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  1. Dec 1, 2018
    With 2 CDs and 2 Hours or so of music, this is a fabulous Joe Strummer collection. Comprehensive post Clash retrospective but maintains high quality levels throughout. Strummer covered an incredibly wide range of music styles throughout his career and the best of this work is showcased here. This is a must for fans of The Clash. "The Cool Impossible", "Trash City", "Coma Girl" and "LondonWith 2 CDs and 2 Hours or so of music, this is a fabulous Joe Strummer collection. Comprehensive post Clash retrospective but maintains high quality levels throughout. Strummer covered an incredibly wide range of music styles throughout his career and the best of this work is showcased here. This is a must for fans of The Clash. "The Cool Impossible", "Trash City", "Coma Girl" and "London Is Burning" are mandatory listening. A collection that does the the great man justice. Collapse
  2. Oct 1, 2018
    This album released after his death is filled with incredible songs and paints a picture that is truly beautiful.

Universal acclaim - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Dec 6, 2018
    Sample and/or revisit the blitzkrieg roots rock of his first band, the 101'ers; the world music fusion of his final band, the Mescaleros; the Johnny Cash duet of Bob Marley's "Redemption Song," one of Strummer's final recordings; and some of the blues and country pastiches pseudonymously written for Alex Cox's Sid and Nancy soundtrack. Most interesting is the unreleased track "London Is Burning," a Mescaleros attempt at chronicling a UK--through pronounced Clashness--that eerily resembles 2018 America.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Nov 13, 2018
    On its own merits, 001 disrupts the notion that Strummer lost his way after The Clash, without wholly overturning it, but there's nothing remotely grubby here. [Oct 2018, p.97]
  3. Oct 9, 2018
    001 is a carefully thought out compendium of the work of a fascinating artist who defied being shoehorned into one genre. I defy anyone to like every note of music over these 32 tracks, but there's plenty to enjoy. It's a respectful tribute to a much-missed musician who left us way too early.