• Record Label: Big Hit
  • Release Date: Jul 15, 2022
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  1. Jul 19, 2022
    It's a good album, the concept, the beats, the lyrics, everything is great. The only bad thing is that it is a very short album, one is left wanting to hear more. my favorite song is definitely Equal sign
  2. Jul 20, 2022
    Love the album and the new darker concept. I wish it was longer than like 20 minutes.
  3. Sep 20, 2022
    Never seen this side of jhope before little surprised but he killed it ,, his jard work is shown so much
  4. May 27, 2023
    Es un álbum diferente a lo que JHOPE nos venía mostrando, transmite buena energía y como siempre sus letras no son vacías siempre dando un mensaje. Mi favorita fue Equal sign
  5. Apr 18, 2023
    Loved how he reinvented himself, got out of what the public expected of him and did all this so beautifully! Great album!
  6. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The music in this album shows a darker side to Hope's normally sunny personality. I really enjoyed seeing this new side. Expand
  7. Apr 17, 2023
    I really love the album. The concept, the theme, the lyrics, the message, everything was arranged efficiently. The hard work truly paud off. Enjoyed it!
  8. Apr 17, 2023
    A pesar de que jhope muestra ser una persona de paz y un carácter apasionado y brillante, su música muestra otra faceta direferente pero igual de increíble, y eso lo demuestra con sus letras en este álbum narra su travesía que vivió estos años y sus deseos como cantante, si duda un gran album
  9. Apr 17, 2023
    This album walks away from Hope World, jhope’s previous mixtape & shows a darker side. Grittier 90’s style beats mixed in with rock guitar riffs, the album reveals a jhope fans haven’t seen. Different here isn’t a bad thing - it’s a revelation of the growth & confidence of the artist. There are still uplifting moments: (=) Equal Sign & the closing song “Future” let us know he’s stillThis album walks away from Hope World, jhope’s previous mixtape & shows a darker side. Grittier 90’s style beats mixed in with rock guitar riffs, the album reveals a jhope fans haven’t seen. Different here isn’t a bad thing - it’s a revelation of the growth & confidence of the artist. There are still uplifting moments: (=) Equal Sign & the closing song “Future” let us know he’s still jhope. This is an excellent album that shows a superstar stepping away from what we thought he was to show us another side. Expand
  10. Apr 17, 2023
    refreshing. i discovered another side of one of my favourite artists and, alongside, another side of my ability to enjoy music profoundly.
  11. Apr 17, 2023
    This whole album gives great singles but also builds a whole story that will only be appreciated while listening top to bottom. The story telling is truly unmatched, paired with great production and exquisite ad-libs. Even more amazing is the fact that J-hope performs this all at lollapalooza flawlessly. A breathtaking body of work from an amazing singer, rapper and performer.
  12. May 27, 2023
    This album has very good songs, if you listen to "equal sign =l" and "future" they are songs that convey a positive message of respect
  13. May 28, 2023
    The only problem I have with this album is that it's too short
  14. Apr 18, 2023
    This album is good. It showcases a part of Hoseok that we hadn't seen before musically speaking, the lyrics aren't really different from previous works, people talk about a darker side in this album but if you were really paying attention to Hope World or his verses in BTS songs you would probably know he hasn't really stray far away from previous works.
    It feels a little too short of an
    This album is good. It showcases a part of Hoseok that we hadn't seen before musically speaking, the lyrics aren't really different from previous works, people talk about a darker side in this album but if you were really paying attention to Hope World or his verses in BTS songs you would probably know he hasn't really stray far away from previous works.
    It feels a little too short of an album though, it has 10 songs but a runtime of 21 minutes which is a bit eh, I'm personally not a fan of instrumental interludes but I must admit the album does flow nicely when listened top to bottom.

    STOP, Pandora's Box and What If sound kinda similar and it's easy to get confused them by name whenever they start, especially Pandora's Box and What if that speak of similar topics. Future is the typical j-hope song you would expect to hear from him and it does close the album nicely.

    The most outstanding songs are MORE, Arson, Equal Sign and Safety Zone.
    MORE has to be the surprise of the album and is the farthest he strays from his known sound, in my opinion MORE should've been the title track.
    I personally love the vocals in Equal Sign as is not everyday you get to hear Hoseok singing, it's too short though.

    Short but cements Hoseok as a capable solo artist.
  15. Jul 15, 2022
    The album is so good BTS is a kpop boy band my favorite song More kinda like a rock song but it’s good and this album so dark in my opinion.
  16. Apr 16, 2023
    such a fun time! I feel like jhope definitely accomplished what he was going for with this album. a solid piece of art from start to finish
  17. Apr 17, 2023
    Loved the artist's experimentation through out this album. A personal favorite and the one track that stood out the most was Safety Zone, the background vocals, the instrumentation and the main singer all made it a complete song with no flaws.
  18. Jul 22, 2022
    I don't understand why this album doesn't seem to be charting on Apple Music's South Korean Daily Top 100. On the Wikipedia article for this LP -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_in_the_Box_(album) -- the only chart statistics provided are:
    Japanese Digital Albums (Oricon) 1
    Japanese Hot Albums (Billboard Japan) 11 Why is it only charting in Japan? There must be some reason,
    I don't understand why this album doesn't seem to be charting on Apple Music's South Korean Daily Top 100. On the Wikipedia article for this LP -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_in_the_Box_(album) -- the only chart statistics provided are:
    Japanese Digital Albums (Oricon) 1
    Japanese Hot Albums (Billboard Japan) 11
    Why is it only charting in Japan? There must be some reason, as there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the album itself. Admittedly, I have only listened to the lead single, "More", and as a music video. I probably wouldn't be interested in listening to this song if it was only in audio, which also explains why I haven't bothered to listen to the rest of the album. But I do like both the sound of "More" and the music video, and am happy for it to be part of my Recently Added Smart Playlist on my Apple Music, that being the main playlist that I listen to.
  19. Jul 16, 2022
    I first heard MORE, the pre-released single from this album by J-hope. I didn't really liked it at first listen maybe because of the genre. It's hiphop + rock but after a few more listens, watching the really amazing music video and reading the lyrics, the song just grew on me. I do believe this song is better when performed live. When the album dropped, i listened to it from top toI first heard MORE, the pre-released single from this album by J-hope. I didn't really liked it at first listen maybe because of the genre. It's hiphop + rock but after a few more listens, watching the really amazing music video and reading the lyrics, the song just grew on me. I do believe this song is better when performed live. When the album dropped, i listened to it from top to bottom. It was a wild experience! I love how this album is arranged. It has it's own story line and concept. Some songs may not be my cup of tea just like MORE but the songs' lyrics are great. I appreciate the lyrics and J-hope's message that he wants to convey. This album is great! I think hiphop fans would enjoy this. My favorite tracks are EQUAL SIGN, FUTURE AND SAFETY ZONE. You should check those songs out.

    Jack In The Box is really different from J-hope's first mixtape Hope World. He showed a different side of himself thru this album. I appreciate how he chose to go for this genre and concept even tho it's not something easy and cannot guarantee commercial success. But J-hope is a member of BTS and they are known for taking their music and art seriously. They will do whatever they want and stay true to themselves. They will release the music they want, they're innovative, experimental and not afraid to try new things. I truly admire them. I've seen how they grew as artists and as a person. They're great role models. This album might not be my most favorite album in the world but this is an amazing album full of amazing music. Everyone should check this out. Thank you for the music J-hope!
  20. Apr 17, 2023
    My inspiration, my every day life … I didn’t know an album could still change me after all this year and Jack In the Box did… , I got this shock last times 20 years ago, and I forget that music could sound so good again. Thank you for this masterpiece, thank you for such deep and profound lyrics, listening to all songs I got goosebumps, I got hope, mostly I got happiness. Album of 2022,My inspiration, my every day life … I didn’t know an album could still change me after all this year and Jack In the Box did… , I got this shock last times 20 years ago, and I forget that music could sound so good again. Thank you for this masterpiece, thank you for such deep and profound lyrics, listening to all songs I got goosebumps, I got hope, mostly I got happiness. Album of 2022, and until now album of the decade. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. 80
    Whether the music on Jack in the Box suits your taste or not, it’s hard to dismiss this album as an artistic statement rather than just chapter 1/7 of BTS proving they can also make money in ways beyond official group releases.
  2. Jul 22, 2022
    The artist born Jung Ho-seok delivers emotional depth and irresistible energy. Backed by rowdy production, his aggression, raspy delivery, and tongue-twisting bars take center stage, showcasing the rap-focused perspective that he brings to the BTS formula.
  3. Jul 15, 2022
    There’s an excellent three track run from “What if…,” an energetic song that samples Ol’ Dirty Bastard’s “Shimmy Shimmy Ya,” into mid-tempo standout “Safety Zone” before a touch of Hope World familiarity returns in the optimistic “Future.”