• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Mar 25, 2022
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Apr 1, 2022
    I have been a big fan of Destroyer for many years, and don't hesitate to buy the latest album completely unheard. Destroyer's music is always great - the musicians are always top notch - and Dan Bejar's lyrics are always intriguing, however I was slightly disappointed with Have We Met. But Labyrinthitis is a different beast altogether. It is my favorite since Kaputt, which is Bejar'sI have been a big fan of Destroyer for many years, and don't hesitate to buy the latest album completely unheard. Destroyer's music is always great - the musicians are always top notch - and Dan Bejar's lyrics are always intriguing, however I was slightly disappointed with Have We Met. But Labyrinthitis is a different beast altogether. It is my favorite since Kaputt, which is Bejar's undisputed masterpiece. The album flows beautifully, Bejar's lyrics are his most creative and funniest in years, and the band is completely on fire. I am hard pressed to give anything a 10 but there is nothing on this album that is sub-par. It is like the best of Destroyer on one album. A tour de force. Expand
  2. Mar 28, 2022
    Dan Bejar is not a man of abundant natural talent as a musician, but he more that makes up for that with a fearless spirit and a **** attitude. With Kaput he started to show serious skills in production. All of these strengths came to a head with Poison Season, one of the best albums of the century, so far. The double shot of brilliance that was Kaputt and Poison Season seemed to haveDan Bejar is not a man of abundant natural talent as a musician, but he more that makes up for that with a fearless spirit and a **** attitude. With Kaput he started to show serious skills in production. All of these strengths came to a head with Poison Season, one of the best albums of the century, so far. The double shot of brilliance that was Kaputt and Poison Season seemed to have drained the man. The two follow up albums, while good, and not without excellent songs, were merely blueprints in comparison. Like many other musicians that have been resting on their laurels before the pandemic (I’m looking at you Jack White), these current times seems to have brought out the best in Bejar. Labyrinthitis is back up there with his best album because you can see he put the time in, etching out every small detail. Let’s hope it doesn’t take another world crisis to give us more music of this quality. Expand
  3. Mar 25, 2022
    I hadn't been awaiting this release because Bejars music always was something that tool it's time with me. From the dark blood of Ken to the foggy existentialism of Poison season or the magnum opus Kaputt he's been a master of tension, letting ideas build towards something whether it's a climax or abrupt end . Nevertheless here it's a different ball game,a record intended to be felt moreI hadn't been awaiting this release because Bejars music always was something that tool it's time with me. From the dark blood of Ken to the foggy existentialism of Poison season or the magnum opus Kaputt he's been a master of tension, letting ideas build towards something whether it's a climax or abrupt end . Nevertheless here it's a different ball game,a record intended to be felt more than understood, in the vein of 22,a million. Even so songs like the brilliant opener or outstanding "june" keep you invested in figuring out exactly what he's trying to say Collapse

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Apr 25, 2022
    Not everything gels perfectly, but considering how much ground he covers both musically and lyrically, Bejar almost never falls completely off the horse. With no rules or self-imposed boundaries, per se, music with an experimental bent can often end up like one big unfocused mess. That doesn’t happen on a Destroyer album.
  2. Mar 31, 2022
    It is certainly a dizzyingly contagious collection of songs that benefit from main man Dan Bejar’s scattergun technique of song selection. Not for him, the smooth transition from song to song, building neatly to a gentle climax. It is in his blood to unhinge the casual listener and provide a shifting backdrop for his lively lyricism.
  3. Mar 29, 2022
    Labyrinthitis is Bejar’s best work since Kaputt. At this point, Bejar has several classics under his belt, so there’s no desperation here to create another one, but he manages to do it with ease.