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Universal acclaim- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19

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  1. MikeM
    Mar 26, 2007
    Everything you've ever loved about Ted Leo. Does it break new musical ground? Well no, but it is great rock with powerful lyrics that's a blast to listen to.
  2. WestonT
    Jun 4, 2007
    The album is a 7 at best... with the regular hits and misses that TL/Rx is bound to have in any (read, all) of their albums. The Bonus EP is raw and the amp clips hell out of the music, which makes it a hard listen in my book (like listening to a garage band a couple houses over through tin cans and a string) but the album is what I bought it for anyway. Oh yeah, I give it a '9' The album is a 7 at best... with the regular hits and misses that TL/Rx is bound to have in any (read, all) of their albums. The Bonus EP is raw and the amp clips hell out of the music, which makes it a hard listen in my book (like listening to a garage band a couple houses over through tin cans and a string) but the album is what I bought it for anyway. Oh yeah, I give it a '9' for the '10' that is seeing TL live. Even the cheesy "Bottle of Bucky" seems like talking to an old friend when Ted is howling a few yards away. Don't believe me? Go see him. Expand
  3. ChristopherD
    Mar 27, 2007
    If there exists such a thing as thinking person's rock music, this is it. On their fifth studio album, Living with the Living, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists deliver what they do best
  4. Jerffrumfreehold
    Apr 10, 2007
    The only band that matters? Ted and crew never disappoint and the latest is no exception..a tight little unit that delivers on all cylinders, this modern day song cycle is the perfect tonic for positive souls tormented by our age...cannot understand why they are not universally lauded. Put it in heavy rotation and let it seep into your soul...if you are a fan, you know the drill, no The only band that matters? Ted and crew never disappoint and the latest is no exception..a tight little unit that delivers on all cylinders, this modern day song cycle is the perfect tonic for positive souls tormented by our age...cannot understand why they are not universally lauded. Put it in heavy rotation and let it seep into your soul...if you are a fan, you know the drill, no detail needed, but if not, you are missing the boat on the most literate, melodic, politically correct (and I mean that in a good way) taut little combo! Expand
  5. DeCal
    Apr 6, 2007
    Oh, I think it's a great record. The sequencing on the back half may be a little flawed, but to me it just delays gratification for a while, which is great, since it means I can enjoy this record for several months, rather than the several weeks it would take me to wear out something that instantly accessible. Anyway, the really striking thing about this album, to me, is how Oh, I think it's a great record. The sequencing on the back half may be a little flawed, but to me it just delays gratification for a while, which is great, since it means I can enjoy this record for several months, rather than the several weeks it would take me to wear out something that instantly accessible. Anyway, the really striking thing about this album, to me, is how effortlessly and intricately Leo weaves the personal and political together in almost every song. Usually, when someone claims an artist 'makes the political personal,' it just means their lyrics trade in interpersonal politics. But here, Leo really captures some of the human effects of our capitalist, hegemonic society ('Who do you love?', 'Colleen', and 'Costa Brava' to name a few), and weaves them into stories about relationships and personal struggles. The closing track CIA is another great example. I'll agree, as I said, that the sequencing (and the coda to 'lost brigade') is a bit flummoxing. But for me, it just creates a puzzle that I'll enjoy sorting out. I think we're way to quick to come to a decision about a record these days, what w/ the enormous amount of music accessible to us. Most of my favorites from the past years (the most recent shins, Calexico, Fiery Furnaces records come to mind, as does Of Montreal's "the Sundlandic Twins") have been ones that didn't impress me much at first, but revealed themselves much later. Anyway, I think this record is really great. It explores a slightly softer, fuller, and more diverse sound for Leo, and really hits home with me. Expand
  6. CarlS
    Mar 29, 2007
    This album could have gottnen a 10 from me if it left off a couple tracks and rearranged the order a bit. Great songs like Some Beginner's Mind and CIA shouldn't be stuck at the very end of the album! i love the bonus songs, especially the song Living with the Living, which ithe finest punk song I've heard in ages. Ted Leo also puts on one hell of an energetic live show, This album could have gottnen a 10 from me if it left off a couple tracks and rearranged the order a bit. Great songs like Some Beginner's Mind and CIA shouldn't be stuck at the very end of the album! i love the bonus songs, especially the song Living with the Living, which ithe finest punk song I've heard in ages. Ted Leo also puts on one hell of an energetic live show, not to be missed for sure! Expand
  7. cables
    May 3, 2007
    this album rocks. hard.
  8. guidedbyv
    Aug 11, 2007
    The only band that matters! An excellent effort from an equally excellent band
  9. MusicMaven
    Mar 30, 2007
    Ted Leo continues to provide the finest in thinking man's punk. This album serves up a generous helping of Leo's heartfelt personal and political anthems. I wish he had included the rousing "Loyal To My Sorrowful Country" -- the digital-only, 'Sharkbite Sessions' version with the Pharmacists -- but there's a wide variety of engrossing material here to sink your Ted Leo continues to provide the finest in thinking man's punk. This album serves up a generous helping of Leo's heartfelt personal and political anthems. I wish he had included the rousing "Loyal To My Sorrowful Country" -- the digital-only, 'Sharkbite Sessions' version with the Pharmacists -- but there's a wide variety of engrossing material here to sink your teeth into. We grow up and we calm down, but we're not all working for the clampdown -- some of us are listening to Ted Leo + The Pharmacists. Expand
  10. amodestbot
    Apr 14, 2007
    I'm a big TL fan, and I love this record. I don't know how its possible not to love anything this guy has put out. That said, I think this is his weakest album. ALL of that said, wow that tiny mix tapes review is terrible.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. Under The Radar
    Even more than its predecessors, Living is... a little bottom-heavy and sorely in need of an editor. [#16, p.92]
  2. Alternative Press
    Living With The Living takes steps back to New Jersey, with the sort of big rock 'n' roll, free of subcultural claim, that'd make the Boss proud. [Apr 2007, p.176]
  3. Filter
    Most of Living With the Living is in fact very good--which is to say that only some of its songs emerge as equals with the best of Leo's personal catalogue. [#24, p.90]