• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Jul 29, 2016
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 53 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 53
  2. Negative: 7 out of 53
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  1. Aug 3, 2016
    THIS ALBUM IS 100% BANGERS GOOD TIME AND VIBES. LOVE LOVE LOVE!........................................................................................
  2. Aug 3, 2016
    Considering DJ Khaled as a snapchat superstar/icon, he arrives with a massive, undisputed, and solid album that shuts hip-hop heads up. Khaled brings in modern artist that are popping, and succeeds on sending a message of the Major Key. Just like Gucci Mane, Khaled has never sound this crispy ever before, Proud of his hard work, this what the key is about!
  3. Aug 2, 2016
    Dj Khaled's albums are like large beautiful bombastic cakes with a mixture of different flavors. You end up with more than your fill, and if you don't appreciate the various tastes you'll stop eating. Fortunately for me this is the first time I had a Khaled cake and enjoyed it (for the most part, I left a 3/4 aside). Nas, Big Sean and Kent Jones were the big surprises for me. It's 2016 andDj Khaled's albums are like large beautiful bombastic cakes with a mixture of different flavors. You end up with more than your fill, and if you don't appreciate the various tastes you'll stop eating. Fortunately for me this is the first time I had a Khaled cake and enjoyed it (for the most part, I left a 3/4 aside). Nas, Big Sean and Kent Jones were the big surprises for me. It's 2016 and Nas is actually spitting harder than he was in the 90s on the track "Nas Album Done." I never thought I'd be excited for a Nas album this year. Big Sean holds up on all his features even against Kendrick Lamar who snaps in his appearance (particularly in his 2nd verse) but doesn't outshine Big Sean on the track "Holy Keys" either. Kent Jones is a young upcoming artist who has BARS and flow for days, I'm definitely keeping an eye on him after I heard him spit after Busta Rhymes (still doing his thing but not as clever as he once was with his bars) on "Dont Ever Play Yourself." I found myself going back to "Tourist" by Travis Scott and featuring Wayne who still kills his guest appearances even though he should have had a longer verse on it. I'm really hoping him and Travis collaborate on a tape with Metro Boomin soon. Drake is in his prime right now so no doubt he made his track on the album "For Free" a major summer hit in itself although I wish he would go back to his roots more and not do as many commercial sounding songs. J.Cole has enormous potential and shows it again with his profound appearance on "Jermaine's Interlude" (don't retire!). Future is doing Future I just hope he doesn't get too comfortable and tries newer ideas. All in all if you appreciate old and new sounding hip hop this will be your record for at least the summer. A few of the tracks are timeless in my opinion and a few that are throwaways as well (maybe I'm being too harsh, they're inconsistent or incohesive tracks) "Do you Mind" and "Pick These Hoes Apart" come to mind. There are also a couple questionable guest appearances that don't seem to fit but they don't take away much from the album either. For me this is the best Dj Khaled record solely because of the hit appearances from practically every artist and the solid production choices. 7/10 Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Dec 12, 2016
    The contrast between Khaled's all-positive demeanor and his facilitation of buccaneering misogyny is stark as ever here, most evident in tracks like "Work It" and "Pick These Hoes Apart."
  2. Aug 29, 2016
    While Major Key proves that DJ Khaled is not simply a meme, Khaled swings too hard and misses too often with each attempt at a radio hit.
  3. Aug 12, 2016
    The production on this album is bearable and more or less gets the job done, but is mostly composed of bothersome loops. This leaves the bulk of the work to the emcees. And quite frankly, some show up, and some most certainly do not.