• Record Label: Big Hit
  • Release Date: Jul 15, 2022
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  1. Apr 15, 2023
    Jack in the box es un álbum muy variado, el artista expresa su historia a su manera mostrando otra faceta suya y que quiere mostrarle a sus fans.
  2. Apr 15, 2023
    Jack in the box is really good album We can see a new side of jhope from this It's just Great
  3. Apr 15, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is an excellent album, packed full of musical creativity. Album of 2022 Expand
  4. Apr 17, 2023
    This album showed the other side of the artist (j-hope). He is not afraid to try new genre and innovates himself. I hope people will discover his work and appreciate his music.
  5. Apr 15, 2023
    Hands Down, the best album of 2022!!! j-hope is a genius! Cohesive in sound and story. While seemingly dark, and tackling issues that plague j-hope, the album is a brilliant masterpiece that is also full of energy, hope, and love
  6. Apr 15, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I super love JITB album. Especially MORE and WHAT IF. It makes me feel hyper and happier. Expand
  7. Apr 15, 2023
    First debut album by j-hope!
    All tracks on Jack in the box is sooo coolll, you can find 'alter ego' by j-hope in this album
    'future and safety zone' is my favorite from the all favorites!
  8. Apr 15, 2023
    Jack in the Box is the best album that the singing artist j-hope ah been able to create the way he arranged the songs the rhythm and lyrics of each of his songs are wonderful, I love this album too.
  9. Apr 15, 2023
    Realmente me fascinó el álbum porque hay muchos sonidos nuevos, desde la creación de Arson y More, hasta Stop y el más calmado Music Box. Lo recomendaría ya que es muy singular y eso me gusta mucho. Felicidades al artista que he escuchado trabajo mucho para lograrlo y en serio lo logró
  10. Apr 15, 2023
    I will like to say this is the best album or the century...thank you very much
  11. Apr 15, 2023
    This album is a masterpiece..i think this is my first album where I listened each song from the album and completed without taking a break..i really like the concept of overall album and how he arranged songs according to the story he is telling..from lyrics to sound, everything is so good. From Pandora's box to arson, everything is brilliant. From writing the lyrics stating his ownThis album is a masterpiece..i think this is my first album where I listened each song from the album and completed without taking a break..i really like the concept of overall album and how he arranged songs according to the story he is telling..from lyrics to sound, everything is so good. From Pandora's box to arson, everything is brilliant. From writing the lyrics stating his own experiences and about society, he included everything but in a good way. When you listen to arson, you can hear some underlying sounds which are really brilliant because it represents the meaning of the song. This whole album is a different vibe..i loved it Expand
  12. Apr 15, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es una obra de arte. La oscuridad que tiene es tan humana, que cualquier persona se puede identificar como “y si no tengo sueños? Y si no tengo pasión?” Expand
  13. Apr 15, 2023
    El mensaje en las canciones, la variedad de estilos y la estética tan representativa vuelven a este álbum algo muy especial.
  14. Apr 15, 2023
    It is the best Album from 2022 i can listen to this Masterpiece evereyday !!!!!!
  15. Apr 15, 2023
    The best album EVER, j-hope from BTS killed it, he's an amazing artist and singer
  16. Apr 15, 2023
    Jack in The Box is an excellent album that invites you to know the inner perspective of the artist, just enjoy it!!
  17. Apr 15, 2023
    El mejor álbum de la historia, gracias j-hope por tu arduo trabajo y esfuerzo, nunca me cansaré de escuchar tremendo álbum. Arson mi canción.
  18. Apr 16, 2023
    i love this album so much, 90s rap, rock and lots of talent. I fell in love with him at lollapalooza! It's amazing how these songs sound live.
  19. Apr 16, 2023
    Jack in the box es, en mi opinion, el mejor trabajo de esta era en solitario para j-hope. Es un álbum cohesivo, donde es notable que cada canción está colocada en un orden por una razón. Cada canción tiene un sabor único y sus letras me invitan a reflexiones interesantes sobre la vida actual, las metas y obstáculos que encontramos en el caminar diario, las expectativas y pasión por lo queJack in the box es, en mi opinion, el mejor trabajo de esta era en solitario para j-hope. Es un álbum cohesivo, donde es notable que cada canción está colocada en un orden por una razón. Cada canción tiene un sabor único y sus letras me invitan a reflexiones interesantes sobre la vida actual, las metas y obstáculos que encontramos en el caminar diario, las expectativas y pasión por lo que uno ama. Me enorgullece como fan ver el crecimiento de j-hope como artista y creo que este álbum es una perfecta carta de presentación sobre lo camaleónico y talentoso que es. Expand
  20. Apr 15, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of my top albums ever. “Future” is underrated BTW. JHope did an amazing job with this album. Expand
  21. Apr 15, 2023
    Es un álbum muy completo, ame todo el proceso me encanta tanto, lo escucho todo los días!
  22. Apr 15, 2023
    Excelente mezcla músical, un gran músico en potencia, rompiendo paradigmas de ser un Idol del K-Pop de la banda mundialmente reconocida 'BTS' , un género completamente distinto a lo ya conocido de J-hope, vale mucho la pena escucharlo. Gran joya músical!!
  23. Apr 15, 2023
    Superb rap album. Clever fusion of old school boom bap and modern rock with j-hope’s meaningful lyrics the icing on a delicious musical cake.
  24. Apr 15, 2023
    j-hope is an amazing album with thoughtful meaning, Equal Sing as What If are song that will make you re-think your behavior, and Future as a warm and heartwarming song, I hope everyone could listen to this album and learn more about themselves as much as to learn about j-hope's artistry
  25. Apr 15, 2023
    El álbum contiene canciones increíbles, nunca escuché algo igual, por eso lo recomiendo al público porque hay sentimiento en cada pista musical, j-hope trabaja al detalle y es minucioso, logró un espectacular álbum, para mí uno de los mejores que he escuchado. Lo felicito.
  26. Apr 15, 2023
    Es un álbum que amo belleza, y no dejaré de escucharlo gracias j-hope por tanto talento
  27. Apr 15, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jack in the box esta en coreano! y aun así esta en mi playlist y en mi día a día! Supera todas mis ESPECTATIVAS a pesar de la barrera del idioma, mi canción favorita es what if!! El álbum es muy esperanzador, muy honesto, la producción es maravillosa, el video musical de 'more' y 'arson' es fantástico, y lo que más me conmovió fue su presentación en el lollapalooza Expand
  28. Apr 15, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jack In The Box es un verdadero arte, posee un estilo diferente que amamos!! Expand
  29. Apr 16, 2023
    This album showed how great j-hope is! The order of the songs are well thought of. The lyrics are very relevant. My faves are Equal Sign, Future and Pandora's box. Two thumbs up for j-hope! Can't wait for the world tour with these songs...

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. 80
    Whether the music on Jack in the Box suits your taste or not, it’s hard to dismiss this album as an artistic statement rather than just chapter 1/7 of BTS proving they can also make money in ways beyond official group releases.
  2. Jul 22, 2022
    The artist born Jung Ho-seok delivers emotional depth and irresistible energy. Backed by rowdy production, his aggression, raspy delivery, and tongue-twisting bars take center stage, showcasing the rap-focused perspective that he brings to the BTS formula.
  3. Jul 15, 2022
    There’s an excellent three track run from “What if…,” an energetic song that samples Ol’ Dirty Bastard’s “Shimmy Shimmy Ya,” into mid-tempo standout “Safety Zone” before a touch of Hope World familiarity returns in the optimistic “Future.”