• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Apr 17, 2012
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 24 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 24
  2. Negative: 5 out of 24
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  1. Jul 4, 2018
    One of the most romantic releases of the twenty-first century so far. "I Won't Give Up" is a love song for ages.
  2. May 26, 2012
    Jason Mraz probably suffers from quite popular among commercial musicians disease - one season fame. So what that the artist has gained immense popularity due to the simple, but quaint "I'm Yours", when he can not maintain this level. "Love Is A Four Letter Word" clearly indicates that Mraz didn't have very good vision of the album and decided just to put dull collection of pop songs inJason Mraz probably suffers from quite popular among commercial musicians disease - one season fame. So what that the artist has gained immense popularity due to the simple, but quaint "I'm Yours", when he can not maintain this level. "Love Is A Four Letter Word" clearly indicates that Mraz didn't have very good vision of the album and decided just to put dull collection of pop songs in it, with the hope that they will repeat the success of its predecessor. Probably the only decent song on the album is - "93 Million Miles." Expand
  3. May 10, 2012
    This album is crap. It seems to me that Jason has gone off the deep end. This record is a pile of adult contemporary pop ballad garbage. No energy, none of the things that made people like Jason's writing in the past. I saw Jason play 93 Million Miles last fall with his old band (bunch of guys from Texas) and it was awesome. They had so much energy when they played it... That show wasThis album is crap. It seems to me that Jason has gone off the deep end. This record is a pile of adult contemporary pop ballad garbage. No energy, none of the things that made people like Jason's writing in the past. I saw Jason play 93 Million Miles last fall with his old band (bunch of guys from Texas) and it was awesome. They had so much energy when they played it... That show was awesome! The album version of that song is terrible, and his new band (bunch of Canadian guys) has all the energy of my 93 year old grandmother. Whew, fail! Collapse
  4. Apr 25, 2012
    Welcome to Jason's journey... I listened to this album to cover to cover and was carried away. While some might argue that songs tend to be mellow, I love it. No ups or downs... common musical and lyrical journey with no major twists or bends. The initial feel and riffs from his debut can be found in in most songs. He has managed to keep true to himself. Was scared that this album would beWelcome to Jason's journey... I listened to this album to cover to cover and was carried away. While some might argue that songs tend to be mellow, I love it. No ups or downs... common musical and lyrical journey with no major twists or bends. The initial feel and riffs from his debut can be found in in most songs. He has managed to keep true to himself. Was scared that this album would be massively commercial with loads of electrical insensitivities.
    Great tunes, interesting lyrics and awesome guitar riffs, melodies depicting his musical signature. Vividly encourage you to listen to it. Have been following Jason's career for close to 10 years now, before he was all big and famous.
  5. Apr 19, 2012
    The songwriting, melodies, and vocals on this album are outstanding. Despite the mellower, and more consistent, tone as compared to previous albums, this is a refreshingly good collection and another terrific effort from Jason Mraz.
  6. MES
    Apr 18, 2012
    I generally like Jason's lyrically interesting pop. He's a good songsmith, albeit not great. Not yet. This album is readily listenable but less than half of the 12 songs qualify as above-average songs. My favorite: The World As I See It. A bit disappointing given that I think he's got better songs in him than is displayed on this album. Still, for likeability and upbeat message,I generally like Jason's lyrically interesting pop. He's a good songsmith, albeit not great. Not yet. This album is readily listenable but less than half of the 12 songs qualify as above-average songs. My favorite: The World As I See It. A bit disappointing given that I think he's got better songs in him than is displayed on this album. Still, for likeability and upbeat message, I'll give it an 8. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. May 29, 2012
    [Mraz] is taking the true-blue pop rock formula and expanding on it in ways other, less competent musicians fail to do in today's world of watered-down songwriting and formulaic radio.
  2. May 11, 2012
    For a listener who's only been aware of Mraz by reputation, this is no instant-fix point of entry. It relies on past experiences, knowledge of what the artist is capable of rather than anything he delivers with consistency across these 12 songs.
  3. Q Magazine
    Apr 25, 2012
    He's re-engaged the formula of sweet, James Taylor-ish vocals, lyrical inoffensiveness... and a laid-back Jack Johnson-like musicality where 5/6 embraces cruise ship reggae. [May 2012, p.101]