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Generally favorable reviews- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 21
  2. Negative: 2 out of 21
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  1. Aug 30, 2011
    This album is one the VERY few albums I can listen to straight through multiple times and not get bored. Every song is pure gold to me. I like the mix of soft rock and rock and I always love Jimmy's epic 7 minute songs, they are my favorite. They are my favorite band and this album just reinforces that position.
  2. Oct 28, 2010
    First off, a disclaimer. I do like this album. I really do, and I've always thought Jimmy Eat World was one of the best pop rock bands around. But something about this one seems a bit weak. Although every Jimmy Eat World album has songs I like a bit less than the others, this one seems to be a compendium of those kinds of songs. The musicianship on this album isn't as tight as I wouldFirst off, a disclaimer. I do like this album. I really do, and I've always thought Jimmy Eat World was one of the best pop rock bands around. But something about this one seems a bit weak. Although every Jimmy Eat World album has songs I like a bit less than the others, this one seems to be a compendium of those kinds of songs. The musicianship on this album isn't as tight as I would have liked, and there are no "fun" songs make up for it. "My Best Theory," "Mixtape," and "Higher Devotion" are highlights. The album is just good enough to make me hope they come out with something better next time. Collapse
  3. Oct 20, 2010
    Not a terrible album. It doesn't even come close to measuring up to their previous works such as clarity and bleed american. I don't know what happened to Jim's voice, i don't like it. The lyrics in this album are very good though. Instrumentals are also good its just Jim's voice. I love Jim he's a genius but i want his old voice back
  4. Oct 3, 2010
    This is one great album..cut,invented,mixtape are wonderful songs that I could listen to over and over again.well done jimmy eat world on producing such a beautiful album.
  5. Oct 2, 2010
    Not JEW's best album but it's neither the worst. You have to listen to it several times before saying it's "Chase This Light Part 2" or that it's not the old JEW. I say this is a great record. Here we can find that lyrics are deeper than ever and they focus their feelings on doing great songs. It is a great step of then to make this record because they are different and they can showNot JEW's best album but it's neither the worst. You have to listen to it several times before saying it's "Chase This Light Part 2" or that it's not the old JEW. I say this is a great record. Here we can find that lyrics are deeper than ever and they focus their feelings on doing great songs. It is a great step of then to make this record because they are different and they can show everyone they are not a band that makes the same songs over and over (by that i refer to those who just like the old JEW). Also, I enjoyed a lot to see that Tom was singing again in one of the greatest songs in the record. The best songs on Invented are, in order: My Best Theory, Action Needs An Audience and Stop. Bad things: some high annoying vocals and I miss a little having strong guitars but nothing to cry about :) Expand
  6. Oct 2, 2010
    I've been listening to Jimmy Eat World ever since the release of "Bleed American" in the Summer of 2001 and they have remained one of my favorite bands, there albums have always held a special place in my heart and I was very anxious to see what the boys from Arizona had in store with there release of "Invented" When I gave the album a listen I was shocked at the amount of time it seemsI've been listening to Jimmy Eat World ever since the release of "Bleed American" in the Summer of 2001 and they have remained one of my favorite bands, there albums have always held a special place in my heart and I was very anxious to see what the boys from Arizona had in store with there release of "Invented" When I gave the album a listen I was shocked at the amount of time it seems they placed on each of the songs the album has a very nostalgic feel to it, almost like these songs were taken from the Clarity era of there song writing. "My Best Theory" "Stop" and "Invented" are by far the best songs on the album, "Littlething" and "Cut" leave the chorus stuck in your head and "Movielike" belongs on a soundtrack. This album has brought fourth that Jimmy Eat World are back! Congrats on a fantastic album! Expand
  7. Oct 1, 2010
    Best JEW album since "Bleed American". "Invented" brings back a nostalgic feel not felt since "Clarity". This band evolves with every album and "Invented" is a JEW album that delivers!
  8. Sep 30, 2010
    Based on the extended album 5/10 (couple cool extras). Otherwise, regular LP 3/10. Better than last album, unfortunately the artists shows off entirely too much studio perfection, and who the hell is that girl adding backup vocals? And why?
  9. Sep 29, 2010
    I like Jimmy Eat World. I like 90% of the previous songs. After they released MY BEST THEORY (which is damn fantastic song) I was really excited to see what the rest of the album was like. I paid £10.99 to get the deluxe album and just had a listen through it, and well, I'm very disappointed. My Best Theory is a fantastic song, its SUCH a shame the rest of the album isn't onI like Jimmy Eat World. I like 90% of the previous songs. After they released MY BEST THEORY (which is damn fantastic song) I was really excited to see what the rest of the album was like. I paid £10.99 to get the deluxe album and just had a listen through it, and well, I'm very disappointed. My Best Theory is a fantastic song, its SUCH a shame the rest of the album isn't on par with it, or their previous albums. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. 40
    If there's one thing that this Arizonan four-piece have been masters of since their inception in the early '90s, it's consistently possessing the over-bearing sentimentality of a teenage girl. Their seventh studio album certainly doesn't veer very far from their past emotional sensibilities.
  2. Oct 22, 2010
    The reality is that it's more complicated than simply saying I preferred their early stuff, because all bands have to change. The fact is though, it's impossible to forget that Jimmy Eat World can, and have, done so much better.
  3. 'Coffee And Cigarettes' and the title track slowly uncurl themselves over the course of a few days and before you know it, it feels like Jimmy Eat World never went away.