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Generally favorable reviews- based on 181 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 14 out of 181
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  1. Apr 11, 2018
    Kiss Me Once is a decent album however I was quite disappointed with the high number of album fillers on the album. The best songs on the album are Into the Blue, Million Miles and Sexcercize.
  2. Dec 7, 2016
    It's a pleasure to hear her return to her pop roots. However, for all it's fun and likability, it's also a little messy. It feels like a wasted opportunity. 'X' and 'Aphrodite' were progressive and consistent records, both demanded respect in the electronic field. Kiss Me Once would have been perfect opportunity to release her most powerful dance record to date, instead, we got a classicIt's a pleasure to hear her return to her pop roots. However, for all it's fun and likability, it's also a little messy. It feels like a wasted opportunity. 'X' and 'Aphrodite' were progressive and consistent records, both demanded respect in the electronic field. Kiss Me Once would have been perfect opportunity to release her most powerful dance record to date, instead, we got a classic pop album. Yes it's good, yes it's well sang, yes it's well produced, yes it's packed with personality, but is it Kylie's best album? Sadly not. Expand
  3. Nov 10, 2015
    There is no denying that Kylie Minogue has an elegance in their albums. Even when median , they almost always have a sense , a theme that unites them. However, in " Kiss Me Once " , Kylie seems to have returned will present styles of confusion "X" , but not as cool way this time . "Beautiful" is an obvious filler undoubtedly could have been left out . Some songs are good and sound fresh (There is no denying that Kylie Minogue has an elegance in their albums. Even when median , they almost always have a sense , a theme that unites them. However, in " Kiss Me Once " , Kylie seems to have returned will present styles of confusion "X" , but not as cool way this time . "Beautiful" is an obvious filler undoubtedly could have been left out . Some songs are good and sound fresh ( "Million Miles" , " Feels So Good" , even " Les Sex " ) , but overall the album falters in his own trial . Expand
  4. Mar 23, 2014
    Overall Kiss Me Once is a good attempt for Kylie to again break the American mainstream market, however it is not memorable or creative enough to become a classic.
  5. Mar 18, 2014
    k's is an incredible sex godness who explore new electronic dance music as her career advance... and in kiss me once is not turning back with a post dubstep sounds and relaxing melodies we forget how weak is the lyric.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Mar 25, 2014
    es. A cheesy jam called "Sexercize" and an Enrique Iglesias duet aside, most of the production has a respect-the-goddess quality befitting an icon of her status.
  2. Mar 21, 2014
    It may not be quite up there with fan favourites ‘Fever’ and ‘Light Years’, but proves a lot more memorable than ‘Body Language’ or her previous studio set, 2010’s ‘Aphrodite’, were.
  3. Mar 20, 2014
    A booming, fun pop record that is refreshing by not attempting to be anything other, though that same inessentialism keeps the record from reaching transcendence.