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Universal acclaim- based on 1805 Ratings

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  1. Aug 24, 2022
    Tired,cringe and pointlessly overblown. Madame X is a beyond terrible pop latin record that in repect to Madonna's legacy,should've been shelved.
  2. Jun 24, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. So many fillers mg...this has to be her worst album in centuries....what in God's name is this Expand
  3. Jan 19, 2022
    Un completo flop, música genérica, un intento desesperado por conseguir el agrado de GP, ay me un dos tres Chá Chá Chá
  4. Dec 9, 2021
    Sorry but this album is just awful. I appreciate Madonna is exploring her new sound by trying adding some flavors on each track. Not bad for her 14th studio album but this ain't it.
  5. Nov 25, 2021
    Boring album full of fillers, overall it doesn’t go anywhere near what we call “ok”.
  6. Nov 25, 2021
    It doesn't look and sound like Madonna. Madonna, what happened to you? So sad!
  7. Dec 20, 2020
    Madonna remains the great entrepreneur, playing tough, still making her own (right?) business moves and kudos to her for all that - but ever since "Music", her records are mostly a let down; adding to it the unbearable presence of auto-tune, it is just beyond comprehension how a human ear can ever cope listening to anyone filtering through one such utterly dreadful effect.

    The video
    Madonna remains the great entrepreneur, playing tough, still making her own (right?) business moves and kudos to her for all that - but ever since "Music", her records are mostly a let down; adding to it the unbearable presence of auto-tune, it is just beyond comprehension how a human ear can ever cope listening to anyone filtering through one such utterly dreadful effect.

    The video teaser for "Madame X" was promising, but the moment she presented it with "Medellin" any expectations for this album to be something else were gone instantly. File under turbo-folk. Sadly so.
  8. Jun 4, 2020
    This is really trash, it horrible how this ma'am make music to pause and stop his songs
  9. Aug 28, 2020
    Cómo reina del pop siempre se espera algo bueno de ella, pero desde el 2008 su música se ha convertido en algo forzado, no se sabe si la reina del pop necesita más dinero o ama de verdad a la música, pero este álbum no representa ningún amor por ella.
  10. Jul 27, 2020
    This music suck as dirty underwear. And frankly I even believe this music shouldn't be exist.
  11. Jun 7, 2020
    A boring, long, tedious album, very little commercial, madonna is over, it no longer exists, it is better that you retire with dignity, your time is over, madonna is over!
  12. Jun 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Oh my God, this is literally like plug my headphones to the trashcan and listen to it Expand
  13. Jun 2, 2020
    Pésimo esperaba mas de la antigua reina del pop, la música nada que ver con la música pop, no tiene buenas letras, Madonna me gusto mas rebelt heart
  14. Jun 1, 2020
    ¿Es enserio que Maluma entra en escena en esta ecuación?, pensaba que esta mujer luchaba por el empoderamiento femenino y chuparle el dedo a este personaje con las letras no es alguien para el calibre de Madonna, me imagino que es un grito desesperado por poder figurar en la actualidad.
  15. May 30, 2020
    Álbum péssimo. Apenas 2 músicas se salvam! Não sou hater, porém esse álbum não há inovação e nem coerência, totalmente genérico. Por isso dou nota 3!
  16. May 30, 2020
    Noioso, brutto, mediocre. Uno scempio considerato avanguardia. Madonna pur di tornare rilevante ha scelto di duettare con il peggio del peggio nel campo del reggaetton, non una volta, DUE. Risultato? Uno schifo. ONE TWO CHA CHA CHA AHAHAH
  17. May 29, 2020
    Meh, meh, and meh. We’ve heard this before. Flopdonna has Zero artistic evolution.
  18. May 29, 2020
    lousy and extremely bad taste. Madonna is tired and doesn't sound as cool and refreshing as in vogue or ray of light.
  19. May 29, 2020
    Álbum sem coesão, músicas genéricas feito para tentar alcançar os charts mundiais.
  20. May 29, 2020
    Wow, how disappointing and sad... She should retire already and let some new artist give her tribute, I mean, she's Madonna, but the album is just terrible.
  21. Apr 19, 2020
    Le doy crédito por los visuales y estar ya mayorcita y seguir complaciendo a los fans pero el disco es un desastre de principio a fin! Y la colaboración con Maluma? Dios mío los peores 4 minutos de mi vida.
  22. Nov 15, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I think M need a breakthrough album rather than cha cha cha... or maybe jazz, she is queen right? So Expand
  23. Sep 24, 2019
    Madonna feels, for possibly the first time, way out of her depth here. There's a large amount of Spanish and Portuguese songs on here, but none of it feels very original- or, if it does, it's so soaked in reverb that it sounds like she's singing it in an abandoned auditorium. And her social commentary is just... not great. "Killers Who Are Partying" honestly ruins this entire record. ItMadonna feels, for possibly the first time, way out of her depth here. There's a large amount of Spanish and Portuguese songs on here, but none of it feels very original- or, if it does, it's so soaked in reverb that it sounds like she's singing it in an abandoned auditorium. And her social commentary is just... not great. "Killers Who Are Partying" honestly ruins this entire record. It just feels like she's trying to connect herself with these cultures and struggles that she's never been a part of. It feels like a 21st century version of Kipling's "White Man's Burden" in some ways, and that is NOT a good thing. Sometimes, you don't need to speak your opinions on every matter. Expand
  24. Sep 3, 2019
    Medellín 4/10
    Dark Ballet 4/10
    God Control 2/10
    Future 2/10
    Batuka 6/10
    Killers Who Are Partying 2/10
    Crave 4/10
    Crazy 3/10
    Come Alive 3/10
    Extreme Occident 4/10
    Faz Gostoso 10/10
    **** I'm Loca 4/10
    I Don't Search I Find 2/10
    Looking For Mercy 8,5/10
    I Rise 5/10

    Mademe X:40/100
  25. Sep 1, 2019
    I was expecting so much more from this album. Her worst project ever created
  26. Aug 12, 2019
    As someone who considered herself a huge former Madonna fan (I own most of her singles from the 80s and 90s on vinyl) I was pleased by the rumor mill whisperings that this latest album, "Madame X" was a comeback of sorts, a return to primo form after nearly a decade of mediocre music releases (following the excellent career-highlight "Confessions on a Dance Floor"). Unfortunately, after aAs someone who considered herself a huge former Madonna fan (I own most of her singles from the 80s and 90s on vinyl) I was pleased by the rumor mill whisperings that this latest album, "Madame X" was a comeback of sorts, a return to primo form after nearly a decade of mediocre music releases (following the excellent career-highlight "Confessions on a Dance Floor"). Unfortunately, after a few serious listens to the new Ms. X, I've concluded that it's not only bad and a continuation of Madonna's out-of-touch downward spiral, but it's also entirely cringeworthy and shockingly amateurish. Ridiculous, self-indulgent lyrics and less-than-stellar vocal delivery aren't the only problematic elements, however. The production on the album is also surprisingly "off" and unpolished. Many of the vocals seem as if they are recorded by a cheap laptop mic and - perhaps purposely? - there's a sparseness to the overall sound that feels unfinished and quickly constructed. While some reviewers have lauded this as the best Madonna album in years, all signs (and sounds) point to it being among the worst and most misguided. Expand
  27. Jul 28, 2019
    Flop. This album might be even worse than Stars Dance. Imagine creating something worse than Selena's album... R.I.P.
  28. Jun 27, 2019
    Are all the exceptionally high scores some kind of joke I'm not in on? Or are they just Madonna fan girls or basing their scores off some nostalgia that I don't understand because I'm only 19? Genuinely confused cause this not a good album at all.
  29. Jun 24, 2019
    Horrible. One of the worst albums of this year. She really lost it and thats sad
  30. Jun 24, 2019
    Listen, I respect that madonna has been in the game for 4 decades and has set a tone but come do people listen to this auto tuned crap? I'm not saying the whole album is horrible but it definitely isn't innovative and it certainly isn't good. No thank you.
  31. Jun 23, 2019
    One of the worst albums Of The year and the complete decade.
    This is an perfect example Of what u shouldn't do in actual pop.
  32. Jun 22, 2019
    asco la Viejonna, saltos diera por volver hacer un álbum tan artisimo como Like a Diosa o Ray of biblia.
  33. Jun 22, 2019
    The worst of her albums, perhaps very close to “American Life”: just judge by the art cover and the name of the album. Madame X is just a mix of a desperate “artist” trying so hard to be relevant with her well known and repulsive controversy manners. She has become really disgusting. Just grow up woman, remove those grills and that ridiculous eye patch
  34. Jun 20, 2019
    Doesn’t sound coherent this album of hers. She seems to be trying to be innovative, but fails in her attempt, undoubtedly disappointing
  35. Jun 20, 2019
    An interesting concept, executed poorly. Lyrically patchy, questionable collaborations, and so much vocal processing that you feel like you are not hearing Madonna, but hearing her computer. Madonna has done vastly better. This album will not go down in history as one of her finest.
  36. Jun 17, 2019
    Undoubtedly one of Madonna's worst albuns, but it has 3/4 songs that are worth listening to. I was disappointed with the exaggerated use of autotune.
  37. Jun 17, 2019
    Nothing more than terrible, the lack of talent is becoming more and more evident in Madonna, she sounds terrible, she lost her mind, it's the same she has always did, a bunch of young artists trying to get streams and using religion to promote herself
  38. Jun 16, 2019
    Madame X até que tinha uma boa proposta em reunir estilos e gêneros musicas em um único registro, mas errou na execução do projeto, a maioria das musicas tem uma produção chocha e nada excepcional, em “I Don’t Search I Find” que tem a melhor produção do álbum (e bem saudosista) a experiência é arruinada pelo exageros na edição em sua voz. Liricamente é qualquer coisa também, o álbum é malMadame X até que tinha uma boa proposta em reunir estilos e gêneros musicas em um único registro, mas errou na execução do projeto, a maioria das musicas tem uma produção chocha e nada excepcional, em “I Don’t Search I Find” que tem a melhor produção do álbum (e bem saudosista) a experiência é arruinada pelo exageros na edição em sua voz. Liricamente é qualquer coisa também, o álbum é mal organizado, enquanto ela canta sobre sua experiência melancólica de crescer no ocidente, na faixa seguinte ele canta sobre trair seu marido, todas as musicas que ela tenta cantar em português é um grande desastre e fica até cômico, como na faixa Crazy.

    Enquanto nos outros registros por mais desastrosos que fossem ela ainda conseguia oferecer grandes musicas como Devil Wouldn’t Recognize You, Misterpiece e Hold Tight o mesmo não se aplica ao Madame X, o álbum não tem nenhuma musica memorável, marcante ou grandiosa que faça jus ao legado de sua interprete, muito pior que errar tentando com um disco ruim e pretensioso, é errar tentando com um disco inesquecível como esse.
  39. Jun 16, 2019
    The songs is not very structure, the lyrics is not captivating, the autotune is too much and her voice it's like never existed, she sounds terrible even with autotune
  40. Jun 16, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Terrible like always, Madonna has no voice anymore, a bunch of young artists trying to make her more relevant but it's all trash Expand
  41. Jun 16, 2019
    Madonna está envejeciendo musicalmente de una manera horrible, muy mal disco
  42. Jun 16, 2019
    I get the experimental thing, but this album is a mess full of auto tune and with no memorable songs.
  43. Jun 16, 2019
    Does she sing at all? Yes but with all the autotune you don't get to hear it... Madonna has changed for this record and not in a good way: in my opinion, this is one to avoid at all costs...
  44. Jun 16, 2019
    Very confusing. There’re songs very experimental and that’s no good. Best track is crave.
  45. Jun 15, 2019
    Madonna's worst album. I didn't enjoy the features, the excessive autotune, or the overly experimental sound. This doesn't live up to Madonna's previous albums.
  46. Jun 15, 2019
    Unfortunately, it's not good. Production on some songs are pretty neat but the lyrics just ooze fake-woke messages and never dig deeper. Genre choice was obviously going for the Latin pop trend and it's just so heavy handed.
  47. Jun 14, 2019
    One of worst album of the year.
    This album full of autotune, wheres art?
  48. Jun 14, 2019
    Madonna's " Madame X " is Really, Really Bad. :( be hackneyed and undeveloped
  49. Jun 14, 2019
    The album is trash from top to bottom. Madonna has always been one to set trends rather than set them, and the songs are all overdone with autotune
  50. Jun 14, 2019
    With Madame X, Madonna has reinvented what a pop record can be - it's a risky record that's quite possibly the most experimental thing she's ever done. Overall, Madonna sounds newly inspired throughout the record. Medellin, the cool, breezy lead single featuring Maluma, serves as a great introduction for what's to come.
    Dark Ballet might be the most bonkers song Madonna has ever
    With Madame X, Madonna has reinvented what a pop record can be - it's a risky record that's quite possibly the most experimental thing she's ever done. Overall, Madonna sounds newly inspired throughout the record. Medellin, the cool, breezy lead single featuring Maluma, serves as a great introduction for what's to come.
    Dark Ballet might be the most bonkers song Madonna has ever recorded - and it works!
    Killers Who are Partying is another highlight. It's not at all what I was expecting, and that's a good thing.
    Crazy is perhaps the most straight-forward pop song on the album - if someone like Taylor Swift or Ariana Grande put this out, it'd be a #1 hit.
    Looking for Mercy is one of the best ballads Madonna's done in a long time. The great thing about Madame X is the variety of styles present - yet, somehow, the entire record works as a whole.
  51. Jun 14, 2019
    No es su mejor trabajo, Medellín es lo peor del disco!!! Me pregunto que sigue después de este álbum
  52. Jun 14, 2019
    Ella dijo que salvaría el pop y con este material está lejos de hacerlo. ¿Ella piensa salvar el pop colaborando con maluma?.
  53. Jun 14, 2019
    I love poppy songs with a melody that makes you happy and detest rapping, so you can guess where this is going... Madame X certainly isn't anything of what I like and just one song out of 15 is tolerable, so I guess that makes the score 1 rather than 0.
  54. Jun 14, 2019
    Absolute trash. I had a very uncomfortable time listening to it. Madonna is a try hard artist that jumps into new trends just to try to stay relevant and still fails. Laughable

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Mojo
    Jun 25, 2019
    The pace plods on some mid-tempo tracks, but overall this is a personal, politically-charged mix of dark thoughts and good vibes. [Aug 2019, p.88]
  2. Jun 21, 2019
    Overall, Madonna’s fourteenth album Madame X feels as if Mirwais had mostly completed a decent run-of-the-mill modern pop record, albeit with a cool hotch-potch global feel; hip nods in place to fado, dub and other micro-genres dunked amongst the trap and retro disco. But then just before sign-off, Herself went through the top-lines with a sharpie. ... None of these carefully curated flourishes feel as if they truly live inside the ‘whole’ of this music. Instead it all feels plonked on top of a template.
  3. Jun 19, 2019
    Madonna has created this music for an audience of one: Herself. Often it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.