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Universal acclaim- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 1 out of 11
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  1. Jun 27, 2022
    Очень хороший альбом, в духе downward is heavenward, есть цепляющие треки. Определённо стоит послушать, классно, что они вернулись спустя столько лет и не изменили своему стилю
  2. Nov 2, 2021
    Hum is a good example (as is Swervedriver) of a band that don't travel far out of their initial sound but has had longevity because they know how to amp it up over the course of their career. While there aren't a lot of changes in the basics here, a mix of shoegaze and hard rock with mostly nearly deadpan vocals, it's all done well, and Easter eggs like the higher, passionate vocals forHum is a good example (as is Swervedriver) of a band that don't travel far out of their initial sound but has had longevity because they know how to amp it up over the course of their career. While there aren't a lot of changes in the basics here, a mix of shoegaze and hard rock with mostly nearly deadpan vocals, it's all done well, and Easter eggs like the higher, passionate vocals for part of the 9-minute "Desert Rambler" and the stone drone voyage that is "The Summoning" prove that they just keep getting better and precise without sounding clinical or bored. There's a fireworks here on planet Hum that will reward repeated listenings, especially on headphones. Well done. Expand
  3. Sep 28, 2020
    Great record. The songs are very well-produced. A lot of the riffs are fantastic and I love how Hum have gone with a heavier rhythm guitar tone, in a similar vein to bands they have inspired like Narrow Head. The dreamy lead guitar lines are a standout feature in pretty much all the tracks, and really make the album what it is. Matt Talbot's vocals abilities may not be groundbreaking but IGreat record. The songs are very well-produced. A lot of the riffs are fantastic and I love how Hum have gone with a heavier rhythm guitar tone, in a similar vein to bands they have inspired like Narrow Head. The dreamy lead guitar lines are a standout feature in pretty much all the tracks, and really make the album what it is. Matt Talbot's vocals abilities may not be groundbreaking but I think his performance is perfect for the style of music and he is undeniably powerful on In the Den and Desert Rambler. His lyrics are as cryptic and engaging as ever.

    Inlet is definitely at the top of my AOTY list right now.

    My only gripe is I found two or so tracks at the tail-end of the record to be uninspired and mediocre sounding.

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jul 10, 2020
    As dark and tonally blistering as anything they did in their early years, Inlet essentially finds Hum picking up where they left off in 1998.
  2. Jul 9, 2020
    The overall weight of Inlet isn’t out of character, and in a way it can be seen as a channeling of their own sound through some of the bands they have influenced over the years. Hum are now a prime example among the bands from their generation that have made good on unfinished business and shown there are different ways to have longevity in music.
  3. 80
    Hum hasn't missed a step, giving light to why bands like Quicksand and Slowdive resonate with their loud/soft dynamic.