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Mixed or average reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 5 out of 16

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  2. Check Spelling
    Apr 18, 2007
    terribly disappointing, I have all his stuff and he is a terrific lyricist and can always find a good melody, neither of which are evident here. i understand the band thing with the simple, raw approach, but you still need the songs. i'll still wait for the next one..
  2. Laib
    Apr 17, 2007
    Even as a huge fan, this cd is garbage! It sounds like Joseph and some friends got wasted one night and decided to record a record. The result is predictably bad: Simplistic lyrics, lousy singing and quickly arranged 'songs' make this easily the worse cd he's ever made. I hope Joseph doesn't take his fans for granted again.
  3. JonnyK
    Apr 21, 2007
    I am a big fan of the music of Joseph Arthur, but was very disappointed with his new record. It seems Joseph Arthur got stoned with his friends and made a record. The record is a big mess! I hope his second record coming out this year is not has bad as this one.
  4. DanM
    Jul 17, 2007
    Big fan of his past work and live shows, but this album is a piece of crap. A few decent tracks here, but overall this should be a giveaway of B-sides and outtakes. No one should be charged money for this, there's so little effort in its creation. I'm ok if he wants to change sounds and styles, but put some effort in to the recording. Maybe it should have been released under a Big fan of his past work and live shows, but this album is a piece of crap. A few decent tracks here, but overall this should be a giveaway of B-sides and outtakes. No one should be charged money for this, there's so little effort in its creation. I'm ok if he wants to change sounds and styles, but put some effort in to the recording. Maybe it should have been released under a different name, to avoid scamming long time fans into buying it. Expand
  5. FanThomas
    Apr 18, 2007
    I used to love music of JA up to Redemption's Son and the tours following the release of this album. Since "Our shadow will remain", the artist is (is right on this point) the shadow of his prewious work and it is getting worst and worst. Even shows are less exciting. The last very poor album will not make me reconciliate with him.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Paste Magazine
    A chaotic mix of gorgeous T. Rex acoustic reveries, cheeky Stones-inflected rockers and studio-jam goofiness. [Apr 2007, p.55]
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Unfortunately, Arthur drags his backing players through a good deal of hoarsely hollered filler between [the] peaks. [20 Apr 2007, p.62]
  3. Some more outré passages could have benefited from mad-scientist tinkering. But the mad-Mick Jagger that Arthur affects on the nasty "Cocaine Feet" and elsewhere is still nicely twisted.