• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Feb 16, 2018
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 104 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 96 out of 104
  2. Negative: 6 out of 104
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  1. Jun 4, 2020
    This album is such a beautiful piece of music that exceeds most of its time. I also believe this was the peak of U.S. Girls. A must listen.
  2. Feb 28, 2018
    This album it motivated me to log in to this place for the very first time just to say that I think this is one of the greatest albums i've ever heard. Stunning work.
  3. Mar 2, 2018
    Another one that made me feel so moody and reflective. Besides, of being a little bit political and emotional, the harmony, arrangements and the entire album purpose embraces this magnificent work from U.S Girls. The musical style reminded me bars songs and music for whorehouse (a well-frequented whorehouse LOL). However, is quite special album with high-quality content, critics inAnother one that made me feel so moody and reflective. Besides, of being a little bit political and emotional, the harmony, arrangements and the entire album purpose embraces this magnificent work from U.S Girls. The musical style reminded me bars songs and music for whorehouse (a well-frequented whorehouse LOL). However, is quite special album with high-quality content, critics in opposite to people silliness and emptiness; furthermore bring out the 90’s, 80’s (my accuracy to distinguish decades is terrible, sorry) mood, fashion and accurate descriptions of dance clubs, situations, society and more…

    Listen: “Velvet 4 Sale”, “Incidental Boogie”, “L-Over”, “Pearly Gates”, “Poem”, “Time”.
  4. Mar 30, 2018
    The album impressed. It turned out to be a very talented and sophisticated statement.
  5. Mar 8, 2018
    Increíble, sentí sensaciones que subían y bajaban al escuchar cada eco que sonaba entre percusiones, guitarras distorsionadas, totalmente cargadas con un poder de emociones y líricas potentes, no se enfoca en un sólo género y da variantes que van desde lo punk hasta los tintes disco y Jazz.
  6. Apr 2, 2018
    worthy to practice active listening skills - leave those pearly gates wide open
  7. Jun 16, 2022
    This album is awesome. I was lucky to listen to it. This album is a breath of fresh air. I wish it was longer. Highlights: "Poem", "Pearly Gates", "MAH", "Incidental Boogie"
  8. May 13, 2018
    There is no denying the talent that is displayed on 'In a Poem Unlimited'. To experience it fully, you have to progress through the first quarter of the album, which isn't U.S. Girls' finest work. However, after that hiccup, the album kicks into full gear in all its danceable glory.
  9. Dec 17, 2022
    In A Poem Unlimited never preaches its messages--it purrs them, the melodies letting them percolate slowly. Remy has taken on today's biggest topic and made it sparkle.
  10. May 20, 2020
    Opener "Velvet 4 Sale" sets out the albums stall with its many ingredients mixing together to make a stew of futuristic disco, pop and jazz. The danceability builds on "Rage of Plastics", pristine pop. "M.A.H." is peak disco, a cross between Abba and Blondie and just short the flared pants. Then we have a pointless interlude before an album highlight "Rosebud". "Pearly Gates" is another.Opener "Velvet 4 Sale" sets out the albums stall with its many ingredients mixing together to make a stew of futuristic disco, pop and jazz. The danceability builds on "Rage of Plastics", pristine pop. "M.A.H." is peak disco, a cross between Abba and Blondie and just short the flared pants. Then we have a pointless interlude before an album highlight "Rosebud". "Pearly Gates" is another. Overall this reminds of a vibrant Madonna album without the massive singles. Musically, this is a superb album and it gets better the longer it goes on. To counter that, there aren't many truly memorable tracks on it. Nothing you'd hear and go back to immediately. The vocals don't quite match the quality of the tunes and as a result, meaningful as they are, the lyrics are hard to hear and lose some of their weight. This is a pity as there is plenty being said on this record. The majority of the songs are between the 3 and 4 minute mark and are excellently crafted pop songs. There is an awful lot to like. The thing is that it could have been even better. Expand

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Feb 28, 2018
    At times, that there’s as much “subversive” pop music as there is music that is supposedly being subverted, not all of it as deep as advertised. Poem, thankfully, is far more thoughtful about it than most.
  2. Feb 28, 2018
    It’s difficult to envisage anyone else but Remy conceiving such a record. This is exemplary, political pop music executed to near perfection.
  3. Feb 27, 2018
    Remy is at her most confident as a writer and singer on Poem, and, by working with others, she’s created the fullest realization of U.S. Girls yet.