• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 4, 2014
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 130 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 130
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  1. Dec 6, 2019
    I really expected more from "Louder", Lea Michele totally disappointed me. The first time you hear it, you have the impression that all the songs are almost equal. Only those who have patience and listen more than once, can distinguish the songs and their particularities. I will not comment all the songs, but I will say that "Don't Let Go" is a piece of s***. "Empty Handed" and "If You SayI really expected more from "Louder", Lea Michele totally disappointed me. The first time you hear it, you have the impression that all the songs are almost equal. Only those who have patience and listen more than once, can distinguish the songs and their particularities. I will not comment all the songs, but I will say that "Don't Let Go" is a piece of s***. "Empty Handed" and "If You Say So" save the album from being a complete waste of time. Expand
  2. Apr 11, 2016
    I'm just floored that critics were so hard on this debut. It debuted at No 4. Not shabby for a first outing. Maybe the songs seem redundant be a those reviewing it are hard and have not Heart. How can they say that when every tswift album is a carbon copy of the first. She had Asia write or co write four song. I'm sorry Asia wrote Battlefield for her and a lesser singer wouldn't haveI'm just floored that critics were so hard on this debut. It debuted at No 4. Not shabby for a first outing. Maybe the songs seem redundant be a those reviewing it are hard and have not Heart. How can they say that when every tswift album is a carbon copy of the first. She had Asia write or co write four song. I'm sorry Asia wrote Battlefield for her and a lesser singer wouldn't have shown the maturity to drive it over the top. I'm sorry but BURN WITH YOU has to be one of the best songs ever recorded. The use of the heavy drums on all her tracks was probably Cory's influence because he was a drummer but I found it. Better than the auto tuned sugary crap that usually comes out. Her vocals are stellar. I found If You Say so so incredible and incitful. You know she loves him and wanted to spend her life with him. But you can also hear the anger she has toward the situation and Cory himself. It feels like a broken promise. So I think the rating was low. Also if she would have been able to do some shows ( she was filming the joke of Glee Season six) I think it would have done better. Looking forward to her sophomore album, but I think she could sing the phone book and I'd like it Expand
  3. Mar 4, 2014
    Absolutely senseless and empty album. The girl has a fine voice which she uses in record of monotonous songs in Cathie Perry and Britney Spears's style. The first single of 'Cannonball' was ideally written (unfortunately, not Michele), however a hit of the first size didn't become. No wonder, it only copy of 'Diamonds' of Rihanna. The only song which is noteworthy - 'Empty Handed'Absolutely senseless and empty album. The girl has a fine voice which she uses in record of monotonous songs in Cathie Perry and Britney Spears's style. The first single of 'Cannonball' was ideally written (unfortunately, not Michele), however a hit of the first size didn't become. No wonder, it only copy of 'Diamonds' of Rihanna. The only song which is noteworthy - 'Empty Handed' written by the singer of Christina Perri.

    Result: for nothing spent time for listening of not less empty album. 0/10 .
  4. Jun 1, 2020
    Tener una buena voz no lo es todo para ser una buena artista, este álbum es la mejor prueba de aquello.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Apr 3, 2014
    Like a showtune from Wicked, Louder serves as an above average power-pop album that you can bust a lung trying to sing along to without any of that pesky “thinking” to get in the way.
  2. Mar 18, 2014
    While the turbo vocal bursts on “You’re Mine” and “Burn With You” blend nicely with the poppier elements, several of the tracks, including the burbling “On My Way” and the title tune, feel a bit too calculated and anonymous in their production approach.
  3. Throughout the album, Michele doesn’t so much sing as trumpet like an elephant eager for the charge. Her voice has more need than vulnerability, more anger than understanding.