
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Islands is by no means a bad record. It's pleasant but it's unnecessary, and in an era of so many bands and so many releases, that's just not good enough.
  2. Whilst Islands displays nuggets of well executed nostalgia, one can’t help but wonder if they have any style that isn’t old, borrowed or depressingly blue.
  3. Catchy as it may be, Islands remains steadfast in the landscapes it portrays. The constraints of four-minute pop songs are defied with ease, weaving and stretching throughout said landscapes.
  4. Q Magazine
    But while their second album is lyrically all quiet desperation, boasting such giveaway titles as Once I Was Pretty and The Disappearance Of My Youth, musically it's an altogether more uplifting proposition of stately A-ha styled synth-pop. [Feb 2010, p. 112]
  5. Uncut
    "Once I Was Pretty" and "The Disappearance Of My Youth" only confirm they know their territory and stick to it. [Feb 2010, p.93]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 1 out of 5
  1. Jul 16, 2018
    The Mary Onettes -Islands has very warm songs written from the heart. Every song is dripping with emotional imagery of someone growing up andThe Mary Onettes -Islands has very warm songs written from the heart. Every song is dripping with emotional imagery of someone growing up and growing old. The strings could possibly use some variety of sounds, but are still hauntingly beautiful to listen to. The opener "Puzzles" is the lead single and a good intro for what is to come on the album. "Symmetry" is the song that drew me in and still my fav. The album closes with Bricks- a filled with acoustic guitar beauty and such a moving song. from this group I've had this It should have been released as a single. I've had this for over 8 years now and I never grow tired of it. If you assume that this is simply a retro 80s group think again. Full Review »