• Record Label: Volcano
  • Release Date: May 15, 2001
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 641 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 58 out of 641

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  1. JoeH
    Mar 21, 2009
    This is the album I keep coming back to over and over and over again! My CD collection would never be complete without this album and to this day, it is the only album to which I continuously listen. Each and every song is a testament to how talented Tool is. Listen to this album!
  2. Jan 31, 2011
    I couldn't stop listening to Tool for an entire year. This album is a favourite. The poly-rhythms, intense guitars yet a far mellower-than-before sounding Maynard, give you a life long's worth of spine chilling, introspective, life-changing music.
  3. ChrisR.
    Oct 6, 2007
    Pitchfork Now, with the early new century demanding "opuses," Tool follows suit. The problem is, Tool defines "opus" as taking their "defining element" (wanking sludge) and stretching it out to the maximum digital capacity of a compact disc. Fuck Pitchfork and it's whiny little voice. If Pitchfork was a person he would be the geek from High School scampering through the hall with his Pitchfork Now, with the early new century demanding "opuses," Tool follows suit. The problem is, Tool defines "opus" as taking their "defining element" (wanking sludge) and stretching it out to the maximum digital capacity of a compact disc. Fuck Pitchfork and it's whiny little voice. If Pitchfork was a person he would be the geek from High School scampering through the hall with his ripped, shit stained underwear from all the wedgies he gets. No wonder he hates Tool. This is the bully's music. Expand
  4. Olly
    Aug 13, 2003
    My Definition of a Pitchfork Reviewer : Nihilistic too-cool to be cool E-head who masturbates over The Face magazine, thinks music is all about fashion, thinks music is all about interior decoration of their ego, thinks music should conform to "coolness rules".
  5. Anon
    Nov 9, 2007
    Critics are unreliable, plain and simple. I just sat and read the pile of crap written by Pitchfork and it is evident that they have no idea what decent music sounds like, let alone brilliant music. On to Tool. Maynard voice remains as astounding as with Aenima, filling me with as strange sensation of calmness. The rest of the band are on fire, from the buzzing rifs to the amazing Critics are unreliable, plain and simple. I just sat and read the pile of crap written by Pitchfork and it is evident that they have no idea what decent music sounds like, let alone brilliant music. On to Tool. Maynard voice remains as astounding as with Aenima, filling me with as strange sensation of calmness. The rest of the band are on fire, from the buzzing rifs to the amazing drumming there is not one moment that disappoints. But where Tool truly shine is the hidden meaning behind their songs. You could listen to the Album in just over an hour and then take hours decyphering the meaningful lyrics. All in all a great album. Expand
  6. DevinT.
    Jan 12, 2002
    out of site into mind
  7. Jan 20, 2012
    My meaningless opinion, this is perhaps 1 of 8 perfect albums ever made. I don't understand the people who claim to hate Tool but spend their time talking about Tool and their fans. I don't understand reviewing something you admit you have never even listened to. What a sad, angry life you must live. I don't dislike you, I feel sorry for you. Oh yeah and allow me to lecture you on theMy meaningless opinion, this is perhaps 1 of 8 perfect albums ever made. I don't understand the people who claim to hate Tool but spend their time talking about Tool and their fans. I don't understand reviewing something you admit you have never even listened to. What a sad, angry life you must live. I don't dislike you, I feel sorry for you. Oh yeah and allow me to lecture you on the importance of respecting people's taste in music as I bash Tool fans because of their taste in music. You really don't get it. It's okay though. Expand
  8. JerothD
    Jul 4, 2004
    Nothing short of absoltely INCREDIBLE. Finally a group has created an album that has surpassed the likes of Zeppelin and Floyd, this music isnt just amazing in its structure, it actually makes you see spirals and geometric shapes at parts of the album, and makes muscles in your legs twitch in rythm to the music, not main big muslec, but tiny intricate movements, feels like a wave of Nothing short of absoltely INCREDIBLE. Finally a group has created an album that has surpassed the likes of Zeppelin and Floyd, this music isnt just amazing in its structure, it actually makes you see spirals and geometric shapes at parts of the album, and makes muscles in your legs twitch in rythm to the music, not main big muslec, but tiny intricate movements, feels like a wave of moving muscles. So much for music being so powerfull that you hairs on your arms can stand up, they have taken music to a new level. Expand
  9. NaveedS.
    Jul 9, 2007
    Greatest rock album of all time, Tool appeals to all senses. Don't believe critics, believe users. Critics rate Lateralus like chicken mcnuggets, I rate it as music and art. When it comes to that, it's a 10.
  10. ElusiveCat
    Sep 19, 2005
    Their defining element "wanking sludge" (good one {Pitchforkmedia!). Ha Ha Ha. That's definetly true and sad about Tool's overrated guitar sludge. This band and this album particulary, are overrated by its listeners and their zombified fanbase. Overall, the album has some solid riffs and some impressive dymanic tension parts. Though it's much of what has been released in Their defining element "wanking sludge" (good one {Pitchforkmedia!). Ha Ha Ha. That's definetly true and sad about Tool's overrated guitar sludge. This band and this album particulary, are overrated by its listeners and their zombified fanbase. Overall, the album has some solid riffs and some impressive dymanic tension parts. Though it's much of what has been released in Tool's past records. Nothing out of the ordinay, Nothing that contributes to the evolution of rock and roll, but most importantly its accesibilty is only limited to a peculiar taste of rock. Radiohead's Kid A is the true testament of the 21st Century. Expand
  11. DavidF.
    Oct 10, 2001
    this Cd kicks ass, those who dont think so can suck it
  12. SierraG.
    Jun 10, 2002
    I love Alien Ant Farm's new album "ANThology". It's like Michael Jackson joined a punk rock band! I love it! Rock on!!!
  13. RakS
    Mar 30, 2007
    agree with Aaron W - this album is more of a soundtrack to your personal spiritual awakening. It will be with me forever... food for the soul and delivered with love
  14. ShannonK.
    Oct 1, 2001
    Easily the best album I've heard in at least 5 years!
  15. JohnL.
    Jun 9, 2001
    In your face rock, yet melodic at times. the only thing songs are extended unnecesarily.As a Whole the cd is the best thing out there at the moment.
  16. BomarF.
    Jan 3, 2002
    this is *real* music... uncompromising, brilliant, stunning, dark, iridescent, powerful, triumphant, original, intense, precise, vibrant, dynamic, and beautiful beyond words. Primal and cerebral all at once (no, that's not a contradiction!), with no compromises and zero waffling. Impeccable sense of sonic "space." And not one bit more technical than necessary--absolutely no filler this is *real* music... uncompromising, brilliant, stunning, dark, iridescent, powerful, triumphant, original, intense, precise, vibrant, dynamic, and beautiful beyond words. Primal and cerebral all at once (no, that's not a contradiction!), with no compromises and zero waffling. Impeccable sense of sonic "space." And not one bit more technical than necessary--absolutely no filler notes or filler songs. Tool made this latest offering WAY better than anyone would have ever asked them to...a labor of love... a 12-gauge shotgun blast through the heart of stagnation; a triumph of brilliance over blandness, of inspiration over asinine posturing; of creative vision over A&R guesswork; of artistry over sludgy, bloated, commercialized poodling-around. Buy it. Expand
  17. DeanJ.
    Jan 3, 2002
    Album of 2001 without a doubt. Listen to it once and you won't get it, listen to it more and the more you get out of it. There is no other band like Tool and there never will be, so glad they got over the legal crap. Very happy to see all the good reviews here, guess I will never understand the retard that gave it a 3!!!!
  18. DaveR.
    Feb 4, 2002
    It is, the type of music that demands that you listen to the things you didn't hear the first 10 times. It is over the top on talent, and sound production is perfect. To those who hear it once or twice and say "yeah it's ok but it's bla, bla, etc.", failed to listen at all and are not connected with the depth of thought it takes to understand the musical arraignments. Or It is, the type of music that demands that you listen to the things you didn't hear the first 10 times. It is over the top on talent, and sound production is perfect. To those who hear it once or twice and say "yeah it's ok but it's bla, bla, etc.", failed to listen at all and are not connected with the depth of thought it takes to understand the musical arraignments. Or possibly too tied up with the "popular" instant gratification entertainment available to take some time to listen to one of the greatest compositions of sound ever created. Expand
  19. AytekynA.
    Apr 13, 2002
    The greatest album ever!
  20. DjJazzyJeffreyJJuniorslickwidit
    Jul 21, 2002
    This album blew me away. One of the contemporary albums best i own, right up there w/ Aenima and Radiohead's OK Computer. It maybe hard to get into if u don't listen to tool on a regular basis, but hearing the amazing ax work and drum solos will turn any musician on. Maynard, as always, proves to be one of the best frontmen alive.
  21. DenverH.
    Sep 10, 2002
    this cd is the greatest thing that has ever happened. TOOL is the greatest thing that has ever happened.
  22. ChrisC
    Jan 8, 2004
    Lateralus is a cornecopea of incredible sound taking electric guitars and percussion to a level equal to early classical music, innovative all in its own, years and years ahead of it's time.
  23. ChrisM.
    Apr 28, 2004
    this has to be one of the best cds ive ever gotten. tool certainly doesn't conform to the formulated music that is so common today. you hardly find a good band with songs longer than 4 and a half minutes. tool goes beyond 11 minutes, and the drummer is definitely the best drummer ive ever heard. the drum and guitar coordination to make perfect sounds is unbelievable, like in Schism this has to be one of the best cds ive ever gotten. tool certainly doesn't conform to the formulated music that is so common today. you hardly find a good band with songs longer than 4 and a half minutes. tool goes beyond 11 minutes, and the drummer is definitely the best drummer ive ever heard. the drum and guitar coordination to make perfect sounds is unbelievable, like in Schism and The Grudge. I could go on and on about the perfection of every song on this cd, but it'd take too long. so basically, tool kicks every band of the 90's and 2000's ass. all the pitiful bands with a lack of creativity and originality, and to all you that say tool makes boring and "overlong" songs, you can f*ck yourselves, because you obviously dont know the first thing about a good song, you dumbasses. Expand
  24. AJJohnson
    May 5, 2004
    one of my faves!
  25. DavidW
    Oct 30, 2005
    I own over 300 albums, and this is my favourite. It takes a few listens at first, but persevere, listen the whole way through and enjoy the journey
  26. fleaisretardedpartdeux
    Mar 4, 2005
    This album is an amzing display of talent, passion, and artistry in an amalgam of beauty. The user flew spends more time assailing things he does not understand. bassists who use picks are not good? He is a moron. Tool does not know their instruments? time shifts in precision lay that idiotic statement to rest.
  27. christiand
    May 30, 2005
    es lo mejor la verdad q se podria decir q mi mentalidad ambio radicalmente despues de escuchar esta banda simplemente son una leyenda viva
  28. TheressaH.
    Jul 6, 2005
    best album ever.
  29. MikeS
    Jul 13, 2006
    This is one of the most accomplished albums in rock music history. Lyrically poignant, instrumentally perfect, with haunting vocals, numerous gooseflesh producing choruses, and impeccable musical timing this album is one to cherish.
  30. PhilP
    Aug 9, 2006
    Amazing. One of the best rock records ever made. Simply puts other bands to shame. P.S. Fuck you Pitchfork..most of your reviews just take the piss and put the artist/s to shame and you clearly have no idea what your talking about.

Awards & Rankings


Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. A 79-minute sonic sojourn of hard rock delivered with an arty, fusion-conscious sensibility rooted most obviously from the likes of Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and Jane's Addiction.
  2. Q Magazine
    Ultimately, it's Tool's experimental, borderline progressive, edge that proves most rewarding. [Aug 2001, p.141]
  3. It is dense, it is long, it is complicated. It is also a magnificent triumph of artistry over blind anger.