, but will be a great album for fans. Favorite Tracks- "Fire It Up", "The Vengeful One", "Sound of Silence", "The Light"
  14. Aug 21, 2015
    Comparing that album with any previous, i can say, that immortalized sounds more clearly, thanx to mr. Draiman for perfect animal voice! We have here less distortion, but guitar is still great!
  15. Aug 21, 2015
    It's furious and electrifying at moments, but generally "Immortalized" doesn't break any new ground and sometimes it's not even good old 'Disturbed'..

Mixed or average reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 5
  2. Negative: 1 out of 5
  1. Kerrang!
    Aug 20, 2015
    Immortalized isn't without its duffers. [22 Aug 2015, p.51]
  2. Aug 20, 2015
    While the album also has its fair share of bona fide, looks-like-we-just-broke-the-bottom-of-the-barrel moments ("Fire It Up" instantly comes to mind here), Disturbed manage to do just enough to keep metal purists from dispensing with them completely.
  3. Aug 20, 2015
    There's just not much here to keep the group's detractors from bringing out their pitchforks, and over time, staying the course may leave fewer and fewer townsfolk to protect them.