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Universal acclaim- based on 66 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 58 out of 66
  2. Negative: 6 out of 66
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  1. Jul 17, 2022
    lately I feel EVERYTHING feels too messy and not-put-together, and the songs are too short for their own good. Some songs stuck with me but weren't long or in-depth enough for me to fully appreciate. Simply said, WILLOW’s album is weak. Each song features what sounds like the same guitar loops and drum kits. G R O W, t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l, and XTRA are good songs, but that's wherelately I feel EVERYTHING feels too messy and not-put-together, and the songs are too short for their own good. Some songs stuck with me but weren't long or in-depth enough for me to fully appreciate. Simply said, WILLOW’s album is weak. Each song features what sounds like the same guitar loops and drum kits. G R O W, t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l, and XTRA are good songs, but that's where my positives end. I understand a few songs on an album being 1:30-2:15 long but 6 of 11 were, which made it weird and very short seeing how the album ended after only 26 minutes. Expand
  2. Sep 23, 2021
    It was the first album that I've heard from her and I loved it. And it was much better than her past singles that I've heard
  3. Kb3
    Sep 4, 2021
    Personally, rock is a tired genre, but Lately I Feel EVERYTHING is a really good energizing work of art. This unique songstress has a crystal clear, strong, and sweetly melodic voice. Some favorite songs are Naive, Transparent Soul,, Lipstick, and 4ever, but every song is worthy of at least an honorable mention.
  4. Aug 31, 2021
    I'll admit: there's not a lot of people doing music in Pop like Willow, but this LP doesn't feel very inspired. It has some great songs and some that I don't really care about if I'm being honest. However, it's great to see her working with Travis Barker, which definitely influenced the quality of this record.
  5. Aug 23, 2021
    incrível. não é um gênero que tendo a ouvir mas willow é muito talentosa então eu tinha que checar e ainda bem. é um puta álbum. difícil escolher uma musica favorita, amei muito transparent soul (shout out travis), lipstick e come home. o verso de tierra whack em xtra muito bom também. queria dizer também que abri um sorriso com a interpolation de power em breakout!! adorei parabens
  6. Aug 3, 2021
    Um exemplo perfeito de boas letras, as músicas são bem construída. Gostaria que as músicas fossem mais longas.
  7. Aug 1, 2021
    No real need to reinvent the wheel. Truly a wast of money and time.
    At least she has dedicated fans to give this album 10/10. Obviously none of you have heard a 10/10 album. only 2 singles. nuf said lol
  8. Aug 1, 2021
    Very clean transition into punk and rock music, this is a solid album. The song writing and production are excellent, I feel she perfectly blends together a retro sound while still having modern touches. WILLOW's vocal delivery is great, her voice works perfectly with the punk and rock sound of the album. My favorite tracks are Lipstick, t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l, ¡BREAKOUT!, and G R OVery clean transition into punk and rock music, this is a solid album. The song writing and production are excellent, I feel she perfectly blends together a retro sound while still having modern touches. WILLOW's vocal delivery is great, her voice works perfectly with the punk and rock sound of the album. My favorite tracks are Lipstick, t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l, ¡BREAKOUT!, and G R O W. One of favorite albums of the year. Expand
  9. Jul 26, 2021
    Willow is essentially making generic pop-punk with way too much emphasis on the pop aspect. The mixing most of the time sounds so rough to the point where it's like something I would normally hear when browsing through SoundCloud; the production sounds flat and mushy, and the album most of the time sounds unfinished. The only track I thought to be enjoyable was the song "Don't Save Me"Willow is essentially making generic pop-punk with way too much emphasis on the pop aspect. The mixing most of the time sounds so rough to the point where it's like something I would normally hear when browsing through SoundCloud; the production sounds flat and mushy, and the album most of the time sounds unfinished. The only track I thought to be enjoyable was the song "Don't Save Me" because it has a direction, and it lands on where it needed to be. Most of the songs on this album are basic and generic, and they wouldn't stand out if they were to be played in a clothing store. I mean, what can I truly say about this other than it is a half-baked attempt at cashing in on this new wave of pop-punk revival in the mainstream? I can't! This album is so basic and filled to the brim with lyrics we all have heard of before; it's that basic!

    Overall score: 5.1/10
    Favorite tracks: Don't Save Me
    Least favorite tracks: Eff You
  10. Jul 21, 2021
    Her best album wtf, aaand we need to shout out the kween for self-writen Lipstick periodt
  11. Jul 20, 2021
    The album was very her. I think Willow really comes into her own with this album.
  12. Jul 20, 2021
    simplesmente tudo, o rock reviveu com a lenda, ela está cada vez mais rica ela é poderosíssima
  13. Jul 20, 2021
    foi uma mudada muito grande no estilo musical, que eu mesmo pensei que fosse um baita risco... mas para quem já provou ser um camaleão em diversos âmbitos da vida artística, um álbum de pop punk/pop rock era só mais um ✅ na checklist de conquistas da fodona. eu amei muitoooo!
  14. Jul 19, 2021
    Willow punk pop side shows promising effort with a lot of misses needs more work not ready for Prime Time
  15. Jul 18, 2021
    incrível como ela teve o objetivo de voltar com o pop/rock 2000 e fez isso melhor do que NINGUÉM Da pra ver o quanto ela ama esse gênero e é sensacional a maneira como ela se expressa nas músicas Sem dúvidas, um dos melhores álbuns de 2021 até agora
  16. Jul 18, 2021
    En este álbum Willow se arriesgó a experimentar con el punk, y le salió súper bien. Es un álbum con sonidos nostálgicos que recuerdan a Avril Lavigne y nada mejor que la misma Avril participe en el álbum, un disfrute sin duda.
  17. Jul 17, 2021
    Fala nação rockeiraaa! Eu sou a Pamela dark punch. Roooooooots! Bodyy roooots! Já faz 1 dia que estou ouvindo o Lately I Feel EVERYTHING! Já mandei meu t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l aqui ó! Meu Lipstick! Fumo meu charuto, tomo meu uisque e namoro com um abutre!
  18. Jul 17, 2021
    Tira tudo menos o ROCK!!!!
    rainha do rock, entregou tudo aqui, álbum excelente do inicio ao fim
  19. Jul 17, 2021
    O Álbum é extremamente bom, diferente de muitos álbuns Pop/Rock, eu fiquei muito apaixonado por todas as músicas. A participação da Avril é incrível demais.
  20. Jul 17, 2021
    This album looks amazing! I'm glad they're paying attention to Rock, this album deserves all the recognition in the world! It's perfect.
  21. Jul 17, 2021
    esse álbum tá muito bom!!! GROW com a AVRIL simplesmente um hino do pop punk
  22. Jul 16, 2021
    I really enjoyed the debut single off this record transparent soul (not gonna space out all the letters sorry) and the rest of this album lives up to the single. For reference I’ve not listened to much emo or punk but I do really like this album. Soulful and introspective in parts, yet big and bombastic in others. It also has to be noted the merit-able vocal talent of Willow herselfI really enjoyed the debut single off this record transparent soul (not gonna space out all the letters sorry) and the rest of this album lives up to the single. For reference I’ve not listened to much emo or punk but I do really like this album. Soulful and introspective in parts, yet big and bombastic in others. It also has to be noted the merit-able vocal talent of Willow herself employing runs and glottal stops reminiscent of Sinead O Connor in her day. She has excellent variety in technique also to almost screaming in the final track to as mentioned more soulful conscious singing. This album is short but it’s nice in a way as to not overstay it’s welcome. This carries over the songs also being quite short.Good production great vocal talent and excellent instrumentals combine to make this album a great one.Standout tracks: XTRA, transparent soul and grow, being a very deliberate homage to the Avril Lavigne days where pop punk and emo dominated the charts. Expand
  23. Jul 16, 2021
    amazing ALBUM like everything willow does, no song sounds like the one above and I feel like this is his best album to date
  24. Jul 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Willow, sem dúvidas, está representando atualmente toda a geração dos anos 2000, que cresceu ouvindo pop rock, punk rock entre outras classificações do gênero. Sempre muito autêntica e cada vez mais madura como artista, ela entregou um álbum excelente com fortes colaboradores. Um dos melhores lançamentos do ano, sem dúvidas! Expand
  25. Jul 16, 2021
    There is no way to put this in words, this album is a masterpiece, a black girl killing , excellently killing a white dominated genre is what I live for,a no skip perioodtt
  26. Jul 16, 2021
    Lately I Feel Everything is an explosion of feelings. A really bible of rock!
  27. Jul 16, 2021
    é a fodona, um dos melhores albuns já lançados nessa década, willow esta remodelando o conceito de pop punk e pop rock
  28. Jul 16, 2021
    Another great but short album by Willow. Her ability to switch genres and do it so well is out of this world. There are so many rock references in this albums, it’s a nostalgic timeline, but the greatness is Willows stamp on it. Obsessed.
  29. Jul 16, 2021
    It's amazing how Willow manages to transition between different musical genres but mainly how she combines with this incredible mix of Rock/Punk/Pop and the influences of the 2000's, she is wonderful and does it masterfully and mainly in her way in a unique and sentimental that only she passes through her music. Shout out to all the feats that were extremely important to the songs, theyIt's amazing how Willow manages to transition between different musical genres but mainly how she combines with this incredible mix of Rock/Punk/Pop and the influences of the 2000's, she is wonderful and does it masterfully and mainly in her way in a unique and sentimental that only she passes through her music. Shout out to all the feats that were extremely important to the songs, they all matched perfectly with the voice and message that Willow wanted to convey on this brilliant album that is definitely one of my favorites of the year. Thank you so much Willow. And ¡BREAKOUT! was the best way to finish the album, your message will be heard you is amazing! Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Dec 16, 2021
    This is the sound of an innovating, idiosyncratic artist, whose talent is now far more interesting than her showbiz backstory.
  2. Jul 21, 2021
    ["Grow"] is worth the price of admission alone, but the rest of this brief set is such an unexpected surprise that it's worth the nearly half-hour investment. There seems to be nothing that Willow can't do as she adds rock to her résumé with ease.
  3. Jul 21, 2021
    Her ambitions are bold, but the album has a sense of polished remove that prevents it from scaling real emotional heights.