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Universal acclaim- based on 101 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 86 out of 101
  2. Negative: 9 out of 101

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  1. WiLbassking
    Aug 5, 2002
    dude, this album rocks!!!
  2. aakashp
    Oct 10, 2001
    I anticipated this album for 2 years and finally Im going to play it as I write this review. So I just popped it in, first track playing sounded like a massive fuzz that warped into this great piano piece written in space then it got stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger the piano outshining everything now, wow now cedric bixler comes in beautifuly manipulated voice "the vermin I anticipated this album for 2 years and finally Im going to play it as I write this review. So I just popped it in, first track playing sounded like a massive fuzz that warped into this great piano piece written in space then it got stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger the piano outshining everything now, wow now cedric bixler comes in beautifuly manipulated voice "the vermin you need to loaaath" then bam thundering thundering thundering drums, perfect beat like it was done. silence. wow the yells of cedric are the same beautiful. "flinch like birth defects" incredible how smoothly he says thats. great song, by the way we are into song 2 right into, very pinkfloydish im loving how the songs lead into each other. this band will certainly be known for albums rather than songs, like floyd. His voice dynamic as ever from the vaya days to now still the greatest voice ive ever heard in rock and roll, he just does so much with it. this song will be big hit amongst the core atdi fans. WOW "preforraated at the neeaack" i think its what he said but god it blew me away like angels singing. "pink eyed mountain" wow the 12 dollars i paid already have been fully valued in these 4 minutes the cd has been on, its that good kids, its that good. song 3 is starting now, lots of wacky sounds im loving it bam haunt of roullete dares, oh god heres the drum bam bam bam now the explosion oh yes oh hell yes now i know why i love this band so much, "THIS IS THE HAUNT OF THE ROULLLETE DAAAARES" god and now we are at the quieting and whispering almost, wow wow wow wow "through umbelical blisters" "exoskeltal junction at the railroad delayed" god how he says these lines with such suave and smoothness. amazing trully amazing, only he can pull this off the manip sounds perfect the keyboards great, voice of course astonishing but seems a little off, and the drums god the drums Jon is my new favourite drummer. the vocals are a little shabby in this but the music is making up for it sooo much it doesnt matter and now that i think of it the vocals are not bad at all. Ahhhh.. "ahhhhh..." god he can scare a lion away and lul a baby to sleep cedric bixler is astonishing. alright roullete dares is over, amazing amazing track now we are getting into track 4 its 1:28 time and its called tira me a las arana`s which in rough translation means "the spiders are swarming me?" im probably really wrong but thats what i get out of my 2 years in high school span but bakc to the song, im loving hte guitar coinciding with the effects really super sounds complete instrumental track now it just sounds like this effect thing leading up to something then bam drum roll ooooh now we are at track 5 drunkship lanterns god perfect introduction for it "SHOVEL PICKS MOTHER CRIES" god thsi song is excellent i cant stop praising them, perfect blend of guitar and keyboarding here wow this is amazing and the lyrics and the drums. and i love that spanish salsa flavor it has in the back, like morroco`s in the arms of a man wit ha ceasure going crazy its a great effect. "SHARP AS AN ARROW" super song simply super. wow quick abrupt end into eriatarka sounds like a slower song, oh god superbly manipulated voice great great great great. damn powerful drums in this go jon, wow cedric picks up the pace nicely i can see him dancing like hell to this song on stage. wow sorry back i started dancing in my desalite room listening to this god its good you wont able to stop moving "they used to have impulsed in bound"... wow the end is magical man they have that "glimering sound" now the songs over its leading into in cicatriz i think but i dont know how track 6 about to begin woah.. this is weird very extended outro omg wow "DO YOU RECALLL ITS NAME" damn amazingly done, f*cking WOW what a song and this is the masterpiece the 12 minute master piece. Sutraaaa contusion beyond the anthills of this plaaaague. wow what an album. "to reach inside a vault whatever be the cost" if you do not have this album then you dont know what music is. sudden stop drumming is building tension bam blows up in cedrics explosive yet comforting voice saying god knows what but its beautiful. this my friends is art. wow the singings stop but crazy instrumental crazy crazy crazy, woah whats happening now the tone has changed dramatically and right dead center at the 6 minute mark, now its getting hazy strong sounds like dropping pebbles in water with that big time "futuristic" sound effects richocheting off the walls and now wow what the hell did i take acid or something before i put this cd on, their is no definite rhtyhmm and it is still so beautiful god my god, i just pinched my self to make sure this isnt a dream okay the glimmering is back and something that sounds sort of like ocean waves the drops are getting more and more repeititive i can feel something coming GOD give it to me already quit this teasing that they are doing just put me at rest but at the same time i want this to go on forever my god i dont know what to say this is amazing, oh here we go i hear light drumming oh its building its building its building oh my god, here we go wow beautiful guitar god this amazing what a guitarist. beautiful sound manip beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful, god this is brilliant what a cd, id pay 100 dollars if they charged it for this. "BEYOND THE ANTHILLS OooOooooF" cedric is back wow great great greatly maniped and voice remixed, PUNCH YOUR CLOCK IN! undeeeefecteeeed PUNCH YOUR CLOCK IN. wow what a song, now we are getting into track 8 "this apparatus must be unearthed" very thick guitars wow nice drumming everythings coming together nicely very nicely, wow a little too much manipulation on cedric`s voice.... god overkill right there but still brilliant, their we go back to normal, first verse shaky 2nd verse making it all go away and lulling me back "CAN YOU CURE OF THIS FAAAAATE" wow "IVE beeeen wiating for so long someone to mend all the blame" god i dunno if those are the lyrics but sorry i cant stop, sorry whoever is reding this im going crazy here this is amazing, this is so far the lesser of all the songs and i still love it. its a very dynamic song it`ll take a couple songs, but all my favourites do. "this is the alter, why wont you let me die..., on your knees" wow beatiful last verse makes up for everything thsi song is no lesser than any other song this is great im loving this song more and more as it progresses. wow thick ending big crazy musical explosion, thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick thick, now wait what the hell? silence? what thell? is that birds i hear...? can someone say uMMugumMMAMa pink floyd? this is track 9 now everyone televators, alright sounds acoustic. wow picking up omg... i feel the thick emotion of this song already. wow cedrics voice like i said can scare a lion and lul a baby. beautiful song beautiful lyrics very very emotional. 'you should have seeen the curse that flew right by you..." wow this is an exceptional song my favourite so far. the guitar is great bass is nice and the right amount of nature also. "pull the pill........." wow what a great song, very very very distinctive ending leading into the last song take the vel cerpin-taxt, wow im liking this alot making me dance again wow omg i love it i change my mind this is my favourite song god everything about this is great, YOU TAKE THE VEIAHHAAAAAIL! wow such anger it seems like a final "WHY AM I HERE! WHO PUT ME HERE!" god what a song. what a closing for such an amazing album wow is all i can say. this album blew me away but such an abrupt ending like so many things had to be said but their was no time god this is good. if you dont have it. get your self up and run to the store this is an amazing bit of music, hopefully more shall come. sorry i didnt review the last song but im too much in bliss. its a very intricate song and its very very very very amazing thats all i can say so thank you for reading, if you did sorry for making it extensive but give these guys a chance you wont regret it, its the greatest thing ive heard in a very very very long time and an album has never made me smile this hard in a very very long time so go out and grab it, im out. enjoy. astonishing. Expand
  3. CharzM.
    May 5, 2002
  4. RobertD.
    Jul 1, 2002
    this cd is raw the best is the jokes i give it 100 but u cant so
  5. JuanM.
    Jul 31, 2002
    This is the best cd i have ever heard. This is the coolest cd blink 182 yet. Travis plays drum very cool, hes da bomb.
  6. tomdelonge
    Dec 8, 2003
    Best Album ever no matter what you old people say
  7. AshM.
    Jul 6, 2003
    this cd is ssoo funny and i love i wth a frickin' passion!
  8. EhrenM
    Oct 17, 2004
    I love the cd so fucking favorite part is when Tom said "Hey Mark.." everytime they finished one song and one time Mark got sick of it then he said "What the fuck do you want Tom? I'm sick of 'Hey Mark...Hey Mark...'" that was so fucking funny!!!!!!
  9. chriss
    Mar 9, 2004
    the mark,tom and travis show kicked F%&king ass!!! tom rocks
  10. BartChaos
    Apr 27, 2004
    this cd rules
  11. OveM
    Aug 15, 2004
    This Show´s So F***ing Cool! It´s The Best Best Show I´ve Ever Heard!
  12. Adam.G
    Aug 28, 2004
    Hell yeah blink rules!
  13. Devin
    Feb 23, 2005
    THIS CD IS AWESOME!!!!(family reunion, and all the talk in it makes it worth it)!!!!!!
  14. Tahlee
    Mar 5, 2005
    Cd good... All the songs are good... Blink are good... its all good!
  15. nickw
    Jun 10, 2005
    This Is the best cd ever
  16. timp
    Jul 8, 2006
    this, like all blink albums is a quality piece of non stop, never ending classic live profomance. Tom like always is a god on guitar, marks comments leave you laughing on the floor and travis' drumming is some of the best ever...........easyly a 10 out of 10 album.
  17. EMileH
    Sep 28, 2006
    Blink 182 Rocks! Just wish they never Broke up...
  18. KimC.
    Oct 5, 2001
    I really found this album one of there funniest. I am a really big blink fan and have been w/ them from the beginning. some people dont understand pure comedy of these people... well i guess us "kids" are very easily amused. But nevertheless... listening to this album never fails to make me laugh. I luv it.
  19. ChrisC.
    Oct 5, 2002
    This cd is awesome along with blink all blink 182's other cd's. Blink 182 is the best band in the world.
  20. ElliottD.
    Aug 1, 2002
    blink 182 "mark tom travis show" kicks ass!
  21. PaulF
    Nov 18, 2003
    I you like Blink, you'll like this. If you're too "mature" for humor, and simple, fun pop-punk songs from the best pop-punk band out there, then this is not for you.
  22. BrandonW
    Feb 25, 2003
    This album kicks ass... It has very gross humor, just like kids like it and in my oppinion sounds much better than enema of the state.
  23. tkeene
    Aug 22, 2003
    This album although its nothing new i do believe blink pulled it off. Blink 182 are the funniest band around and all those fucked up pop/punk bands should pay respect to blink for opening that window for them.
  24. randelll
    Feb 29, 2004
    travis kicks ass!!
  25. Meghan
    May 1, 2004
    I really loved this CD. It's pretty dead on to their concerts. I hate that someone stole it from us, because we used to listen to it ALL THE TIME! Yeah, it swears a lot and is quite crude in places, but that's blink!! If you don't like the CD, then you don't like blink!:)
  26. Branson
    May 3, 2004
    great cd, and funny to listen to!!! You will laugh and love this cd!!
  27. DorainH
    Jun 26, 2004
    It's awsome, the best live cd ever made
  28. TimD
    Jun 4, 2004
    This is a great cd. The music is awesome and its funny as hell.
  29. jeremyc
    Aug 21, 2004
    it fuckin rock
  30. JonU
    Aug 24, 2004
    This CD is amazing. I strongly reccomend it for any true fan of blink-182, and still reccomend it to any fan. But if you dislike cursing and potty humor this may be a poor choice for you, because there's TONS of it.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Revolver
    Unfortunately, the toidy humor isn't funny, and the introspective songs aren't that relevatory. [#3, p.105]
  2. DeLonge is one terrific little guitar player, the comic chitchat interludes are a sweet bonus for fans, and Blink-182 steal enough moronic hooks to make The Enema Strikes Back a hoot.
  3. 80
    It's the between-song banter that makes The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show worth its weight in gold.