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Universal acclaim- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14

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  1. C.Shiira
    Apr 26, 2007
    Even before I had read that Lisa Germano was a surfer who frequently visits the North Shore, I was already a huge fan. I couldn't believe that John Mellencamp's fiddle player was the same woman who recorded "Trouble Me"(from "Geek the Girl"). And I couldn't believe that this singer-songwriter was a visitor of Hawaii. Germano is a genius. She has an extraodinary knack for Even before I had read that Lisa Germano was a surfer who frequently visits the North Shore, I was already a huge fan. I couldn't believe that John Mellencamp's fiddle player was the same woman who recorded "Trouble Me"(from "Geek the Girl"). And I couldn't believe that this singer-songwriter was a visitor of Hawaii. Germano is a genius. She has an extraodinary knack for making self-deprecation sound brave, so songs like "Victoria's Secret"(from her masterpiece "Excerpts from the Love Circus"; she recorded her cats, too) and "If I Think of Love"(from "Slide"), two of the greatest-songs-of-all-time, by the way, sound hopeful in spite of its suicidal trappings. I love Germano's songs because you get the impression that her music is a salve, a preventive measure against self-inflicted harm. I think she's a very brave artist. "In the Maybe World" actually sounds cheerful in comparison to her last four albums. There's no toe-tappers like "You Make me Want to Wear Dresses" or her re-working of "These Boots are Made for Walkin'", but the music is less claustrophobic; more pretty than scary. The stand-out is "Too Much Space"(with its brilliant reference to the cult-classic "Freaks") and "Red Thread"(with its hillarious frankness aimed at, I assume, an ex-lover). I'm just glad that Germano is still making music. I heard that she was retired after being booed off the stage during a Smashing Pumpkins tour in which she was the opening act(Billy Corgan meant well, I'm sure, but what was he thinking?). Luckily, she's back from that professional quagmire, because "In the Maybe World" is a stunning addition to the Germano canon. She is the best female singer-songwriter of the past twenty-five years. Expand
  2. AlanL
    Jan 25, 2007
    Given that Pop Matters gushed (& rightfully so) over Lisa Germano's 2003 masterpiece Lullaby For Liquid Pig, I'm stunned by their review of In The Maybe World: "The problem is, it's easy to lose the lyrics when the music gives us no reason to listen to them." I can't help but wonder what collective "us" the reviewer is referring to. In The Maybe World is yet another Given that Pop Matters gushed (& rightfully so) over Lisa Germano's 2003 masterpiece Lullaby For Liquid Pig, I'm stunned by their review of In The Maybe World: "The problem is, it's easy to lose the lyrics when the music gives us no reason to listen to them." I can't help but wonder what collective "us" the reviewer is referring to. In The Maybe World is yet another beautiful, heartrending work awash in fragile lyrics AND gorgouus melodies from a truly unique and gifted artist who has no peers. The excerpt from Under The Radar's review is dead on: "You will want to play this album all over again as soon as it finishes." I have---over & over & over. I only hope Lisa knows how many people her music continues to touch, help, and heal. Expand
  3. AriB
    Oct 23, 2006
    This is a gorgeous album, and am shocked by some of the reviews. Lisa's breathy voice and her somber tunes attract me very much, and those two elements are here, so as a result, the album is great. The songs mostly have strong melodies, and if not, they're really nice even if not memorable.
  4. steoc
    Sep 28, 2006
    her intimate album, her eating album. emotional music, inspired lyrics. unforgettable.
  5. allier
    Sep 12, 2006
    great record.
  6. andrewc
    Aug 30, 2006
    Best thing she's done since Excerpts...
  7. VickiR
    Aug 22, 2006
    Very clever and amusing. I enjoyed it very much.
  8. chrisc
    Jul 22, 2006
  9. MattD.
    Jul 21, 2006
    While not as bad as the PopMatters review says, the CD is too depressing without a change of pace. The CD is better taken as individual songs.
  10. bobl
    Jul 20, 2006
    Lovely and engaging.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. There's less of the wry humor Germano usually allows to shine through once in a while... This is also her least gauzy-sounding album since Slide... Despite these differences, In the Maybe World is still a strong addition to her body of work.
  2. The problem is, it’s easy to lose the lyrics when the music gives us no reason to listen to them.
  3. In The Maybe World is an accessible, if lyrically opaque, work that should please fans of avant-pop that doesn't sound remotely like any of the other cerebral chanteuses out there.