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Universal acclaim- based on 311 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 11 out of 311
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  1. Feb 9, 2018
    I haven't listened to any of their albums apart from Oracular Spectacular. That album (in my opinion) was below average apart from the 3 great singles. LDA feels like a much more accomplished album, with every track offering something different, but keeping the same brand of cool, psychedelic bliss. Easily the best album of 2018 so far, the first half in particular is incredible!
  2. Feb 20, 2018
    Holy shiiiiiiiiiii! Way to come back with a bang! Oh sew guud and fills my hart with warmth. This album brings a great mix of all of their previous work. So if you're a fan of any of their previous albums, you're welcome to give this a listen.
  3. Feb 11, 2018
    All songs are unique and yet fit within the overall theme. The key changes in one thing left to try is a bit jarring but that is one of the very few missteps of this great album.
  4. Feb 9, 2018
    Their best work yet. The high points on this album are orgasmic and it's blowing me away with every listen.
  5. Mar 2, 2018
    Perfectly combining weird, neo-psychedelia and dreamy synth-pop sensibilities, MGMT's Little Dark Age is a refreshing return from the brink after their disappointing and pretty average 2013 release "MGMT". After years of being remembered for little but their 3 2008 hits, it must be pretty pleasing to have released a handful of songs that have serious mainstream (as well as indie)Perfectly combining weird, neo-psychedelia and dreamy synth-pop sensibilities, MGMT's Little Dark Age is a refreshing return from the brink after their disappointing and pretty average 2013 release "MGMT". After years of being remembered for little but their 3 2008 hits, it must be pretty pleasing to have released a handful of songs that have serious mainstream (as well as indie) potential. I should also mention some favourites of mine personally - the Beatles - inspired "When You're Small", dream pop anthem "Hand It Over", and the unsettling (but brilliant) "When You Die". Overall, this album contains some seriously catchy melodic hooks, and and an equally catchy psychedelic aesthetic - not forgetting noticeable behind the many instruments on this highly satisfying album. Expand
  6. Feb 9, 2018
    LDA is a defiant right step that MGMT are taking with this Album, in my opinion this is their best album to date.
  7. Feb 18, 2018
    This album was very unique, especially the videos. It has a ton of catchy songs like Me and Michael and Hand it over, etc. And honestly this has became my favorite album by them.
  8. Apr 21, 2019
    Since their early Oracular Spectacular days I applaud MGMT for not taking the easy pop route and experimenting with Congratulations and MGMT. No matter how poorly they fared critically and commercially. Little Dark Ages combines the synth-pop and psychedelic rock layered with whimsical and ironic themes in a way that feels like they're appealing to the pop audience on their own terms. BestSince their early Oracular Spectacular days I applaud MGMT for not taking the easy pop route and experimenting with Congratulations and MGMT. No matter how poorly they fared critically and commercially. Little Dark Ages combines the synth-pop and psychedelic rock layered with whimsical and ironic themes in a way that feels like they're appealing to the pop audience on their own terms. Best I've heard out of them ever, i hope they continue in this direction. Recommended tracks: Little Dark Age, Me and Michael, When You Die. Expand
  9. Dec 11, 2021
    Amazing lyrics and outstanding. And oh boy, the chorus never gets old. Perfect song that you can vibe to.
  10. Nov 13, 2020
    makes my penis pretty harddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
  11. Jul 20, 2023
    damn is this drake??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  12. Jan 20, 2023
    There is something good happening every second of this album, to the point that every song has a different personality and tone. The quality and thought put into every instrument is amazing, and obviously this is the best album to come out in 2018. Nobody can create such an intricate but tasteful approach to music like this album, you can tell its a combination of every good thing fromThere is something good happening every second of this album, to the point that every song has a different personality and tone. The quality and thought put into every instrument is amazing, and obviously this is the best album to come out in 2018. Nobody can create such an intricate but tasteful approach to music like this album, you can tell its a combination of every good thing from their other albums. Expand
  13. Mar 8, 2018
    very solid effort and probably their best album to date. i cannot stop listening to it over and over. love it!
  14. Feb 11, 2018
    It's been a long time since I've enjoyed an album from start to finish, it even had me dancing at times. It's just fun! They found the perfect combination of experimental and synth-pop. I'm already waiting for the next one! Good job boys.
  15. Aug 27, 2019
    Best album I’ve heard in years. A lot of years. There’s one or two tracks I could do without, which is why this isn’t getting a 10.
  16. Apr 3, 2018
    hooks for days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Feb 9, 2018
    This feels like their most complete album ever, while being also the most mature and "studied". There's a lot of material shining like a diamond, good vibes playing with your mood and reflections on a lifetime.
    Production is getting a little bit muddy from time to time, but melodies are erasing the accessory unperfection in a twirl of energy and grace.
    It surprised me (especially after
    This feels like their most complete album ever, while being also the most mature and "studied". There's a lot of material shining like a diamond, good vibes playing with your mood and reflections on a lifetime.
    Production is getting a little bit muddy from time to time, but melodies are erasing the accessory unperfection in a twirl of energy and grace.
    It surprised me (especially after the MGMT album that we all know...), and I really appreciate this. Well done.
  18. May 27, 2018
    spooky-sounding, psychodelic, great synth-pop ongs, awesome vocal performance by andrew, better instrumental only bad song in my opinion is James, but still, the new MGMT's sound is great. looking forward to this band in the future.
  19. Feb 11, 2018
    It's experimental music with pop influences
    Songs like Little Dark Age, Me and Micheal, When You Die, She Works Out Too Much, and One Things Left to Try are instantly song that I love. But songs like Days That Got Away, James, and When You're Small are songs that you need to listen with headphones in a dark room after a long day at work, and just vibe out to. TSLAMP and Hand it Over are
    It's experimental music with pop influences
    Songs like Little Dark Age, Me and Micheal, When You Die, She Works Out Too Much, and One Things Left to Try are instantly song that I love. But songs like Days That Got Away, James, and When You're Small are songs that you need to listen with headphones in a dark room after a long day at work, and just vibe out to. TSLAMP and Hand it Over are lyrically superb. It has the perfect middle road of MGMT.
    It doesn't reach the same lyrical scene as Congratulations, it still it a pretty great album
  20. Feb 9, 2018
    Some of their best works, if not their best ever. It alternates between being a combination Psychedelic, funky, weird, electric, and charming. Great album.
  21. May 22, 2020
    On this record, they were able to innovate their sound in a way which lets them experiment without alienating their listener base. Both fans and mainstream.
  22. Feb 12, 2018
    A great comeback from the self titled and the best work since Congratulations, this is an incredible psychedelic synth-pop and psychodelic pop album, probably it'll end in one of my favorites of the years. It has a decent amount of variety between songs like the catchy "Me and Michael" to the extreme groovy and watery TSLAMP, to the weird, kind of vocal-warped instrumental Days that GotA great comeback from the self titled and the best work since Congratulations, this is an incredible psychedelic synth-pop and psychodelic pop album, probably it'll end in one of my favorites of the years. It has a decent amount of variety between songs like the catchy "Me and Michael" to the extreme groovy and watery TSLAMP, to the weird, kind of vocal-warped instrumental Days that Got Away, this album explores the roots of his first album "Oracle Spectacular" mixed with the solid grooves and experimentation of Congratulations and their self-titled, but even more memorable and accessible for the average consumer, more poppier. Sometimes the production can be a little bit muddier and the two last song are not that memorable, but the electic, funky and charming melodies coming from dreamy, ecstasy-provocking synthetizers, guitar and bass, while mantain his energy for almost all of the entirety of the record.

    FAV TRACKS: She Works Out Too Much, Little Dark Age, When You Die, Me and Michael, TSLAMP, James, Days that Go Away, One Thing Left to Try, Hand it Over

    LEAST FAV TRACK: When You're Away.
  23. Feb 9, 2018
    Some really consistently solid tunes here, strong hooks and a really amazing appreciation for structure. I wasn't a massive fan of 2013s MGMT so this is a welcome return to some great pop tunes that still keep the indie flare of Congratulations.
  24. Feb 13, 2018
    A great comeback after their previous underwhelming album. A great 80's experimental psychedelic project wherein every single track is essential for it to be decently cohesive.
    Recommended tracks: She Works Out Too Much, Little Dark Age, When You Die, Me and Michael, Tslamp, Hand It Over
  25. GDV
    Feb 20, 2018
    Great album! Probably their best yet. After hearing all the singles off this album, I knew I was in for an exciting album. It is filled with some great 80s-esque pop songs that are sure to get you on your feet!

    Fav tracks are: She Works Out Too Much, When You Die, Me and Micheal, TSLAMP, and One Thing Left To Try
  26. Nov 2, 2018
    Little Dark Age is the band's most aesthetically pleasing album yet. The melodies, the synth, and the whole production overall are top notch and memorable, the songs feel more trippy than MGMT's previous work, and the album as a whole just feels calm and weird, it's a pleasant album to hear from start to finish. And memorable songs like When You Die and Me and Michael are some of theLittle Dark Age is the band's most aesthetically pleasing album yet. The melodies, the synth, and the whole production overall are top notch and memorable, the songs feel more trippy than MGMT's previous work, and the album as a whole just feels calm and weird, it's a pleasant album to hear from start to finish. And memorable songs like When You Die and Me and Michael are some of the band's best songs yet. This is definitely MGMT's best album to date. Also, Me and Michael might just be one of my favorite songs ever. Such a delight to hear each time!

    Favorite Tracks: She Works Out Too Much, Little Dark Age, When You Die, Me and Michael (standout), TSLAMP, One Thing Left To Try, and Hand It Over.
  27. Sep 5, 2019
    MGMT return with their most experimental and enjoyable album to date. At times fascinatingly morbid and others endearing and charming, the band has embraced a new direction that won't be for everyone, but it's certainly interesting.
  28. Feb 10, 2018
    All in all a great album. I've been listening a lot to MGMT which has resulted in me having a lot of "top 3"-songs just from them -- e.g. Flash Delirium, 4th Dimensional Transition, Congratulations, Alien Days, Siberian Breaks, Of Moons, Birds & Monsters, Time to Pretend, Mystery Disease, Orphan of Fortune, just to mention a few -- and this album has added a couple others to that listAll in all a great album. I've been listening a lot to MGMT which has resulted in me having a lot of "top 3"-songs just from them -- e.g. Flash Delirium, 4th Dimensional Transition, Congratulations, Alien Days, Siberian Breaks, Of Moons, Birds & Monsters, Time to Pretend, Mystery Disease, Orphan of Fortune, just to mention a few -- and this album has added a couple others to that list already. To me, only TSLAMP was a little weak on the album - not melodically, though, but it felt like a parody lyrically speaking (like something some old grandma would write, which is very unlike MGMT).

    As some of the transitions between tracks a done superbly, I would highly recommend using headphones -- in that way they get even better (at least to me).
  29. Feb 9, 2018
    While a part of me is kind of sad the band went back to the electropop and synthpop sound they broke out with on Oracular Spectacular and not continue on the neo-psychedelic rock style on their massive underappreciated Congratulations and their self-titled record (which was lackluster), the other part of me finds this album to be super infectious! Going for a darker synthpop style thatWhile a part of me is kind of sad the band went back to the electropop and synthpop sound they broke out with on Oracular Spectacular and not continue on the neo-psychedelic rock style on their massive underappreciated Congratulations and their self-titled record (which was lackluster), the other part of me finds this album to be super infectious! Going for a darker synthpop style that recalls gothic new wave bands like Soft Cell and Depeche Mode during their creative peak, Little Dark Age brings back the hooks of Oracular while still being as adventurous and weird like Congratulations. With earworm melodies on songs like the title cut, Me and Michael, James, and One Thing Left to Try, the album oozes a distorted lost album from the 80s, with all the strength of great synthpop of the era while still being new in the hypnagogic psychedelic pop niche. Not to mention that the sense of dread adds a haunting euphoric element. Just look at the funky TSLAMP as a prime example. While a lot of the catchy pop hooks do land and are addictive, there are times where there are duds, like the instrumental loll of Days That Got Away, and the limp one-two punch of When You're Small and Hand It Over did close the album a bit anticlimactically, not really the comedown of the ecstasy they were intending, but it is far from ruining the album as the highs are SUPER high. Whether you were still on board for Congratulations and the self-titled record, Little Dark Age shows that the band has not run out of idea and that you shouldn't count them out yet! Expand
  30. Feb 9, 2018
    Very solid album with shades of Brian Wilson and The Cure elevated to fit modern psychedelia and synth-pop. The production on this album stumbles into an entirely new realm that swaps shallow radio hooks for mind-numbing, ecstasy fumed melodies that keep you riding high long after the first hit.
  31. Feb 16, 2018
    Suena a un álbum que pudo haber hecho Pet Shop Boys en un plano más experimental, se escuchan esos sintetizadores de la época dorada del New Wave, un viaje a los 80's , es un cambio radical y se puede ver la conservación de la música bien producida; no del estilo o la presentación en vivo, pero eso es otro tema...
    Little Dark Age es eso, un pequeño paso a una edad oscura.
  32. May 29, 2018
    One of the most enjoyable projects of the year so far. Also, it's probably MGMT's finest work.
  33. Mar 22, 2018
    LDA is getting rave reviews by critics and fans alike - many critics like the music/vibe and lyrics on LDA. Musically and vocally, I would say that this album is pretty impressive. The vocal diversity keeps LDA interesting, and the music is really enjoyable on most tracks. Unlike MGMT's debut album, LDA isn't ever ever truly boring, with the only exception being the song "Days That GotLDA is getting rave reviews by critics and fans alike - many critics like the music/vibe and lyrics on LDA. Musically and vocally, I would say that this album is pretty impressive. The vocal diversity keeps LDA interesting, and the music is really enjoyable on most tracks. Unlike MGMT's debut album, LDA isn't ever ever truly boring, with the only exception being the song "Days That Got Away." The only other song on LDA that rubs me the wrong way is "Me and Michael", thanks to the weird, somewhat sappy/sugar-coated lyrics. Oh yeah, I also dislike the really repetitive chorus on that song. I like the lyrics on this album, especially the dark, angry ones on "When You Die" and the clever lyrics on "Tslamp" and "Hand it Over", which carry a message and meaning.

    My favorite songs musically have to be "Little Dark Age", "When You Die", "One Thing"(which sounds like it could be a great FTP song), and the first song. These four songs really sound great thanks to the original, enjoyable music and interesting vocals.

    All in all, LDA is an extremely entertaining, original, interesting, enjoyable album with some strong lyrics, top-notch vocals, and music that is almost always great. LDA is, as of now, my favorite MGMT album.
  34. Feb 11, 2018
    Their last two albums lack an identity, they were just two or three good songs. Although Little Dark Age is not spectacular, it is a good album.
  35. May 13, 2018
    MGMT successfully take on a new sound with 'Little Dark Age'; their attempt to swim away from the mainstream.
  36. Jul 26, 2019
    One of my favorite albums of 2018! I definitely feel that this went pretty underappreciated by critics, as it rarely appeared in any of the year end lists. Honestly, I would say that this record falls into my top ten for the year.

    This time, MGMT takes their sound in the direction of synth-pop, and they really knock it out of the park. They return to a poppier sound, while still
    One of my favorite albums of 2018! I definitely feel that this went pretty underappreciated by critics, as it rarely appeared in any of the year end lists. Honestly, I would say that this record falls into my top ten for the year.

    This time, MGMT takes their sound in the direction of synth-pop, and they really knock it out of the park. They return to a poppier sound, while still retaining some of their experimental tendencies. The front of this album is absolutely packed with fantastic songs - it's not too often that you get an album with so many standout tracks back to back ("Me And Michael", "Little Dark Age", and "When You Die" being among my favorites). The only criticism that I can give is that this does turn out to be one of those albums that falters a bit from time to time in the second half. But thankfully it always manages to regain its footing, and still ends on a high note. By far, my favorite thing about his album is how well each song is put together. From song structure to melodies, everything feels so purposeful and fits so well. It really shows how masterful the duo has become in terms of songwriting. I've loved MGMT since Oracular Spectacular, and it feels good to see that they are still putting out fantastic music!
  37. Feb 14, 2018
    How about a time travel? About 11 years ago, life was very different from what it used to be today. To begin with the fact that Internet Explorer is the most used browser to access the world wide web, and who does not remember MSN?
    Good times, but not everything that is a sea of ​​roses, I do not even want to remember the suffocation that was to download a song and already speaking of
    How about a time travel? About 11 years ago, life was very different from what it used to be today. To begin with the fact that Internet Explorer is the most used browser to access the world wide web, and who does not remember MSN?
    Good times, but not everything that is a sea of ​​roses, I do not even want to remember the suffocation that was to download a song and already speaking of music, just over a decade ago MGMT released its most relevant work "Oracular Spectacular" and this Was one last time they sounded interesting.
    Time has passed and the world has evolved a lot, back to 2018 and SURPRISE !! MGMT is back with what appears to be the most affordable job in years. "Little Dark Age" nothing against a trend featuring a subtle synthpop in a world dominated by Tropical House and Reggaeton and other surprise, the excesses seem to have been forgotten in the way (at least much of it) being the less far-fetched work of the duo .
    (Okay, "Deliver it" looks like (ok, "Deliver it") seems like it's a problem. Have been discarded by Tame Impala) to be worthy of attention. Marked by the intrinsic obscurity in relation to the subject, the album goes through several themes being transmitted by "" One remaining thing to try "and" When you die ".
    Appealing to the nostalgic side (guilt of the synth is clear) and even experimental, "Little Dark Age" proves that MGMT, unlike internet explorer, is not necessary for the late. Although not the best work yet, it is memorable.
  38. Mar 26, 2018
    This is an overall decent album, it has catchy beats, great vocals and instrumentation. However, personally this type of album is not for me. There's a couple of very slow songs towards the end of this album, and I honestly struggled to get through them, I was so bored. However the first half of the album is very upbeat and as I whole I'd say I enjoyed this one, despite it not being myThis is an overall decent album, it has catchy beats, great vocals and instrumentation. However, personally this type of album is not for me. There's a couple of very slow songs towards the end of this album, and I honestly struggled to get through them, I was so bored. However the first half of the album is very upbeat and as I whole I'd say I enjoyed this one, despite it not being my personal preference.
    Favourite Tracks: Tslamp, She Works Out Too Much, Little Dark Age, When you die
    Least Favourites: Hand it over, Days that got away.
  39. Feb 23, 2018
    Overall a really enjoyable release from MGMT. The production is obviously very smooth and enjoyable throughout, and the quality of the songs is a high point in their often inconsistent discography. There were a couple of songs that didn't do much for me, (i.e." James" & "Me and Michael",) but they didn't hinder the flow of the album and were cancelled out by excellent tunes such asOverall a really enjoyable release from MGMT. The production is obviously very smooth and enjoyable throughout, and the quality of the songs is a high point in their often inconsistent discography. There were a couple of songs that didn't do much for me, (i.e." James" & "Me and Michael",) but they didn't hinder the flow of the album and were cancelled out by excellent tunes such as "TSLAMP" & "Days That Got Away." Expand
  40. Mar 16, 2019
    While this certainly isn't a bad album, it just isn't all that memorable.
    Favorites: Days That Got Away, One Thing Left to Try

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Mar 26, 2018
    MGMT always excel when they don't try too hard, and on Little Dark Age, they admirably leverage irony with lighthearted merriment.
  2. Mojo
    Feb 27, 2018
    Album four reverts to their initial template of hyper-melodic, lyrically skewed, synth-pop. ... Back on form. [Apr 2018, p.87]
  3. Feb 21, 2018
    Little Dark Age is pleasant enough, but it’s hard to look past a glaring dearth of ideas.