• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Apr 30, 2021
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 31 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 31
  2. Negative: 22 out of 31
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  1. Aug 29, 2022
    Probably one of Khaled's least successful albums, although it reached many charts. Few experiments and same collaborations, although new R&B artists such as H.E.R. entered.
  2. May 8, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. DJ Khaled continues to make his mark as a mogul and curator who brings artists together to make collaborations. His level of involvement in the writing and production of the songs is disputable, his most consistent involvement continues to be the adlibs that are made on all the songs where he shouts his name or something else. This collection of songs is certainly imperfect but its not all bad as many are saying. Some of the songs are really good and others needed more work, as far as production and mixing goes. I thought collaborations like WE GOING CRAZY, I DID IT, LET IT GO, THIS IS MY YEAR, BODY IN MOTION & SORRY NOT SORRY were real bops. The Cardi song 'BIG PAPER' has a very simple beat but her bars and delivery are really good. Then there are other songs that i honestly don't even remember. All in all, there are some songs which are real bops and others which are just there not doing much. But people just seem to be exaggerating how bad the album is and thats my opinion.I like what KHALED does, the idea of having various stars come together is brilliant, but he should put more emphasis on consistency. Hopefully DJ KHALED prioritizes quality over star power on his future efforts. Expand
  3. May 25, 2021
    We the worst music!
    In all seriousness, Khaled is just getting big names and throwing them into bad or mediocre projects. There are some gems, but he really needs to do some better song-writing and stop using that annoying meme in every song.

  4. May 6, 2021
    é incrível como alguém consegue reunir tantos nomes fortes da música e ainda sim fazer um projeto ruim, nem tem muito o que explicar, é simplesmente desagradável
  5. May 24, 2021
    This albums just sounds like a pretty bad playlist. It feels like DJ Khaled choose the worst song from these giant names of industry and put them together on an album.
  6. Jul 4, 2021
    please DJ Khaled, next time you want to release an album as awful as this one, don't involve so many amazing artists, they don't deserve to be featured in the worst of the worst
  7. May 5, 2021
    ANOTHER ONE! Please DJ Khaled, I'm begging you don't. The recurring introduction to each song hurts, my mind, body & soul.
  8. May 14, 2021
    Wow, WOW, this is hot garbage. This is everything I don't want a pop/rap/r&b album to be. The first problem I have is that the music is way too loud and over-compressed; it was so loud I had to turn down the volume just so I wouldn't get a headache from it! The second issue I have with this is that the album relies on way too many guest musicians on every song; it's like he uses thoseWow, WOW, this is hot garbage. This is everything I don't want a pop/rap/r&b album to be. The first problem I have is that the music is way too loud and over-compressed; it was so loud I had to turn down the volume just so I wouldn't get a headache from it! The second issue I have with this is that the album relies on way too many guest musicians on every song; it's like he uses those celebrities just so he can remain relevant. This album is so delusional to such a degree; it really makes me wonder how desperate he really is on getting a grammy. The only song I thought was decent is "Just Be," but the rest of the album sounds like a tone-deaf pop and hip-hop orchestra, and DJ Khaled is the conductor. Avoid this album at all costs. Expand
  9. May 5, 2021
    This **** sucks. Big paper worst song of the year. Khaled is not a talented artist and never will be
  10. May 9, 2021
    DJ Khaled hits a new low. Please delete. Nobody wants to hear this anymore at this point.
  11. May 18, 2021
    adding a bunch of big artists won’t make any album better if the songs don’t make sense together, this album sounds like a random spotify playlist with no cohesion or goal at all, “big paper” is honestly one of the worst songs i have even listened, khaled should’ve put a trigger warning on the album cover.
  12. May 5, 2021
    Nothing new here, just trash as usual. This dude really thinks he is making something, 1037294728 collabs ≠ success and much less quality

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Jun 1, 2021
    The protocol for new DJ Khaled albums is as follows: expect nothing, delight in finding a few songs which clear that floor-high bar, tell your friends that Khaled is back, and forget about it for the rest of your life. His most recent effort, Khaled Khaled, falls directly in line with the rest of the world’s most profitable yet forgettable discography.
  2. May 26, 2021
    The customary meeting with dancehall stars, "Where You Come From," closes out the set in fine style, but doesn't prevent the album from contending for Khaled's most disposable project.
  3. May 18, 2021
    He gathers the biggest names in rap, then has them make the same music they’d record on their own anyway. Sometimes staying out of the way works—the album’s first two singles were just Drake solo tracks with Khaled’s name on them. But the returns are never more than the sum of the talent involved.