• Record Label: 19/Jive
  • Release Date: Dec 1, 2009
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 42
  2. Negative: 11 out of 42

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  1. IthielZ
    Dec 2, 2009
    Wonderful album.
  2. JeremyB
    Dec 2, 2009
    I can't believe the reviewers are giving her less than perfect reviews. Because her album really is perfect! I love it! The best idol debut ever!
  3. LizR
    Dec 6, 2009
    This album rocks! True raw talent.
  4. LoriR
    Dec 1, 2009
    This album simply ROCKS. Best debut from a new artist. Love "Trouble Is", "D is For Dangerous", "Still Breathing" and "You Don't Know Me".
  5. LaurenW
    Dec 1, 2009
    Great debut album from Allison! There are many great songs to enjoy with my favorites being "Don't Waste the Pretty" and "Scars." Allison's interpretation and emotional connection is evident in each song. This only makes her album all the better.
  6. billd
    Dec 2, 2009
    Rare talent showcased to near perfection. 11 out of 13 songs 100% winners.
  7. RJ
    Dec 3, 2009
    It's one of the best rock album i've ever heard in this year. it also contains some weak songs like: "Robot Love" and "D is For Dangerous", but i really like it. one of the best performance of this album is "Holiday" that she covered from Dilana. she performed it better than her. this album sounds kinda 80's Rock and Pop Rock Album.
  8. D.W
    Dec 1, 2009
    Allison Iraheta (17) placed fourth in last season's American Idol. Jive Records immediately signed her and this CD shows why they were so ready to do so. Musically it spans a range from pop to rock, upbeat to ballad. Her edgy voice shines through on every song and is filled with emotion showing Allison feels both the music and lyrics she is singing. Written and produced by some of Allison Iraheta (17) placed fourth in last season's American Idol. Jive Records immediately signed her and this CD shows why they were so ready to do so. Musically it spans a range from pop to rock, upbeat to ballad. Her edgy voice shines through on every song and is filled with emotion showing Allison feels both the music and lyrics she is singing. Written and produced by some of the major names in today's music industry (Allison even has a co-write on one song) this CD is a show piece of creativity. Keep an eye on this girl. She has a huge career ahead of her. Expand
  9. OwenP
    Dec 1, 2009
    Some very good pop/rock tracks and excellent ballads; a strong debut album from a talented singer.
  10. MikeM
    Dec 2, 2009
    I really love this cd, its the first post idol cd I have brought since Fantasia. The only song that kind of sucks is robot love. Don't Waste The Pretty, Beat Me Up, Just Like You, Im Still Breathing, Scars, Holiday, and Pieces all have potential to be hit singles. The label clearly chose the wrong song as the first single, not that FIBOU is a bad song, it just doesn't represent I really love this cd, its the first post idol cd I have brought since Fantasia. The only song that kind of sucks is robot love. Don't Waste The Pretty, Beat Me Up, Just Like You, Im Still Breathing, Scars, Holiday, and Pieces all have potential to be hit singles. The label clearly chose the wrong song as the first single, not that FIBOU is a bad song, it just doesn't represent the album well and seems like it and robot love were thrown on there to make it more marketable to younger audience. Allison voice is terrific she doesn't need to be doing stuff like that let her do that stuff that shines in. Im very pleased with this and I know this is going way out on the limb here but I would not be suprised to see her become the second idol alum nominated in the best new artist at the grammy's come this time next year. Expand
  11. Beau
    Dec 1, 2009
    Best Idol debut disc to date! From all eight seasons.
  12. MarkB
    Dec 2, 2009
    I'm disregarding a couple of the overproduced songs. The songs that allow her to really sing are exceptional. To bad they couldn't get Howard Benson to produce the whole album.
  13. DanielB.
    Dec 2, 2009
    The best new-Idol album of all three (Adam, Kris and Allison) It's one part Joan Jett, one part Pink, one part Sheryl Crow, and all parts awesome. The first single "Friday I'll be Over U" is not the greatest choice for a single, but it's still decent. Songs like the title track, "Don't waste the pretty" and "Scars" are all great. There's barely any filler except The best new-Idol album of all three (Adam, Kris and Allison) It's one part Joan Jett, one part Pink, one part Sheryl Crow, and all parts awesome. The first single "Friday I'll be Over U" is not the greatest choice for a single, but it's still decent. Songs like the title track, "Don't waste the pretty" and "Scars" are all great. There's barely any filler except the forgettable "No one else" and the melodramatic "still breathing". But that said, they're still listenable and it's an album you can easily listen the whole way through. Wish I could say that about Kris' and especially Adam's. The last 2 songs on here are mind blowingly good "Beat me Up" and "you don't know me" Check em out Kris Allen: 77 Adam Lambert: 71 Allison Iraheta: 83. Expand
  14. AndrewG
    Dec 3, 2009
    Easily the best album of this season's Idols, and pretty decent in its own right.
  15. Apr 11, 2013
    amazing debut from Idol alum Allison Iraheta. It has some songs on the weaker side like "Robot Love" and "D Is For Dangerous" but overall it has a good level of quality, and her vocals are just pop rock at its purest. "Friday Ill Be Over You" Might be my favorite debut single from any former Idol contestant.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Allison may strongly resemble her idols here, but chalk that up to youth and it doesn’t prevent her from conveying considerable charisma.
  2. The boys got most of the attention on “American Idol’’ last season, but fourth-place finisher Allison Iraheta has the last laugh with the most consistent debut album thus far.
  3. The muscular, instantly recognizable growl that carried her to a fourth-place finish on American Idol's eighth season is all she needs to seamlessly wed a collection of first-rate ditties.