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  1. Oct 21, 2016
    Somehow, she just keeps getting better. Bloodpop does a wonderful job of making some of the more retro-sounding songs sounds modern, and Gaga's vocals are more powerful than ever. This album is going to be on repeat for quite awhile.
  2. Oct 21, 2016
    This is a fantastic album. All the songs could make you sad, could make you happy, could make you dance...could make you feel. And this is what good music is supposed to do!
  3. Oct 25, 2016
    I love Joanne because it explores more than one genre of music, her voice sounds extremely good, vocals and background vocals are simply unique and beautiful.
  4. Jan 24, 2020
    No entiendo porque a la mayoría de los fans no les gusto mucho este álbum, para mi este álbum es espectacular y merecia más exito :(
  5. Mar 27, 2020
    A very changed Gaga! And I personally admire that. This subtle side of her is really good, and I really wished that she just stayed in this version.
  6. Oct 21, 2016
    'Joanne' is her best album by far. Simply like that. Stripping the popstar persona, Lady Gaga delivers her most rich album. Yes. Less can be more. Some fans may not enjoy. I'm an old fan and this is the album I was waiting for, from this artist, because I've always seen in her, something genuine and refined. Sorry Madonna, craving the throne of "queen of pop', never seemed so...reductive.
  7. Oct 22, 2016
    I'm thankful for this album. I've been always begging for some kind of acoustic album and this is the first time she gave us something like that. Angel Down is such a timeless song, amazing. Dancin' in Circles and Diamond Heart are the highlights of a record that will change the norms for pop music.
  8. Oct 22, 2016
    It feels raw, real and above all genuine, which is a rarity to see among pop stars as big as Lady Gaga. The blend of rock, pop, folk and country works stunning on Mark Ronson/BloodPop-led production, which is nothing less than brilliant, just like the lyrics that are both more relatable and more substantial than any of her previous work. I think if she had released something similar to herIt feels raw, real and above all genuine, which is a rarity to see among pop stars as big as Lady Gaga. The blend of rock, pop, folk and country works stunning on Mark Ronson/BloodPop-led production, which is nothing less than brilliant, just like the lyrics that are both more relatable and more substantial than any of her previous work. I think if she had released something similar to her previous work, it would have been lost in the sea of current top-40 music that's heavily dance-oriented. It's different in a good way. If you're looking for something traditionally Gaga, this isn't it. But I think that's why I like Joanne so much. It's raw and honest. Expand
  9. Oct 21, 2016
    Surpreendentemente diferente do que se espera de Lady Gaga, com músicas na vibe dos anos 60/70 e influência country. as incriveis faixas são Jonh Wayne, Angel Down e Come To Mama.

    AYO, Dancin' In Circles, Diamond Heart e Grigio girl minhas favoritas.
  10. Oct 21, 2016
    I love this album so much!!! I love lady gaga too!!!!The best!!! All the songs are so beautiful and you can feel the emotion in the songs!!
  11. Oct 21, 2016
    One of the most amazing Gaga's album, it shows that Gaga is an incredible musician and can sing not only pop or jazz, but everything. It's a completely different Gaga, she is completely different from her other albuns.
  12. Oct 22, 2016
    The best album of 2016, her voice is amazing, she doing a very good job with Mark Ronson and Bloodpop. WE LOVE THIS ALBUM AND WE LOVE YOU GAGA!!!!!!!!
  13. Oct 21, 2016
    When it comes about great pop records Lady Gaga knows how to do it. "Joanne" shows it in a incredble way, it is easy to realize that she is the real deal, a real and passionate musician who take risks to make her visions appear through her work.

    Good job Lady Gaga!
  14. Oct 21, 2016
    Her best album so far. Diamond Heart is the best song to open the album. You can feel the energy from the beat. My favorite is Come to Mama! Slay Gaga slay!
  15. Oct 24, 2016
    I would have never expected the album to be this good and I am a fan. From start to finish. From the Bon Jovi like Diamond Heart to Angel Down. Solid. Highlights would be A-yo, Diamond Heart, Joanne, Hey Girl, John Wayne, Sinner's prayer and Angel Down. That was almost the whole album, wasn't it ? The vocals are unbelievable and the melodies are beautiful. Very pleased with thisI would have never expected the album to be this good and I am a fan. From start to finish. From the Bon Jovi like Diamond Heart to Angel Down. Solid. Highlights would be A-yo, Diamond Heart, Joanne, Hey Girl, John Wayne, Sinner's prayer and Angel Down. That was almost the whole album, wasn't it ? The vocals are unbelievable and the melodies are beautiful. Very pleased with this masterpiece ! Expand
  16. Oct 22, 2016
    Write an album can be dangerous to big artists like Lady Gaga, however it is true that she can handle it in a incredible way. Joanne is such a great material coming from someone who is a risk taker since 2008, the way Gaga brings a lot of soul and love through the record it is fantastic. There are a lot of pain too, you can feel it in her voice and that is what make listening to this albumWrite an album can be dangerous to big artists like Lady Gaga, however it is true that she can handle it in a incredible way. Joanne is such a great material coming from someone who is a risk taker since 2008, the way Gaga brings a lot of soul and love through the record it is fantastic. There are a lot of pain too, you can feel it in her voice and that is what make listening to this album a great experience.

    Joanne it is one of the greatest album of 2016 for sure, she did it again and this time she is deeper, bigger and greater than before!
  17. MPB
    Oct 21, 2016
    Gaga's fifth commercial solo effort titled 'Joanne' may be her most personal, most authentic and most inspiring yet. With help from A-list musicians such as Mark Ronson, Kevin Parker, BloodPop, Father John MIsty, Beck and Florence Welch, Gaga was able to create an unsual record for a radio pop star, with songs full of heart and soul. Highlights of the album include the opening trackGaga's fifth commercial solo effort titled 'Joanne' may be her most personal, most authentic and most inspiring yet. With help from A-list musicians such as Mark Ronson, Kevin Parker, BloodPop, Father John MIsty, Beck and Florence Welch, Gaga was able to create an unsual record for a radio pop star, with songs full of heart and soul. Highlights of the album include the opening track 'Diamond Heart,' which teases Gaga's personal life from years ago over the heaviest isntrumental in her career. The chorus is rock'n'roll heaven while never losing the catchiness of a typical Gaga hook. Another high point from the album is the title track, which serves not overly emotional lyrics about Gaga's aunt who passed year ago. The simple folky instrumental is accompanied with Gaga's strong vocals and the chorus while being very simple is one of the best on the album. Another songs worth mentioning are the country-inspired 'Sinner's Prayer' and 'Grigio Girls,' which definitely belong to 'The Best' part of Gaga's discography. Overall 'Joanne' is probably Gaga's best record to date (maybe behind the pop masterpiece The Fame Monster) and everyone, not just Gaga's fanbase, shoud give it a listen. Expand
  18. Oct 21, 2016
    A really beautiful album full of songs with depth and meaning. Gaga is more mature now and it shows through the excellent writing on Joanne. Produced by Mark Ronson, Bloodpop and a handful of others, the album is extremely well made and cements Lady Gaga as a force to be reckoned with.
  19. Oct 21, 2016
    Omg, 3 years waiting for Gaga. I love her so much, omG... I missed her! I love all her albuns and Joanne is so so cute! All songs are amazing! Thank you so much Gaga, always by your side, queen!
  20. Oct 21, 2016
    This is an album where Lady Gaga leaves the comfort of your music and risks reinvent itself and achieve a new challenge, Good News, it was worth it, this certainly is the best album so far this year. 100 points for this.
  21. Oct 21, 2016
    I love this album, powerful and very beautiful. Thank You Gaga for Joanne. Amazing, every song is different. My favourites: Dancin' In Circles, Hey Girl and Angel Down
  22. Oct 21, 2016
    A normatização de Lady Gaga soa-nos como um atrevimento retrógrado, de fato, mas ouvindo o álbum, onde ela tenta firmar raízes de um típico americano hétero e branco, a gente se depara com a convidativa "Come to Mama". Dentre outras coisas, a canção intimida o ouvinte a amar o seu próximo e suplica para pararmos de atirar pedras uns nos outro - talvez, e só talvez, uma referência ao ataqueA normatização de Lady Gaga soa-nos como um atrevimento retrógrado, de fato, mas ouvindo o álbum, onde ela tenta firmar raízes de um típico americano hétero e branco, a gente se depara com a convidativa "Come to Mama". Dentre outras coisas, a canção intimida o ouvinte a amar o seu próximo e suplica para pararmos de atirar pedras uns nos outro - talvez, e só talvez, uma referência ao ataque de Orlando. Penso que Joanne reflete o intenso Born This Way, onde Gaga coloca-se como um monstro materno que abraça seus estranhos e rejeitados filhos. Talvez agora ela tente ser uma mãe comum e ensinar novos filhos, que não puderam/conseguiram entender sua mensagem em BTW, a aceitar o jeito torto, porém legítimo, de cada um ser. Expand
  23. Oct 21, 2016
    Joanne is Lady Gaga's album. Period. After eight years in the music industry she has finally released what is her best album yet, the album she was meant to release. Her voice is the most notorious feature on this masterpiece. Gaga in all her glory.
  24. Oct 21, 2016
    Her most beautiful album to date. It's worth waiting for 3 years. Its diversity is also very fascinating. Some killer pop songs, amazing ballads, chill country songs...they all make this album complete and honest. This is the true Stefani we all love.
  25. Oct 21, 2016
    Another great and consistent record by Lady Gaga. After the underrated EDM-pop heaven ARTPOP, Gaga took a break to reinvent her sound once again and came out with one of the most interesting pop albums of the year. Every song on this album has its own soul in a way and none feels like a filler. Highlights include John Wayne, Million Reasons and the Florence Welch duet Hey Girl.
  26. Oct 21, 2016
    Joanne is the most personal and the most impressive Gaga's album, she's envolving to something much more iconic with that album. I'd say that each songs are so good that you want to have more. My favorite are Hey Girl Grigio Girl Angel Down Diamond Heart and AYO but I really love them all. AYO GIRL!
  27. Oct 21, 2016
    It's an absolute blast! This is what other artists should be concentrated on! Writing real music not just for the charts and the radios. I'm not saying this to defend her not so far "successful" start with Joanne, I'm saying it for real - She is an artist who wants to be radical and give the people the maximum she can give. That's why she is changing genres. This particular album is aIt's an absolute blast! This is what other artists should be concentrated on! Writing real music not just for the charts and the radios. I'm not saying this to defend her not so far "successful" start with Joanne, I'm saying it for real - She is an artist who wants to be radical and give the people the maximum she can give. That's why she is changing genres. This particular album is a compilation of heart-aching ballads and adrenaline-rushing anthems! Her vocals are raw and real, not processed, the instruments is real - everything is real. You can really hear a whole story about an artist who is explicitly sharing it with you!
    In my opinion this album together with Cheek to Cheek is where we actually see and hear the real Gaga - Stefani JOANNE Germanotta. I give a great big shout-out to Lady Gaga for this bold step she made!
  28. Oct 22, 2016
    Best album of 2016 so far Gaga makes an amazing pop-country gospel album good stuff, different to the typical electro-pop we have seen from her but the album is a masterpiece in every aspect, raw vocals & instruments like those old 80's and 90's albums no autotune talent at its best.
  29. Oct 21, 2016
    Its a great album!! Gaga is fantastic artist! It is really very sad album. I love all the songs.It is one of the best releases of this year. I think this album wont be like everyone, but it is masterpiece!!!
  30. Oct 22, 2016
    This is an album to listen over and over again, good music, good vibes played by a true artist. The lyrics is something that you really have to go through as it will touch you deep inside.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Q Magazine
    Nov 15, 2016
    Flawed though it is, this brave and canny album hits the reset button and buys her a future. [Jan 2017, p.105]
  2. Nov 11, 2016
    Unfortunately, therein lies the biggest problem with Joanne: for every time that Gaga seemingly breaks free of her shackles and embraces something more “real,” she quickly scuttles back into her comfort zone and hides behind glistening production. This probably isn’t quite the sound of the real Stefani Germanotta, but if you squint hard enough there’s a semblance of a real person in amongst the pop haze.
  3. Nov 9, 2016
    Joanne is certainly not the all-conquering opus it was intended to be and will prove divisive, but it remains a daring and exciting record, delivered from one of modern pop’s most unique and singular voices.