• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Oct 30, 2015
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 66 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 66
  2. Negative: 39 out of 66
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  1. Aug 25, 2022
    As far as remix albums go this is probably the worst I've heard if not ever then in a long time.
  2. Apr 26, 2021
    Terrible, Terrible, Terrible, Terrible garbage. Pete Wentz you are not woke, funny or cool so stop trying to be.
  3. Dec 2, 2020
    1.75/11 ~ 0.159 -> 0.25

    I tried to like it. I really, really did. But this turned out to be one of the worst albums I have ever reviewed. Most of the songs were absolutely ruined by all sounding the same with identical trap drums across the map. The only one that didn't make me wanna stop was the remix of Centuries, which was actually really well done. Besides that and a handful that I
    1.75/11 ~ 0.159 -> 0.25

    I tried to like it. I really, really did. But this turned out to be one of the worst albums I have ever reviewed. Most of the songs were absolutely ruined by all sounding the same with identical trap drums across the map. The only one that didn't make me wanna stop was the remix of Centuries, which was actually really well done. Besides that and a handful that I generously gave 0.25 points, I couldn't enjoy this album. Yes, remixes are fun, but why make 10 trap remixes? Why not acoustic tracks? Usually I average out scores of albums to compare artists, but Fall Out Boy is lucky that I don't count remixes. It makes me upset that they thought that this was a good idea. The original American Beauty/American Psycho album was so good, why did it need this? I understand a rock band wanting to try out pop (and it worked in this case), but hip-hop? Especially trashy trap hip-hop? WHY? :(
  4. Aug 29, 2020
    Why do they did that to the masterpiece that was American Beauty/American Psycho?? Ok, there's two song that are actually listenable but, the others are so unpleasant and hard to hear. The question is: Why... WHY?
  5. Jul 4, 2020
    i hate this album it so old blend and unoriginal most of the music suck balls and the gust appearance is wired it seems like fall out boy tried something new and its okay i don't hate the people who thinks this album is the best of their albums but i think otherwise
  6. Mar 18, 2018
    Fall Out Boy is my favourite band but this album is the worst attempt at trying to make a rap crossover I've ever heard.
    The only good thing we got from this album were some vocal tracks that were done again.
  7. Jan 20, 2018
    Perfectly harmless, but completely mediocre. You aren't going to come out of this album feeling violated, you'll come out of it wondering why it exists. Why it exists, I don't know. Honestly, I don't know what to think of Fall Out Boy anymore, they've gone too commercial. Their last two albums were good, I really enjoyed them, but they don't feel as fresh anymore. Why they thought theyPerfectly harmless, but completely mediocre. You aren't going to come out of this album feeling violated, you'll come out of it wondering why it exists. Why it exists, I don't know. Honestly, I don't know what to think of Fall Out Boy anymore, they've gone too commercial. Their last two albums were good, I really enjoyed them, but they don't feel as fresh anymore. Why they thought they needed to put out a rap remix album, I don't know? I didn't hate this completely pointless album, but oh I sure didn't enjoy it either. Expand
  8. Dec 9, 2016
    its a shame for Fall ou Boy!
    I really like the Band Fall out boy, but WHAT THE **** IST THIS?!
    Don't take a good song, and put a "Dope" Beat on it and a few Rappers and destory the whole Album!
  9. Apr 19, 2016
    If you are not a fan of hip-hop, you wont like this album. This album was a great crossover between Fall Out Boy and various hip-hop artists. I will admit, where they miss they really miss. However where they hit, they really have it down. "Immortals" ft. BlackThought and "Jet Pack Blues." ft Big K.R.I.T. are the best songs. Jet pack blues plays like a radio hit which makes you wonder whyIf you are not a fan of hip-hop, you wont like this album. This album was a great crossover between Fall Out Boy and various hip-hop artists. I will admit, where they miss they really miss. However where they hit, they really have it down. "Immortals" ft. BlackThought and "Jet Pack Blues." ft Big K.R.I.T. are the best songs. Jet pack blues plays like a radio hit which makes you wonder why it never made it to radio. Where the album really shines is where the hip-hop artist were able to really give the song a different feeling. Overall, im impressed with this work. its a nice little curve-ball from a band that's been in the game for 10+ years. Expand
  10. Feb 20, 2016
    This is balance to ratings. Y'all hate crossovers. Why? it makes it interesting. All the Mc's on the tracks have good verses. You all just hate hip-hop.
  11. Jan 17, 2016
    pior álbum da carreira, não é tão ruim assim, mas não chega nem perto da maravilha que o álbum original é. aproveitando o comentário do @charliebetterls ali, quero também ressaltar que o remix de american beauty/american psycho nem o diabo kéh
  12. Dec 27, 2015
    Absolutely atrocious. This is the end of Fall Out Boy. They had an awesome opening and a great sophomore crossover. Unfortunately, this band let fame get to their head. Even parts of Infinity on High was great, but after that, they just lost it. American Beauty/American Psycho was bad enough on its own. Now letting in a bunch of rappers on top of mediocre pop songs was just a horribleAbsolutely atrocious. This is the end of Fall Out Boy. They had an awesome opening and a great sophomore crossover. Unfortunately, this band let fame get to their head. Even parts of Infinity on High was great, but after that, they just lost it. American Beauty/American Psycho was bad enough on its own. Now letting in a bunch of rappers on top of mediocre pop songs was just a horrible idea. What were they thinking? Expand
  13. Dec 27, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Eu sou Youngblood, mas não posso dizer que esse álbum é bom, pois ele não é. Ele só contem 3 remixes bons: Irresistible, Favorite Record e The Kids Aren't Alright. Todo o resto é ruim. Devo ressaltar que aquele remix de American Beauty/American Psycho é HORRÍVEL. Expand
  14. Dec 23, 2015
    Great album ..very good..
    Shows how partnerships As left as Different songs but without a Lost Quality.
    And the album very good q and everyone enjoyed it must acquire, thank you bye kk
  15. Nov 26, 2015
    Very bad. Just another Recharged, except obviously, it's not by Linkin Park. Do not listen to this album. All the remixes of the songs are dreadful. There's no need for you to poison yourself with this drivel.
  16. Nov 26, 2015
    Awfully dull album that is absolute trash, in general, and in comparison to their previous works. I recommend you stay AWAY from this project. It may just qualify to be top 5 worst LP's of this year.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Kerrang!
    Nov 20, 2015
    It's a collection of suitably mixed results, but Fall Out Boy should be applauded for continuing to do whatever the hell they feel like. [7 Nov 2015, p.52]
  2. This album is mostly just a fun side project for the band before they start plugging away at the next full length, and it should be taken as such.
  3. Nov 20, 2015
    Ironically, this hip-hop heavy revision has the net effect of straightening out a wild, wooly record.