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Universal acclaim- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Sep 27, 2019
    Little Neon Limelight is an album that includes some of the most consistently catchy and clever lyrics, hooks and licks in modern rock/country. The opening track Sedona and its sister track For No One are both tender with an underlying maturity and bitterness. Tracks like 15 Years and By God are absolute rollercoasters. Gasoline and Otis are tender moments and the entire album is riddledLittle Neon Limelight is an album that includes some of the most consistently catchy and clever lyrics, hooks and licks in modern rock/country. The opening track Sedona and its sister track For No One are both tender with an underlying maturity and bitterness. Tracks like 15 Years and By God are absolute rollercoasters. Gasoline and Otis are tender moments and the entire album is riddled with instantly memorable tracks. Not a single moment misfired or gets old upon repeat listening. Highlights include Sedona, For No One, 15 Years, Black Gold, My Cousin Greg, Gasoline, By God, and Say It. Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Apr 8, 2015
    Houndmouth resurrect a blistering, off-its-hinges breed of Americana complete with tangible wild heart and soul.
  2. Apr 3, 2015
    While slightly inconsistent--perhaps the result of having four different singers – overall, this is a record full of hope and sadness and all the space that lies in between.
  3. Mar 23, 2015
    Houndmouth have the right touch and impressive chops, but this album makes it clear they needs a songwriter who can make their music seem fresh even as it's modeled on the past.