• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Nov 21, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 200 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 24 out of 200

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  1. KenH
    Nov 28, 2006
    Gotta agree with All Music Guide when they claim that the Martins weren't adventerous enough throughout this still cool record. But it's the Beatles, man, and that still counts for a lot!
  2. SaraF
    Jan 31, 2007
    George Martin is absolutely wonderful in his collaboration of all the Beatles songs in this CD, and I must admit I was very impressed with the Beatle songs chosen to make the CD, especially "I Am The Walrus" and "Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite" even though, much to my surprise, the Martin duo chose to put Paul's songs ahead of John in this collaboration... tsk tsk... shame on you George Martin is absolutely wonderful in his collaboration of all the Beatles songs in this CD, and I must admit I was very impressed with the Beatle songs chosen to make the CD, especially "I Am The Walrus" and "Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite" even though, much to my surprise, the Martin duo chose to put Paul's songs ahead of John in this collaboration... tsk tsk... shame on you both! Not that John would have said anything or cared, but as a very well-informed fan, I MUST STATE this to you: John, after all, was the leader and so much more when it comes to the special "magic" we all felt back then when we first heard the Beatles to those who hear it today and feel that same magic. The fact that George and his son Giles chose to put Paul in the forefront of this CD does bring my respect for this duo down a notch or two... come on..... John has earned the right to not only have the obvious -- the first song(s) heard on this CD such as "I Am The Walrus" -- but also his name and his personal touches to each and every project that is put out today having to do with the Beatles. The fact is this: Paul chose to accept the "Sir" title, and John was probably most proudest when all was said and done of all the Beatle accomplishments that the Beatles had "Stayed Working Class". So, I say to you Paul this: "Paul, just Get Back and Let It Be for a CHANGE!." Oh, and by the way, your feeble attempts in trying to get the "Lennon-McCartney" changed over to your name first -- this epitomizes your losing touch to anything that is "real"....Listen to John's Post-Beatle songs and come down to earth! You should listen too George and Giles.... Expand
  3. Oct 27, 2011
    You really shouldn't mess with something that's already perfect and can't be improved upon. While the raw material is brilliant without question, I'm not sure what the point of this project was really. The best bits are the songs that are pretty much untouched from the originals (Hey Jude, A day in the Life, Revolution all have minimal changes). The other standout moments have alreadyYou really shouldn't mess with something that's already perfect and can't be improved upon. While the raw material is brilliant without question, I'm not sure what the point of this project was really. The best bits are the songs that are pretty much untouched from the originals (Hey Jude, A day in the Life, Revolution all have minimal changes). The other standout moments have already been enjoyed on the Anthology collection. Anthology was a great project and very worthwhile because it's like a documentary on how the greatest band of all time grew and developed their ideas. This add's very little to the Beatles story. Of course it's impossible to make a record using this material sound bad and it is an enjoyable listen, but more because of the original songs rather than what Martin has done with them. Expand
  4. EricH
    Nov 21, 2006
    It's a bit disappointing to hear 'Strawberry Fields' mixed with 4 or 5 other songs, then 'A Day in the Life' the album version. There are very creative moments and then there are studio cuts (which I've heard hundreds of times before). A great concept but a little weak on delivery.
  5. patb
    Mar 16, 2007
    nothing new per se
  6. WilliamC
    Jan 28, 2007
    It's all about money...repackage the beatles Las Vegas style...tread very lightly...make sure no one is offended...hardly a touch of creativity..."The Beatles on 45"
  7. ArthurR
    Jan 7, 2007
    I heard one of the more radical reworkings on this album in a bookstore, and so I got the album. Had the whole album been just as radical, it would have been worth it. A lot of the songs are really different at all. It's a great idea, and the most radical songs are fun to hear, because the Beatles' songs are so familiar to recognize them in new contexts is fun, but much of the I heard one of the more radical reworkings on this album in a bookstore, and so I got the album. Had the whole album been just as radical, it would have been worth it. A lot of the songs are really different at all. It's a great idea, and the most radical songs are fun to hear, because the Beatles' songs are so familiar to recognize them in new contexts is fun, but much of the album just sounds like the songs were really aggressively remastered, and not changed that much. A great idea, half-botched. Expand
  8. mattc
    Jul 20, 2007
    I love the Beatles, obviously. I believe their tunes are masterpieces, not to be ever tampered with. But, sadly, this album doesn't prove that wrong. When i was listening to 'Here comes the sun', the Indian drum beat vibe was interesting yes, but the song itself didn't feel the same. Seriously, classics should never EVER be remixed
  9. SYanoff
    Dec 30, 2006
    Beatles music is great, and any refreshing remix is welcome. However, I gave up on this after two listens. I am sure it would have even more appeal given the context of the Cirque de Soleil show it is meant to accmopany. However, this just seemed like more Anthology-based reworkings that really don't warrant a purchase. The mash-ups were creative, but in the end, I'm not Beatles music is great, and any refreshing remix is welcome. However, I gave up on this after two listens. I am sure it would have even more appeal given the context of the Cirque de Soleil show it is meant to accmopany. However, this just seemed like more Anthology-based reworkings that really don't warrant a purchase. The mash-ups were creative, but in the end, I'm not interested in just a new track list of existing Beatles music. Expand
  10. RH
    Nov 20, 2006
    It's not a bad idea on paper, but the results aren't full of enough cross-cutting and weirdness. It feels like Martin is holding back, allowing for too many numbers that are practically identical to their original counterparts.
  11. ToddW
    Nov 21, 2006
    Because it's the Beatles, I'll meet them halfway. But the whole idea of mishmashing their songs to introduce their music to new generations of potential listeners seems all at once resigned, contrived, desperate, and a bit of yet another money grab from the Fab Four. These guys and their estates already have enough mammon for a jillion lifetimes, so why mess with perfection? If Because it's the Beatles, I'll meet them halfway. But the whole idea of mishmashing their songs to introduce their music to new generations of potential listeners seems all at once resigned, contrived, desperate, and a bit of yet another money grab from the Fab Four. These guys and their estates already have enough mammon for a jillion lifetimes, so why mess with perfection? If there was actually something new in this package, it would be worth spending money on to put under the Christmas tree. But it's like playing musical trivial pursuit with Beatles' songs as the calling cards. Uh, no thanks, but I'll take another glass of wine, please. I've sampled this album, and while it is mildly interesting, not one of the remakes sounds better than the original from which it came. So that leaves me asking: What's the point? Maybe old George Martin is bored living off of his royalties in the English countryside. Oh, what John Lennon, the Beatles' conscience, would think of all of this. We know Yoko, Paul, and Ringo long ago sold their souls to the devil. George would go along to get along, just like the old days. Beatlemaniacs will eat it up, of course. I'll take the main courses that are their original albums. Expand
  12. JaneyS
    Nov 26, 2006
    I'm sorry, but this is terrible--the Beatles equivalent of a Fifth of Beethoven. It's a freaking medley for a Vegas show, fer crying out loud! Martin does a tasteful job, but he cannot change the purpose of this exercise: to provide condensed, shortened versions of legendary songs as backing music to visual spectacle. Had this truly been done as an artistic endeavor, to I'm sorry, but this is terrible--the Beatles equivalent of a Fifth of Beethoven. It's a freaking medley for a Vegas show, fer crying out loud! Martin does a tasteful job, but he cannot change the purpose of this exercise: to provide condensed, shortened versions of legendary songs as backing music to visual spectacle. Had this truly been done as an artistic endeavor, to reimagine the Beatles catalog, it would have been fascinating. But it isn't that at all. And it was never going to be. Expand
  13. Nov 21, 2012
    These songs are all fantastic classics and yet this album couldn't be more of a chore to get through. Why, might you ask? I still can't even put my finger on it.
  14. Roquentin
    Dec 1, 2006
    Think medley, not mash-up. Just one long medley that doesn't really add much to the originals. What's the point, then?
  15. MarkR
    Jun 26, 2007
    They were a good band. Grow up everybody...
  16. PerA
    Jan 13, 2007
    The Beatles is the best band that ever existed! I do not mind re-mixes of their amazing music but this is just a like a mixture of jingles. The only clever idea is "Withing Yoy and Without You/Tomorrow Never knows" The rest is unnecessary. Much more interesting to go back to "The Anthology"
  17. YO.
    Jan 20, 2007
    Worst mix ever. Un asco.
  18. allenh
    Feb 25, 2007
    George Martin's son seems to be a silly kid, playing with the golden toys that his genious father gave to him. The idea of refreshing is really great, but you shoul'd do it in a wise way, avoiding harm . The brilliant violins of "Good Night" should't has to be disturbed by Ringo's voice track to "i like to be". You shoul'd not make a stuped crossfade between a George Martin's son seems to be a silly kid, playing with the golden toys that his genious father gave to him. The idea of refreshing is really great, but you shoul'd do it in a wise way, avoiding harm . The brilliant violins of "Good Night" should't has to be disturbed by Ringo's voice track to "i like to be". You shoul'd not make a stuped crossfade between a live concert audience sound, and the well known regular-dry version of "the hard day's night. Maybe you just full of coce Mr Martin Junior... Expand
  19. fe
    Nov 21, 2006
    Too many of the songs are quite similar to the recorded versions. The Martins didn't take the concept far enough, they were too reverential instead of truly re-imagining what the songs might be. Also the collage technique feels too amateurish. Most 16 year olds with a copy of GarageBand could have done smoother more imaginative cuts and loops. Imagine to have all this material at Too many of the songs are quite similar to the recorded versions. The Martins didn't take the concept far enough, they were too reverential instead of truly re-imagining what the songs might be. Also the collage technique feels too amateurish. Most 16 year olds with a copy of GarageBand could have done smoother more imaginative cuts and loops. Imagine to have all this material at your fingertips but lack the courage to push the opportunity to its limits. Pity. This is an interesting album, but what might have been! Expand
  20. [Anonymous]
    Feb 26, 2007
    Cut the bullshit DJ Martin. We better listen once more to 'Ask me why'-from'62, and not taking seriously the silly kid playing with his golden toys given him by father Geogre The Great. Even a baby can press the 'mute' buttons, to leave space to the brilliant voicetracks in 'Because', and actually that was the only smart touch in that mad Cut the bullshit DJ Martin. We better listen once more to 'Ask me why'-from'62, and not taking seriously the silly kid playing with his golden toys given him by father Geogre The Great. Even a baby can press the 'mute' buttons, to leave space to the brilliant voicetracks in 'Because', and actually that was the only smart touch in that mad overmixxxxxxxxxing session that someone called a CD. Expand
  21. GlenT
    Dec 25, 2006
    Why do people always want to screw with perfection all the time??? The Beatles are and always will be the best band ever plus they were the masters of layering music and vocal tracks along with other studio wizardry and each of their songs and albums stand alone at proving this point. "Love" to me, confues what they created and makes a cluttered mess of this talent and body of work. For Why do people always want to screw with perfection all the time??? The Beatles are and always will be the best band ever plus they were the masters of layering music and vocal tracks along with other studio wizardry and each of their songs and albums stand alone at proving this point. "Love" to me, confues what they created and makes a cluttered mess of this talent and body of work. For what? To gain a new audience so they "GET" what the Beatles were about?? Pleeeeease. I agree with one poster that the mastering work is all that I thought deserved mention. Do yourselves a favour and get the original Beatles library, absorb it, enjoy it, be in awe of it but please, don't mess with it. Expand
  22. AndrewA
    Nov 27, 2006
    The only good thing about this cd is the new remastering.
  23. TylerG
    Dec 5, 2006
    I am a huge Beatles fan, but I do not like all of the mixing of songs on this album.
  24. AndreaC
    Jan 1, 2007
    I hate this album, it was made for money only like Yoko, Paul, or ringo really need it.. The jerk who sliced up the old master tracks and revised them and added new electronic noises is a complete moron and anyone who falls for this crap is also a moron. They tooks classics and tweaked them a bit and rearranged the lyrics, i'm fully disappointed with this album and the people who I hate this album, it was made for money only like Yoko, Paul, or ringo really need it.. The jerk who sliced up the old master tracks and revised them and added new electronic noises is a complete moron and anyone who falls for this crap is also a moron. They tooks classics and tweaked them a bit and rearranged the lyrics, i'm fully disappointed with this album and the people who didn't really listen to the beatles on their own before but only listened to them on the radio don't know the damn difference. The beatles fell apart long ago and now your just stomping on the memory atleast with the original albums we had the real thing not a modernization of the beatles. Expand
  25. joep
    Jan 16, 2007
    this is crap, who care if some of this stuff fits together, listen to the damn originals for chrissake
  26. DavidZ.
    Sep 7, 2007
    Contributes nothing to the understanding of what made the Beatles great. Sorry, don't get it.
  27. Apr 20, 2015
    Because it's the Beatles, I REALLY wanted to like it but came away disappointed. Paying a $100+ per ticket to watch the cast blow bubbles, roller blade and cover the audience with a bed sheet proves Barnum's theorem that there's a sucker born every minute.
    I've seen Cirque shows before and came away awed. Last night, not so much.
    When this thing opened 9-10 years ago it might have been
    Because it's the Beatles, I REALLY wanted to like it but came away disappointed. Paying a $100+ per ticket to watch the cast blow bubbles, roller blade and cover the audience with a bed sheet proves Barnum's theorem that there's a sucker born every minute.
    I've seen Cirque shows before and came away awed. Last night, not so much.
    When this thing opened 9-10 years ago it might have been innovative but since then, others have upped the ante ie. Blue Man Group, any decent circus, etc. so while I can marvel at the technical complexity of the moving stage and prop appearance/disappearance from the rafters, on the whole, I'd rather have the cost of the tickets back in my pocket and use my imagination while listening to the $12 soundtrack.
    Head's Up: if you begin to hear "number 9, number 9" on the recorded soundtrack (no live music in this show) that's a signal to the cast that there's a serious glitch somewhere and the show comes to an abrupt halt. The house lights come up, the actors leave the stage and the audience sits there listening to abstract symphonic music while they fix whatever is broken. Then the cast ambles back on stage and the show awkwardly resumes. Very strange.
  28. rik4536s
    Jun 9, 2008
    you mean this was the same George Martin that helped produce the "White Album", Magical Mystery Tour", .... Why, in Gawds' name has so many tracks on this take been so brutally chopped into a SpeedTracks crash site. ?!!! Do NOT BUY this- although I must say the one saving grace was that It was on sale at Best Buy for 1/3rd off. -so now I know why. 'cause I didn't really you mean this was the same George Martin that helped produce the "White Album", Magical Mystery Tour", .... Why, in Gawds' name has so many tracks on this take been so brutally chopped into a SpeedTracks crash site. ?!!! Do NOT BUY this- although I must say the one saving grace was that It was on sale at Best Buy for 1/3rd off. -so now I know why. 'cause I didn't really listen to it before I bought it did I ? Sorry George, I know its not you, its the Bush's in the Music Industry today. -tears for fears here. -Can someone just package the real original Bealtes in a 30 CD set or whatever ? ya, ok maybe this isn't so bad but do the above and I will gladly pay for the whole and original skebang. -or, you're just going to force me to download them. Expand
  29. FrankH
    Jul 31, 2009
    I don't get it either. It sounds like a ripped up Vegas Beatles to me. Do yourself a favor and buy the original albums.

Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Love vindicates the Beatles' status as master musicians and conceptualists.
  2. The question of whether anybody would listen to Love more than once if the original Beatles albums were available in equivalent sound quality is a nice one. But it doesn't seem to matter much when you can almost feel the spit flying from John Lennon's mouth during Revolution, or when A Day in the Life's orchestral swell comes surging from the speakers. After all, it's hard to ask questions when your breath has been taken away.
  3. You could figure it as a sop to today's interactive mash-up culture. Or you could say it's just extending the medley-ish, segue-happy ethos of Abbey Road to the band's entire catalog. Really, it's both, and it's bliss.