• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Oct 7, 2016
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
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  1. Aug 27, 2020
    dou graças a deus por estar vivo pra enaltecer esse álbum, as músicas são lindas, o vocal do barry continua impecável, in the now é a musica mais contagiante que escutei.
  2. Apr 11, 2018
    A Really Great album by the oldest Gibb's brother and sadly the last one alive, seems like Barry really believed that after Robin's death [in 2012], her career end too. but fast 4 years later Barry proved that he songs don't should end, and In The Now album shows why, the album, the songs shows Barry very inspired both in the writing and in your song melodies.

    In The Now, Grand
    A Really Great album by the oldest Gibb's brother and sadly the last one alive, seems like Barry really believed that after Robin's death [in 2012], her career end too. but fast 4 years later Barry proved that he songs don't should end, and In The Now album shows why, the album, the songs shows Barry very inspired both in the writing and in your song melodies.

    In The Now, Grand Illusion, Blowin' A Fuse, Home Truth Song, Diamonds & Amy In Colour are the finest examples of he Rock n' roll side, some really remember a Bee Gees song.

    Star Crossed Lovers, Meaning Of The Word, Cross To Bear, End of the Rainbow shows the beautiful unforgettable ballad side of Gibb's, again some of these songs could be in a Bee Gees album.

    Maurice and Robin Gibb's are gone unforgivably too soon. But thanks to Barry Gibb that after all continues to show the unforgettable brightness and infinity talent of Gibb's brothers.
  3. Jun 17, 2017
    Acima daquilo que os fãs esperavam depois de tantos anos. Mas apesar disso também tem seus pecados. Grand Illusion poderia ter a bridge que foi tocada no Rehearsal 360°. Star Crossed Lovers soa datada e antiquada, poderia ter ganhado arranjos modernos e que atraiam o público jovem. Blowin' a Fuse é ótima, o único erro foi a distorção de voz que ficou um pouco forçada. The Long GoodbyeAcima daquilo que os fãs esperavam depois de tantos anos. Mas apesar disso também tem seus pecados. Grand Illusion poderia ter a bridge que foi tocada no Rehearsal 360°. Star Crossed Lovers soa datada e antiquada, poderia ter ganhado arranjos modernos e que atraiam o público jovem. Blowin' a Fuse é ótima, o único erro foi a distorção de voz que ficou um pouco forçada. The Long Goodbye podia ser mais bem trabalhada, é a mais fraca do álbum. Ou seja, um álbum com enorme potencial e excelentes canções (Cross To Bear a melhor de todas), mas que poderia ser mais bem polido e coeso. Expand
  4. Oct 31, 2016
    Barry's voice goes from whisper-y to full power and his famed falsetto is still effective. The CD is full of innovative music and a different style than I'm used to with the three brothers together but it's a good different. It's filled with emotions and lyrics that may evoke his feelings about being the last man standing. Rock, country and ballads all combine to make a unique album. HeBarry's voice goes from whisper-y to full power and his famed falsetto is still effective. The CD is full of innovative music and a different style than I'm used to with the three brothers together but it's a good different. It's filled with emotions and lyrics that may evoke his feelings about being the last man standing. Rock, country and ballads all combine to make a unique album. He had me in the first three songs.....I knew his talent had truly survived and evolved. His sons' contributions show that the legacy of the Gibbs continues. Some songs grab me more than others but they're all well written and performed. I'm anxious to see how he follows this up because he still has it and I hope he continues to share! It's a more mature Barry and well worth owning. Expand
  5. Oct 10, 2016
    Barry Gibb is 70 now, and writes and sings like a person with a wealth of wisdom. Are there any classic songs like Stayin' Alive or Jive Talkin' - no. There is greatness to some of the songs that may only be recognized by Bee Gees fans. However, listen to the title track, the best song on the album, and then just let it play. Grand Illusion, Blowin' A Fuse, and Amy in Colour show theBarry Gibb is 70 now, and writes and sings like a person with a wealth of wisdom. Are there any classic songs like Stayin' Alive or Jive Talkin' - no. There is greatness to some of the songs that may only be recognized by Bee Gees fans. However, listen to the title track, the best song on the album, and then just let it play. Grand Illusion, Blowin' A Fuse, and Amy in Colour show the influences of his sons songwriting. Diamonds and End of the Rainbow show a reflective side of your life when the family you grew up with is gone. Home Truth Song may have been an indication of the country album that ended up not being made, and can and should be played on Country stations. The rest are all filler, for the most part, although Cross to Bear may be a good listen after multiple plays. Most artists today would love for half of their CD to be the quality as good as this. Is he older? Sure. Does he write dance music anymore? No. What's left are good quality songs that are a pleasure to behold - hopefully not his last. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 6
  2. Negative: 1 out of 6
  1. Nov 18, 2016
    The are other fine moments, but not enough of them. Unfortunately, it’s the kind of record that sounds less interesting the more one listens, until the superficial pleasures ultimately wear paper thin.
  2. Uncut
    Oct 25, 2016
    An over-produced set of soppy ballads, Eagles-styled soft-rock and cod-disco. Sadly, the once great voice is shot, too. [Dec 2016, p.28]
  3. Q Magazine
    Oct 6, 2016
    [In The Now] doesn't stray too far from the latter-day Bee Gee template as songs such a s Grand Illusion, Star Crossed Lovers and the swooning ballad The Long Goodbye combine harmonies with memorable melodies. [Nov 2016, p.105]