• Record Label: Concord
  • Release Date: Apr 16, 2021
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 43
  2. Negative: 6 out of 43
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  1. Apr 17, 2021
    Rate 10 for those low scores with no properly explanations. Real rate, 7.

    Before I start, I must say that it seems kind of love/hate for this band...extreme in both sides. Since Conspiracy of one, online reviews has been always "hard" for this band. Now with streaming services, people are not forced to "buy" albums...makes people be more negative. In other side and thank-fully,
    Rate 10 for those low scores with no properly explanations. Real rate, 7.

    Before I start, I must say that it seems kind of love/hate for this band...extreme in both sides. Since Conspiracy of one, online reviews has been always "hard" for this band.

    Now with streaming services, people are not forced to "buy" albums...makes people be more negative.

    In other side and thank-fully, you can reach more people, so not only haters come across, but new listeners which will discover the band and aprecciate that, in 2021, straight forward rock music, with pop-rock notes (really less on this album since Conspiracy of one!!) still can be done thanks to bands like Offspring.

    With that being said, this album is a highly surprised one. I would recommned, as since Conspiracy of one, to have a listen a few times in differents enviroments. You will enjoy the music on this album.
    Which at the end, is what matters.

    My real rate is 7 becasue indeed, it has some issues with mixing (which in other hand I would pay attention as it gives kind of 80/90s vibes feelings), is short and Gone Away cover could has been nailed.

    Is short, but not because of numbers of songs, just because, like happened with Splinter, it lacks a top ending song like Smash,Ixnay,Americana or Days go By...

    How starts, with the great This is not Utopia, till WNHSA, where there is a kind of "breath" it jumps again with -for me- best songs on here, The Opioid diaries and Hassan Chop.

    Just after, comes Gone Away, which is a nice version but I prefer the live one, where guitars come part of it.

    And the last song, which it deserves that top end song I mention before the outro...is just that, Lullaby...pitty on here.

    This album could have been nearly perfect, but hey, is more than 30 years on the road and now without Greg K, pandemic...sure wasn't easy despite "9 years" which I bet it has been more like 2-3 years album work
  2. Apr 18, 2021
    Great album, best since conspiracy of one, i cant belive why so many people say that this album is the worst.
  3. Apr 19, 2021
    Excellent new album from The Offspring. Loved it, 10 out of 10. Takes me back to Smash days. The Offspring what a band, still brilliant.
  4. Jun 10, 2021
    The Offspring have completely blown me away with their new album! The songs are fast, jammin' beats with lyrics that stick in your head. I can't get enough of it! It may have taken them quite a few years to come out with a new album, but it was so worth the wait! These guys sound as good as ever! I LOVE THIS ALBUM!!
  5. Apr 16, 2021
    This album is incredible. It’s a back to their roots sound. Only thing I remove points for is that it took 9 years to release this thing. Hopefully their next album takes less than half the time.
  6. Apr 16, 2021
    Old but Fresh AF, so nice hearing new offspring! Hopefully we will see them again in Australia
  7. May 14, 2021
    Отличный альбом в духе калифорнийского панк рока. Только к прослушиванию второй половины приедается .
  8. Apr 21, 2021
    The album bring back to the Smash days with some songs. It cannot be forgotten that some songs, like Gone Away feel weird (I mean no one asked for a piano ballad in an Offspring record). But the songs as This is Not Utopia are a kick in the faces of the ones that thought punk WAS dead. The rendition of the classical devil music, In The Hall of The Mountain King, feels good. I cannotThe album bring back to the Smash days with some songs. It cannot be forgotten that some songs, like Gone Away feel weird (I mean no one asked for a piano ballad in an Offspring record). But the songs as This is Not Utopia are a kick in the faces of the ones that thought punk WAS dead. The rendition of the classical devil music, In The Hall of The Mountain King, feels good. I cannot imagine how fun this will be live, as I can see myself in a pogo (lol). The lead single (which was released 6 years ago by the way), Led the Bad Times Roll, is amazing. The new sound feels great, in general.
    Anyway, the album feels good as any other Offspring records. Definitely some songs are better than others, but overall this was needed.
  9. Apr 20, 2021
    Not bad ideas here just needs to sound more polished. I hope it won’t take another 9 years for anything new because that wouldn’t be good for anyone
  10. Apr 22, 2021
    Starts rough, but the back half is a great return to form. I rated each song; must hears are "We Never Have Sex Anymore," "Hassan Chop," "Gone Away," which is better than the original, "Opioid Diaries" and the shred-tastic "Mountain King" whole rating was 6.75
  11. Apr 17, 2021
    Don't come into this expecting a return to their best stuff, but it's a faint, yet encouraging, return to form. Found it much more fun than their last few offerings and some songs even have an energy I thought they had lost forever. Good, middle of the road album if you like them, but a pass if you are not already into what they do.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Apr 23, 2021
    Mostly, Let the Bad Times Roll sounds like what it is: the work of middle-aged punk lifers who don't change their style, sound, or perspective.
  2. Apr 16, 2021
    With a good production, some of these tracks could have been saved, but by all accounts, Let the Bad Times Roll is the worst album The Offspring have ever made.
  3. Apr 15, 2021
    ‘Hassan Chop’ is a welcome reprieve towards the end, introducing some of the relentless punk drive of the band at their best, but it does little to revive the rebellious ethos ‘Let The Bad Times Roll’ clearly strives for. Forged from our current volatile climate this may be; an appropriately cutting and volatile response, however, it certainly is not.