• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 4, 2014
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 130 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 130
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  1. Oct 31, 2020
    This is a whole masterpiece, every song is beautiful, specially the ballads: Battlefield and Thousand Needles which are my favorites. Her voice is really perfect, beautiful and powerful, worthy of topping the top of female pop artists. There are lyrics very strong emotionally. I'm in love with this album and i could always being listening every time.
  2. Apr 27, 2017
    Gorgeously crafted, beautifully sung and passionately given away. Lea [Michele] shares pages of her diary without being scared of us seeing her being fragile.
  3. Jan 6, 2017
    One of the best Pop albums to have ever been created. The emotion, the instrumentals, the vocals, the productions, the variety. Other artists should be ashamed at not creating something as wonderful as this record. Louder is the defining album and will stand the test of time. Iconic. Legendary. Queen Lea will always prevail.
  4. Nov 24, 2016
    It's not her best, but I liked a lot. She has a really great voice and 'Louder' has some really great ballads like 'Battlefield' and 'If You Say So', but some songs are just too overproducted and it might have overshadowed her amazing voice. Although it's a nice try for a debut. I believe in her potential and I'm sure she will surprise me one day.

    Favs: Burn With You, If You Say So and
    It's not her best, but I liked a lot. She has a really great voice and 'Louder' has some really great ballads like 'Battlefield' and 'If You Say So', but some songs are just too overproducted and it might have overshadowed her amazing voice. Although it's a nice try for a debut. I believe in her potential and I'm sure she will surprise me one day.

    Favs: Burn With You, If You Say So and Battlefield
  5. Jan 30, 2016
    Album mais que perfeito.
    A voz de Lea Michele é única e consegue transmitir emoções para os ouvintes de forma inimaginável.
    Tomara que o segundo album mantenha essa qualidade gigantesca
  6. Sep 15, 2015
    Um álbum maravilhoso cheio de hinos. Cannonball, Empty Handed, You're Mine, Cue the Rain, On My Way são verdadeiras obras primas. Vocais maravilhosos, instrumentais lindas e letras perfeitas só poderia resultar nessa bíblia. Só não vê quem não quer.
  7. Feb 4, 2015
    Esse álbum me cativou de uma forma tão incrível que nem sei explicar, pode ser meio fraco em várias faixas que se dão na sua tracklist, mas tem suas pérolas escondidas como Empty Handed, The Bells, Thousand Needles, Cue The Rain...
  8. Apr 9, 2014
    ¡Excelente album! Creo que la mezcla de estilos hacen que este album sea tan especial y aunque tenga letras con tantos cliches de amor no quita la emocion...
  9. Mar 8, 2014
    É muito difícil não dar uma nota boa para esse álbum, Lea canta divinamente bem. Uma artista completa e esse álbum parece ter sido tão bem trabalho e mostrando que é maduro suficiente para todos os gostos.
  10. Mar 7, 2014
    I have been waiting for this Album a very long time! Bought the last available copy in our town! I love every song! I find it refreshing to have a pop singer who can actually sing! Her voice is strong and beautiful! If you are an actual fan of Lea Michele and you are aware of everything she was going through during the process of making Louder then you get the emotion and you connect withI have been waiting for this Album a very long time! Bought the last available copy in our town! I love every song! I find it refreshing to have a pop singer who can actually sing! Her voice is strong and beautiful! If you are an actual fan of Lea Michele and you are aware of everything she was going through during the process of making Louder then you get the emotion and you connect with the songs! Lea is extremely talented and she keeps it classy! Can't say that about very many pop stars! Expand
  11. Mar 7, 2014
    Cannonball is a great listen. Although her album was not as commercially successful as everyone hoped, her songs are still not bad. Even though Cannonball surprisingly does not showcase her powerful belts, it is still a good listen to as it showcases her emotions and she can also handle the song live.
  12. Mar 6, 2014
    You know, I haven't heard this album - But I've heard her sing and therefore know this album cannot deserve such a low score. Especially when you see some of the horrible albums that receive great aggregate scores on Metacritic. Yoko Ono? Please. I don't really listen to this music but she's talented and and such a low score is clearly a lemming-like trend by critics not wanting to be theYou know, I haven't heard this album - But I've heard her sing and therefore know this album cannot deserve such a low score. Especially when you see some of the horrible albums that receive great aggregate scores on Metacritic. Yoko Ono? Please. I don't really listen to this music but she's talented and and such a low score is clearly a lemming-like trend by critics not wanting to be the one to disagree. Look at the scores in other mediums. Movies, TV shows, and video games all have lots of yellow and red scores, but in music it's all green except for a few targets of critic vitriol. All critics are disgruntled for not being able to work in the medium they critique, but music critics are the most disgruntled, and, in fact, lower types of human beings. Expand
  13. Mar 5, 2014
    I absolutely loved the album. When you think about the songs and about Cory, you really feel the connection in some of the songs. You're Mine, Don't Let Go and If You Say So especially gripped me. As a Glee fan since the first season, I'd come to see the two of them together on screen and then real life and I was really saddened by Cory's death. This album gives me the chills thinkingI absolutely loved the album. When you think about the songs and about Cory, you really feel the connection in some of the songs. You're Mine, Don't Let Go and If You Say So especially gripped me. As a Glee fan since the first season, I'd come to see the two of them together on screen and then real life and I was really saddened by Cory's death. This album gives me the chills thinking about him. I feel like Lea really put a lot of emotion into this. Despite what critics say, it's not all loud noises and stuff to me and she may not have done a generic 'pop' album, but it really hit home. Expand
  14. Mar 5, 2014
    I really liked all the songs on the album, as I was sure I would, given that we're talking about her, but there were some I didn't really expect to like as much as I did, such as for Burn With You or the Bells. Her voice is just stunning throughout the whole thing, and especially in Battlefield. I honestly can't wait for the next album, whenever she'll choose to release it!!!
  15. Mar 5, 2014
    I loved the whole album. I connected to Lea's voice and the overall sound of the album. I was happy with the uptempo songs and some the ballads has me in tears. Burn With You was my favorite followed by Battlefield, If You Say So and On My Way. I didn't skip any songs. I did like some songs more than others, but overall the entire album is really enjoyable. I find it funny that a lot ofI loved the whole album. I connected to Lea's voice and the overall sound of the album. I was happy with the uptempo songs and some the ballads has me in tears. Burn With You was my favorite followed by Battlefield, If You Say So and On My Way. I didn't skip any songs. I did like some songs more than others, but overall the entire album is really enjoyable. I find it funny that a lot of critics are saying she sounds to perfect or too broadway. It's almost like they are faulting her for having a great voice. I'm glad she can sing well ( on this album and live) because too many artists today can't. I love all genres of music and this album is a great addition to my my music collection. Expand
  16. Mar 4, 2014
    I find it hilarious that talent such as Lea Michele's raw power and vocal range are cited as negatives. In a world of pop-music devoid of talent, and cultivated ability, Lea Michele shines on Louder. As a whole the album is a solid endeavor into the pop world. Cannonball, despite it's emotional ties to Michele seems to be a weak selection for a single, but the album builds as well as growsI find it hilarious that talent such as Lea Michele's raw power and vocal range are cited as negatives. In a world of pop-music devoid of talent, and cultivated ability, Lea Michele shines on Louder. As a whole the album is a solid endeavor into the pop world. Cannonball, despite it's emotional ties to Michele seems to be a weak selection for a single, but the album builds as well as grows on the listener. Her voice conveys emotion and depth. To write the whole thing off simply because she's too powerful is something I find insulting. Louder is not for the meek. If a strong female vocalist singing songs that aren't about twerking and having sex then maybe Louder is for you. Expand
  17. Mar 4, 2014
    We must recognize that Lea gave her best on the album highlighting her voice, even though she has only written three songs for the album, 3 show the pure feeling and strength, then we should not say it was an empty album because the songs however they have been only 3 showed a strong emotion to be recorded. Even songs like "Cannonball", "Battlefield", "Thousand Needles" and "You're Mine"We must recognize that Lea gave her best on the album highlighting her voice, even though she has only written three songs for the album, 3 show the pure feeling and strength, then we should not say it was an empty album because the songs however they have been only 3 showed a strong emotion to be recorded. Even songs like "Cannonball", "Battlefield", "Thousand Needles" and "You're Mine" seemed to have been written by her, the only emotion she gave the song with his voice! Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Apr 3, 2014
    Like a showtune from Wicked, Louder serves as an above average power-pop album that you can bust a lung trying to sing along to without any of that pesky “thinking” to get in the way.
  2. Mar 18, 2014
    While the turbo vocal bursts on “You’re Mine” and “Burn With You” blend nicely with the poppier elements, several of the tracks, including the burbling “On My Way” and the title tune, feel a bit too calculated and anonymous in their production approach.
  3. Throughout the album, Michele doesn’t so much sing as trumpet like an elephant eager for the charge. Her voice has more need than vulnerability, more anger than understanding.