• Record Label: Empire
  • Release Date: Nov 24, 2013
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 79 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 79
  2. Negative: 28 out of 79
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  1. Kmi
    Jan 18, 2021
    "Knock Madness" is overall a much more clean album than Hopsin's previous effort, "Raw." However, the album still suffers from the same fatal flaws as its predecessor. Hopsin's hook game is no better, with him using the same vocal-tuned voice to sing nearly every chorus on the album. His lyrics aren't that impressive, and his preachiness makes him come off as ignorant. Hopsin just states"Knock Madness" is overall a much more clean album than Hopsin's previous effort, "Raw." However, the album still suffers from the same fatal flaws as its predecessor. Hopsin's hook game is no better, with him using the same vocal-tuned voice to sing nearly every chorus on the album. His lyrics aren't that impressive, and his preachiness makes him come off as ignorant. Hopsin just states the obvious. On the bright side, Hopsin knows how to make his lyrics funny and his Eminem influence is one of his best qualities. Don't expect this album to blow you away with anything, but it's an enjoyable enough project to beat his debut. Still in the middle of the road. Expand
  2. Jul 18, 2017
  3. May 23, 2017
    Honestly just don't listen to this album. Hopsin is so corny and he acts really immature and is always angry and blaming his problems on others and acting like all the big problems in the world have simple answers, and he tries too hard too be "woke"
  4. May 2, 2015
    Hopsin is definitely not the underrated intellectual he imagines him self as.

    His hooks are corny as hell and nothing he says is actually INTERESTING. Some of his bars will make you laugh but not in the sense that he actually told a clever joke, it's like saying a joke in a kids movie. The production is decent and Hopsin can actually rhyme. If Hopsin wants to listen to his
    Hopsin is definitely not the underrated intellectual he imagines him self as.

    His hooks are corny as hell and nothing he says is actually INTERESTING. Some of his bars will make you laugh but not in the sense that he actually told a clever joke, it's like saying a joke in a kids movie.

    The production is decent and Hopsin can actually rhyme.

    If Hopsin wants to listen to his cringey, fanatical fans and continue to make his music (without realizing it) to the lowest common denominator then fine; not interested MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
  5. Nov 12, 2014
    Lyrically speaking, the album is pretty damn good. I think the chorus's of most of his songs almost ruin some of the songs (jungle bash in my opinion, catchy versus but the chorus just doesn't do it for me) but overall, a great album. You get some background on his life and his feelings, which is better than the mainstream junk this generation is being fed nowadays. I enjoyed it.
  6. Sep 16, 2014
    A few weak tracks here and there, but an amazing album overall. The production is on point and the guest appearances are acceptable. Hopsin's rapping is better than ever, and I think "Knock Madness" is a way better album than "Raw" overall.
  7. Aug 16, 2014
    Knock madness is by far one of the worst albums I've heard in my life, it's so full of corn, so cringe-worthy, the production is sub-par, the singing is the worst I've heard all of my life, the delivery is so bad, the flow is meh, lyrics are sub-par.
    Not a good project at all
  8. Jul 3, 2014
    The album is not bad. While it did not meet my expectations, I still enjoyed listening to it. If a few select tracks were removed from the album, Knock Madness would be much more enjoyable.
  9. Feb 13, 2014
    This is a terrible album... hopsin is basically a carbon copy of eminem and knock madness is very boring to listen to. i would not recommend this album to anyone even Hopsin fans. go listen to Raw instead
  10. Jan 1, 2014
    Disgusting. Really painful to listen to, poor production, corny lyrics. Flow is the only thing Hopsin has going for him with this album, everything else sounds out of date.
  11. Dec 19, 2013
    I couldn't sit through this garbage... This sounds exactly the same as his previous attempts at making music. He still can't do it. Just quit. Ok bye.
  12. Dec 17, 2013
    Knock Madness shows an interesting contrast in Hopsin's life. While contains the goofy rapper bashing Hop we all know, it also has songs that show a different Hopsin. I think this was his first album to truly show his internal struggle as a rapper. I personally like the direction he seems to be heading in rap.
  13. Dec 15, 2013
    It makes me sick to see "Knock Madness" rated a single point below the Marshall Mathers LP. How can an artist like Hopsin, who takes Eminem's personality, beats, flow, EVERYTHING, be ranked nearly as high as the man he copies? His lines are at times so corny I can't listen I.E. "Im the like I slithered in poop", and his Chorus' are trash. Eminem's weakest part of his game are chorus',It makes me sick to see "Knock Madness" rated a single point below the Marshall Mathers LP. How can an artist like Hopsin, who takes Eminem's personality, beats, flow, EVERYTHING, be ranked nearly as high as the man he copies? His lines are at times so corny I can't listen I.E. "Im the like I slithered in poop", and his Chorus' are trash. Eminem's weakest part of his game are chorus', so Hopsin couldn't have been above Mediocre in the best circumstances. On top of all that, his "Im the nice guy so feel bad for me" image is anyting but respectable. I have no respect for nice guys who feel like their lives suck because the world hates them, not because they're boring, rude, and obnoxious.

    Overall, he really isn't terrible, but people need to hop off his D, just because he's the only underground rapper they know.
  14. Dec 12, 2013
    Really great album! Preferred it to RAW and this shows his more personal and emotional side. People who hate this album probably didn't give it a proper chance. Well done Hopsin!
  15. Dec 11, 2013
    Okay before you DARE even think about bashing Hopsin, you have to look at the mainstream TRASH that comes out these days. It's not a perfect album (especially jungle bash...that sucked some camel but its damn close. RAW is the perfect album, but this one definitely gives RAW a run for its money. Hopsin raps from the heart and deserves much more than these people that get high andOkay before you DARE even think about bashing Hopsin, you have to look at the mainstream TRASH that comes out these days. It's not a perfect album (especially jungle bash...that sucked some camel but its damn close. RAW is the perfect album, but this one definitely gives RAW a run for its money. Hopsin raps from the heart and deserves much more than these people that get high and practically get their cats to piss on paper and try to pass it off as rap. Expand
  16. Dec 10, 2013
    If you're willing to look past some of the quite annoying and badly executed hooks on Knock Madness, you're definitely in for a roller coaster ride. Hopsin gives you a look into his life and the way he looks at certain things, whether that would be another rapper or politics, in a clever and sometimes aggressive manner. It is nowhere near a perfect album, but it showcases Hopsin'sIf you're willing to look past some of the quite annoying and badly executed hooks on Knock Madness, you're definitely in for a roller coaster ride. Hopsin gives you a look into his life and the way he looks at certain things, whether that would be another rapper or politics, in a clever and sometimes aggressive manner. It is nowhere near a perfect album, but it showcases Hopsin's incredible skills as an MC. One can only hope Hopsin is willing to collaborate with a decent singer and maybe a couple of other producers to create a project in the future, where there won't be anything as annoying as some of the hooks on this record. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Dec 11, 2013
    Third time’s the charm for horrorcore rapper Hopsin, as the angry and often awful character balances his aggressive, violent vocal style with more pop and approachable music during the rewarding Knock Madness.
  2. Dec 5, 2013
    Knock Madness is indeed a stepping stone album, one that can only produce even better music in the future.
  3. Dec 5, 2013
    Knock Madness works best when Hopsin is either angrily fighting or humorously poking fun at some sort of ludicrosity.