• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Sep 7, 2010
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 31 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 31
  2. Negative: 4 out of 31
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  1. Jul 7, 2021
    Get Over You alone deserves a 10, Sara is an amazing singer and songwriter. This album takes you to another world, really, listening to it makes you feel like dancing along with fairies in Neverland or walking through a magic forest. I love this album and I love Sara as an artist, just incredible (and underrated).
  2. Dec 11, 2010
    I love Sara. This album is good. I love the sound to her songs on this album. Very good song writing. very good folk-pop album. One of my favorite album of the year. Her last album was also good. If you love this album you will like her other album. I think ever body should listen to her.
  3. Sep 15, 2010
    There are very few albums that I can listen to from beginning to end and enjoy every song. Little Voice was one such album, so I had high hopes for Kaleidoscope Heart. Sara did not disappoint! The album begins with a one minute acapella snippet that serves as a tribute to the album's namesake. It's haunting and beautiful and perfectly shows Sara's gift for intricate yet subtle harmony.There are very few albums that I can listen to from beginning to end and enjoy every song. Little Voice was one such album, so I had high hopes for Kaleidoscope Heart. Sara did not disappoint! The album begins with a one minute acapella snippet that serves as a tribute to the album's namesake. It's haunting and beautiful and perfectly shows Sara's gift for intricate yet subtle harmony. There is a smooth transition into the next song, "Uncharted," which I'm calling right now to be her second hit single from this album. "Gonna Get Over You" has a 50's doo wop feel mixed with an upbeat, bouncey beat. "Hold My Heart" begins with a strong piano and blossoms into a powerful ballad fueled by very raw, honest lyrics. "King of Anything" is a throwback to "Love Song" in that it's driven by lyrics that give a big middle finger to drone music execs trying to force Sara into a typical pop mold. As with "Love Song" she succeeds in getting her point across to her label through lyrics that double as ones that can still be easily identified with by scored lovers all while maintaining a catchy hook and feel good music. Very impressive. "Basket Case" has a slight Alanis Morisette feel to it with a background harmonica, simple, straight forward singing, and self exposing lyrics. "Not Alone" has a bluesy, breezy vibe that makes it hard to sit still. Sara sings it with cool confidence, which is understated just enough to keep it from being cocky. The album ends with "Bluebird," a gorgeous, tearjerker that is filled with emotion and beautiful vocals. Overall, Sara once again produces an honest, moving album that seems to effortlessly put the other stereotypical poppy girls who get the majority of airplay in their proper place. Kudos! Collapse
  4. Sep 11, 2010
    I feel seriously stupid giving this album 10/10. I am not the person to give any album a perfect score. But this is the only exception. (Paramore reference, hehehe). ANYWAY, this album is an AMAZING effort. "Kaleidoscope Heart" truly lets Sara's amazing lyricism show. The first single "King of Anything" is getting lots of airplay, and increasing in digital sales. A good follow-up singleI feel seriously stupid giving this album 10/10. I am not the person to give any album a perfect score. But this is the only exception. (Paramore reference, hehehe). ANYWAY, this album is an AMAZING effort. "Kaleidoscope Heart" truly lets Sara's amazing lyricism show. The first single "King of Anything" is getting lots of airplay, and increasing in digital sales. A good follow-up single would be "Uncharted," an uptempo song about having writer's block--it mention's the album title in it, as well.

    -King of Anything
    -Gonna Get Over You
  5. Sep 10, 2010
    While her style may not be of my personal preference, what her music shows is a lively change over the first. While its songs not have too much of a long, "drooly" effect as Gravity, it's a much better mix of so-so to masterclass music. "King of Anything", "Uncharted", and "Let The Rain" are just a few of the good songs you'll find in her sophomore album. A Must-Buy? If you're not allWhile her style may not be of my personal preference, what her music shows is a lively change over the first. While its songs not have too much of a long, "drooly" effect as Gravity, it's a much better mix of so-so to masterclass music. "King of Anything", "Uncharted", and "Let The Rain" are just a few of the good songs you'll find in her sophomore album. A Must-Buy? If you're not all against the culture of pop/chill music, then sure. If you are, well, try dipping your feet before going all-in. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Feb 7, 2011
    This is one mainstream marshmallow with an acidic coating worth a lick.
  2. On Kaleidoscope Heart, sometimes, as in the airless Breathe Again, all that earnest yearning can make you feel like you've been sentenced to life at Lilith Fair.
  3. The singer-songwriter's background in university show choirs serves her well here, as she finds strength in complex vocal arrangements and the sorts of dramatic set-ups that have reminded us, through Fox's popular television show, that the very act of raising our voices can be a hugely liberating act.