
Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Jan 8, 2021
    All too often, this type of record can become bogged down by its own reverence for the period it seeks to re-create, but on Introducing..., Frazer manages to overcome the vintage doldrums with good songwriting and top-notch arrangements.
  2. 80
    He has released one of the early contenders for finest debut of 2021. The appropriately titled Introducing... justifies the spotlight status he clearly deserves.
  3. Feb 4, 2021
    Ultimately, ‘Introducing...’ thrives because of how natural it feels – a record as authentic as the dust on Dan Auerbach’s control booth, it places Aaron Frazer as a golden-voiced embodiment of this modern soul age.
  4. Mojo
    Jan 8, 2021
    Music this soulful should need no introduction. [Feb 2021, p.88]
  5. Uncut
    Jan 8, 2021
    A quality love letter to the music he committed to early on. At times, it's hard not to wish he'd been bolder and a little less faithful. [Feb 2021, p.36]
  6. Jan 13, 2021
    Frazer steps out of the shadow of earlier era giants to stand alongside them, shoulder to shoulder.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Feb 4, 2021
    Brand new, you're retro.
    Which at times, can be absolutely fine. But this is way too retro.
    Well crafted and classy. Aggreable listen. Fine
    Brand new, you're retro.
    Which at times, can be absolutely fine. But this is way too retro.
    Well crafted and classy. Aggreable listen. Fine background.
    Fetch the next one when it's over.
    Full Review »
  2. Feb 6, 2021
    This is the type of album that I could listen while I'm on a rest. Not quite impress with the initial tracks but Aaron Frazer brought me toThis is the type of album that I could listen while I'm on a rest. Not quite impress with the initial tracks but Aaron Frazer brought me to heaven in the end because of Leanin' On Your Everlasting Love. One of the best albums of 2021. It really is. Full Review »
  3. Jan 10, 2021
    "The Vocal really breaks the perspective"

    This album by his own is already delightful, but the vocals is the topping of the cake. Aaron soft
    "The Vocal really breaks the perspective"

    This album by his own is already delightful, but the vocals is the topping of the cake.

    Aaron soft falsetto matches so well to Soul music, conflicting with R&B, compensated by a clearly and poweful timbre.

    The lyrics are fine, it's not excepcional, but it's chatchy for sure, it have his moments.
    Full Review »