• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: May 10, 2005
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Mixed or average reviews- based on 325 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 97 out of 325

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  1. MarkD
    May 12, 2005
    Devastatingly bad album, only about 2 great songs. It breaks any knowledgable weezer fan's heart that rivers didn't put more effort into this. I agree totally with Pitchfork. I can't stress how bad it was for this band when Matt Sharp left. And after listening to both The Rentals, and Weezer's two greats I can say that it was better when Matt was helping Rivers write, Devastatingly bad album, only about 2 great songs. It breaks any knowledgable weezer fan's heart that rivers didn't put more effort into this. I agree totally with Pitchfork. I can't stress how bad it was for this band when Matt Sharp left. And after listening to both The Rentals, and Weezer's two greats I can say that it was better when Matt was helping Rivers write, or at least containing his huge ego --which has destroyed his music. I'll always listen to the first two albums, their Bsides and a couple off Maladroit. and I'll probably give RIvers another chance, but nextime I'll be expecting nothing above the level of Taking Back Sunday. Expand
  2. thomb
    May 13, 2005
    Why bother?
  3. CorneliusW
    Jun 5, 2005
    Sounds like a bad Rooney album. I'm serious.
  4. TBoneM
    Jul 2, 2005
    I've listened through this a few times. At first the songs seem to have some hooks but are a little annoying. Later you will realize they're just annoying. Let's start with a 10. -2 because it does nothing new, unless you live in 1995 or the suburbs. -2 because the first single - Beverly Hills- sucks and is annoying. -2 because the rest of the songs sound like a formula. -1 I've listened through this a few times. At first the songs seem to have some hooks but are a little annoying. Later you will realize they're just annoying. Let's start with a 10. -2 because it does nothing new, unless you live in 1995 or the suburbs. -2 because the first single - Beverly Hills- sucks and is annoying. -2 because the rest of the songs sound like a formula. -1 because people are hyping this too much. There you have it. I think I'm being generous. Expand
  5. BlizakeB
    Apr 25, 2006
    Blue Album great, Pinkerton great, but Make Believe? I wish I could make believe that Rivers didnt crank out this sloppy album, I feel ripped of as a Weezer fan. Please Rivers put yourself together and get the original Weezer back(Rivers Cuomo, Brian Bell, Patrick Wilson and Matt Sharp) and make another great album or at least a good one
  6. RobbinL
    Aug 1, 2005
    Wow! I am truly at a loss for words. The band is clearly just a shadow of its former self. The hooks are gone, the melodies too. The lyrics?! Rivers is this what you are getting for your tuition money at Harvard? I'd ask for a refund, Dude. And No, getting Hugh Heffner to appear in your video will not help you save your faded reputation either. May the real Weezer R.I.P.
  7. JoeBriefcase
    May 11, 2005
    I think the record is merely low level mediocre (with the bottom falling out), not as godawful as the Pitchfork review states. We don't read Pitchfork for bland status quo reviiews. You can expect bile and wit, or veneration and profundity, sometimes independent of the artist and the album. There's a lot of personal in that review. But we're talking about Weezer, not I think the record is merely low level mediocre (with the bottom falling out), not as godawful as the Pitchfork review states. We don't read Pitchfork for bland status quo reviiews. You can expect bile and wit, or veneration and profundity, sometimes independent of the artist and the album. There's a lot of personal in that review. But we're talking about Weezer, not Pitchfork. And I think Weezer has always been oversold. They were never much more than a guitar pop band that had a good hook now and then and a personality that apparently was highly lovable a few years ago and seems less appealing now. With so many good bands these days, their star doesn't shine so brightly. I don't have to sell my soul or wait 4 years for Weezer if I want to hear some crunchy chords. There are good bands releasing records every day. Not so back when Pinkerton came out. I didn't buy it. If I loved the copy I've gave a spin to I might have gone to get it. But no need. I doubt I'll ever play it again. This band was always a 5 or 6 even at their best, and this record is definitely not their best. Expand
  8. BrianM
    May 11, 2005
    This band has fallen hard and fast from their Pinkerton-days, getting worse with each passing album. The lyrics are totally absurd and doesn't speak to me at all. This album is awful.
  9. Apr 1, 2016
    Not much redeemable on this album. "Beverly Hills" and "We Are All on Drugs" are two of the worst singles that Weezer has ever put out. The beats are pretty stagnant and only feature a few chords like on "Perfect Situation" and the lyrics on "Freak Me Out" are laughable. This was the moment Weezer went mainstream, and the result is some pretty terrible tunes.
  10. Jan 28, 2015
    I think this album could hold the world record for most stupid lines of lyrics in a single album. Literally, every song has a major flaw somewhere, with the singles being the biggest offenders. Also, Weezer had no idea what sound or genre they were going for on this album. Beverly Hills and This Is Such a Pity are only separated by one track, but they sound like they could've come from twoI think this album could hold the world record for most stupid lines of lyrics in a single album. Literally, every song has a major flaw somewhere, with the singles being the biggest offenders. Also, Weezer had no idea what sound or genre they were going for on this album. Beverly Hills and This Is Such a Pity are only separated by one track, but they sound like they could've come from two different artists. What was Cuomo thinking when he wrote lyrics like the ones on Freak Me Out? (Man, you really freak me out/I'm so afraid of you/and when I lose my cool/I don't know what to do.) These could've been written by a mediocre ninth grade English student. It sounds cheap, and it is. Expand
  11. Apr 25, 2018
    Everything on this album can be summarised in a word: Generic

    There's seriously nothing here worth listening to. There are some moments where you think something might happen but then it just dissolves into mediocrity. At least with Raditude and Hurley, there were some highlights, and while this album doesn't really get as bad as some of the moments on Raditude or "Where's My Sex" from
    Everything on this album can be summarised in a word: Generic

    There's seriously nothing here worth listening to. There are some moments where you think something might happen but then it just dissolves into mediocrity. At least with Raditude and Hurley, there were some highlights, and while this album doesn't really get as bad as some of the moments on Raditude or "Where's My Sex" from Hurley, it's basically just generic mediocrity throughout
  12. MarkW
    May 11, 2005
    Dull. Bad. I really enjoyed the harder polished edge of Maladroit, as it struck me as a creative step forward... I was really looking forward to Make Believe, and have been soundly disappointed. The songs are too simplistic, and the edge is gone. Even Beverly Hills seems like a forced effort. Worst =w= by far.
  13. JoeG
    May 12, 2005
    Wow, this is just plain bad. Stop holding on to these guys being what they used to be. They are simply ordinary and crappy now. Where do I start-The lyrics are plain horrible and simple. I have no songwriting talent and may be able to write better than this crap. The music is even worse. Not a single guitar riff worse remembering. nothing cool at all. It really seems like these songs were Wow, this is just plain bad. Stop holding on to these guys being what they used to be. They are simply ordinary and crappy now. Where do I start-The lyrics are plain horrible and simple. I have no songwriting talent and may be able to write better than this crap. The music is even worse. Not a single guitar riff worse remembering. nothing cool at all. It really seems like these songs were put together in 30 minutes. Do not buy, you will be sorry Expand
  14. neutro
    May 27, 2005
    This album is almost entirely disposable. If these were the "cream of the crop" of all the songs the band had worked on since the last potboiler - I think it's time to hang up the instruments and stop tarnishing what's respectable of their previous material.
  15. bretttc
    Jun 1, 2005
    Awful. Terrible. Bad. Useless. Futile. CRAP. Etc..
  16. fredfred
    May 13, 2005
    it Sucks
  17. JamesW
    May 14, 2005
  18. AlexS
    May 9, 2005
    Man, this is worse than the last 2 efforts. For me, anyway, weezer haven't been the same since bassist Matt Sharp's departure from the group.
  19. PaulH
    Jul 21, 2005
    The songs are so corny, it's embarressing to actually listen to it.
  20. DaveK
    Jun 20, 2006
    Soooo far removed from what is their best work ever. Oh how we long for the days of Blue Alubum/Pinkerton. I guess this is just the direction theyre going in, and it seems to be the end of what was a good run. Blame this on whoever, but this CD resembles nothing of old. I can understand you wanting to grow musically, maybe weezer fans are just hardcore on what they love....better luck next time.
  21. WesD
    May 22, 2005
    I give it a 2 only because I saw a stripper dance to "Beverly Hills." Ever since, my appreciation for the tune has grown a bit. I thought Maladroit was horrid, but it didn't prepare me in the least for how disappointing this album is. Those who think it is similar to the first two albums in sound at all just aren't listening.
  22. KevinK.
    Mar 22, 2006
    About 2 or 3 good songs. The rest is arena-ready angst-rock garbage. Either give up or actually try the next time out, Rivers.
  23. Sep 29, 2014
    This lazy, dull, and shameless album had me try and "Make Believe" my way to a better Weezer album. It's so lifeless, the songs drag on forever, it tries to have heart and sincerity but fails on almost every occasion. Beverly Hills is catchy, but depressing at a closer listen and it's also lazy. That's the whole problem with this album, the songs are lazily constructed both in terms ofThis lazy, dull, and shameless album had me try and "Make Believe" my way to a better Weezer album. It's so lifeless, the songs drag on forever, it tries to have heart and sincerity but fails on almost every occasion. Beverly Hills is catchy, but depressing at a closer listen and it's also lazy. That's the whole problem with this album, the songs are lazily constructed both in terms of music and lyrics. Most songs only use 2 chords, and is a complete step-down from Weezer's previous album, Maladroit. There are a few classic Weezer songs, Perfect Situation and Haunt You Every Day, but other than that this album sucks. Expand
  24. Feb 2, 2018
    Make Believe is an album that is uninspired, uninteresting and sometimes even boring to listen to. Unfortunately, Make Believe is the beginning of the end for Weezer until nearly a decade later.
  25. CosmoJPrelog
    Jun 4, 2005
    The first album to influence me to vacuum
  26. drewe
    May 10, 2005
    perhaps the most interesting facet of the weezer 'legacy' is the polarity with which their later albums have been received. the blue album and pinkerton are almost unanimously hailed as classics. however, starting with the green album, weezer's albums have seemed to elicit two responses: glowing praise and utter disgust. the division of weezer's fan base over these perhaps the most interesting facet of the weezer 'legacy' is the polarity with which their later albums have been received. the blue album and pinkerton are almost unanimously hailed as classics. however, starting with the green album, weezer's albums have seemed to elicit two responses: glowing praise and utter disgust. the division of weezer's fan base over these albums makes sense. the blue album was an album of good pop music. it was accessible enough to appeal to a wide audience, yet clever and catchy enough to satisfy music elitists. pinkerton was not so immediately successful, though in time it earned due praise for its raw emotion and honesty (it stands as my all-time favorite album). however, the green album and maladroit lacked the elements that made the first two releases so special. the green album had some catchy melodies, but its songs were so sterilized and watered down that it was hard to take weezer seriously. maladroit was an even worse failure, allowing rivers to indulge his guitar-god fantasies at the expense of any real substance. to weezer's loyal fan base, these albums stood up against their earlier work. to the rest of us, these albums represented perhaps the greatest musical letdown we'd ever known. where the green album and maladroit had some saving graces, 'make believe' has next to none. here rivers seems to regard cliche and generality above emotion and expression. most of this album's songs seem much more fit for pre-teen journals than the author of some of rock's greatest anthems. the one bright spot on the album is 'perfect situation,' which serves as, if anything, a taunting reminder of weezer's former selves. the rest of the album is bland and boring and, for a fan whose obsession with pop music is strongly rooted in weezer's early work, the equivalent of betrayal. have some decency, boys. Expand
  27. Travis
    Jun 7, 2005
    Absolutely can not believe this garbage is from the same band that created the Blue album and Pinkerton. I never expected any of their albums to top either of those, but this a horrible display of slant rhyme and moronic songs. The first awful track is about how he doesnt belong in Beverly Hills. Then a few songs later he's in his Mercedes-Benz and on drugs. How retarted.
  28. Steve
    Jun 7, 2005
    "why bother? its gonna hurt me, its gonna kill when you desert me, this happened to me twice before, it wont happen to me anymore." As I look back on these lines from Why Bother, I can only think that Rivers could see the future up to 2005 when he wrote that song. Yup, twice before (green, maladroit).
  29. DavidB
    Jul 10, 2005
    Unlistenable. What a disappointment...
  30. RachelA
    Aug 8, 2005
    It is so difficult for me to separate Rivers' biographical vignettes (since it is no secret this band is ALL ABOUT HIM) from my overall impression of this album. His emotional development may have arrested sometime around 1986 (he was 15). In some instances, this can produce quality art. Specifically, his sordid sexual experiences as a rock star compelled him to pen "Tired of Sex". It is so difficult for me to separate Rivers' biographical vignettes (since it is no secret this band is ALL ABOUT HIM) from my overall impression of this album. His emotional development may have arrested sometime around 1986 (he was 15). In some instances, this can produce quality art. Specifically, his sordid sexual experiences as a rock star compelled him to pen "Tired of Sex". For that most Pinkerton fans are grateful. However, this lack of emotional development is also reflected in his desire to become a rock god of sorts. The result is pandering to 14 year olds and fratboy types who can "rock out" to Beverly Hills. Yay. Perhaps we expected too much from Rivers. We forgave past transgressions such as the green album and Maladroit, which both had a few glimmers of hope for the future. I should have whipped out my old copy of Pavement's "Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain for the sad, prescient truth: Songs mean a lot when songs are bought And so are you Let's run down to the practice room tension and fame a career career, career, career I feel duped. Expand
  31. DylanP
    Jan 3, 2006
    We Are All On Drugs is one of the worst songs ever recorded. What the heck happened to =w=
  32. mikem
    May 11, 2005
    This album is probably the worst disc of this decade so far, but it is not the worst that i have ever heard. too bad guys.
  33. SethWilson
    May 10, 2005
    I don't mean to make over generizations or be one of those people who gives things a zero just because they hate a band. I really like weezer. but this album just sounds lazy and makes me wonder about the 70+ songs that didn't make the album. Are these the brilliant songs that Rivers wants to hide away, or are they even more lackluster than these? the lyrics are juvenile and, I don't mean to make over generizations or be one of those people who gives things a zero just because they hate a band. I really like weezer. but this album just sounds lazy and makes me wonder about the 70+ songs that didn't make the album. Are these the brilliant songs that Rivers wants to hide away, or are they even more lackluster than these? the lyrics are juvenile and, quite frankly, BS. You can tell they have no real basis in true emotions and could have been written by a 12 year old's basement band. Even the production is off base, which is surprising from someone like Rick Rubin. Perhaps I expect too much... but this is just very disapointing and almost insulting. Expand
  34. LawenceP
    May 12, 2005
    Everything their first two LP's were.........Yeah right! This is trash!
  35. jamesc
    Jan 29, 2006
    its a real piece of shit.
  36. EC.
    Feb 20, 2008
    The album that ruined Weezer for me. I could care less about their upcoming '08 album. I would call this their sell out album, but they sold their souls to their record label years ago. It's just painfully obvious on this album. When the nostalgia fades (if you every even feel it during any of these songs) you're just left with a bitter realization that one of the most fun The album that ruined Weezer for me. I could care less about their upcoming '08 album. I would call this their sell out album, but they sold their souls to their record label years ago. It's just painfully obvious on this album. When the nostalgia fades (if you every even feel it during any of these songs) you're just left with a bitter realization that one of the most fun bands of the 90s is officially irrelevant. Expand
  37. DevinB
    May 10, 2005
    The scathing, hateful Pitchfork review is right. This is not just an awful album, it's so jaw-droppingly, impossibly bad that it retroactively destroys the enjoyability of everything Rivers Cuomo has ever done. Pinkerton was one of my favorite albums as a kid. However, I've been so traumatized by Make Believe that I can no longer listen to it without curling my toes in horror. I The scathing, hateful Pitchfork review is right. This is not just an awful album, it's so jaw-droppingly, impossibly bad that it retroactively destroys the enjoyability of everything Rivers Cuomo has ever done. Pinkerton was one of my favorite albums as a kid. However, I've been so traumatized by Make Believe that I can no longer listen to it without curling my toes in horror. I hope you're happy, River. You've finally, definitively ruined your legacy. Expand
  38. [Anonymous]
    Jun 6, 2005
    horrible, ugh
  39. KoenDeCrock
    May 11, 2005
    I can't believe this!!! This is sooooooooo bad it makes me wish metacritic allowed negative scores. Of course, "Beverly hills" was a good indicator for how bad this album was going to be, but believe it or not, it is one of the "best" songs on the album. weezer is going into Def Leppard territorium with this album, an ancient long forgotten land that noone has dared to thread since I can't believe this!!! This is sooooooooo bad it makes me wish metacritic allowed negative scores. Of course, "Beverly hills" was a good indicator for how bad this album was going to be, but believe it or not, it is one of the "best" songs on the album. weezer is going into Def Leppard territorium with this album, an ancient long forgotten land that noone has dared to thread since the end of the eighties. Expand
  40. ryanb
    May 10, 2005
    Absolutely brutal. The Pitchfork review sums up my thoughts nicely, though I'd like to add the song "Hold Me" smells strongly of "I Started A Joke" by the Bee Gees.
  41. DaveS
    May 10, 2005
    everytime i hear this album it makes me want to vomit. I also can't believe that Rolling Stone is calling it great and comparing it to Pinkerton... last time I checked, Pinkerton was named "worst album of 1996" by RS
  42. Josh
    May 11, 2005
    Totally awful. Every song is formulaic--they take a trite sentiment and repeat it over and over. All of the lyrical magic I expect from Weezer is gone. I still love Blue, PInkerton, and Maladroit, though.
  43. HollisH
    May 10, 2005
    Just simply awful. Kinda like if a computer tried to write a power-pop album.
  44. MatthewM
    May 12, 2005
    I would have been better prepared for the boring songwriting of this album if it had been titled "Weezer Sings Songs From Junior High Poetry Class." Unless you are in a junior high poetry class, you're heart will break when the once-creative Cuomo sings, "How is your heart little darling? I didn't mean to get so mad. Let me just hold you closely. How did things get so bad?" Mad I would have been better prepared for the boring songwriting of this album if it had been titled "Weezer Sings Songs From Junior High Poetry Class." Unless you are in a junior high poetry class, you're heart will break when the once-creative Cuomo sings, "How is your heart little darling? I didn't mean to get so mad. Let me just hold you closely. How did things get so bad?" Mad and bad, eh Rivers? My personal favorite low is the atrocious cliche "taller than a mountain, deeper than the sea." How this painfully trite disc was ever concocted by the poet behind "Pinkerton" is beyond me. Anyone spotting Rivers Cuomo's talent should notify the proper authorities: 1-800-MB-BLOWS. Expand
  45. JasonB
    May 15, 2005
    Utterly Bad! I say use this CD as a coaster!
  46. WillO
    Jul 18, 2005
    This album is so empty of emotion. I've heard their more recent self-titled (green) album and I thought that was pointless. This is merely horrid. Even without comparing it to their first two albums, the songs are childish and have stupid riffs and choruses that aren't really catchy but just make one shudder to hear how lacking his songwriting is.
  47. ShaneM
    May 10, 2005
    I have a ticket for the Philly show I bought on Ebay for $65 but after hearing Make Believe I don't even want to go. Actually, I changed my mind - I do want to go....so I can hurl the new album at Rivers as soon as they play the any song off the new album....
  48. RandyK
    May 10, 2005
    Weezer played it way too safe, and the result is INCREDIBLY bland and boring. A cd that doesn't deserve to be placed next to my copies of Blue and Pinkerton. The Pitchfork review is spot on.
  49. JonS
    May 12, 2005
    I knew this album was not going to be good when I first heard "Beverly Hills". Then I heard "we are all on drugs" and "my best friend". It was then I realized that Weezer has done something truly aweful. Just now, when I was walking home from class I passed some frat guys on their balcony with thier shirts off blasting "beverly hills" and drunkenly screaming the lyrics. ughhhhh. The I knew this album was not going to be good when I first heard "Beverly Hills". Then I heard "we are all on drugs" and "my best friend". It was then I realized that Weezer has done something truly aweful. Just now, when I was walking home from class I passed some frat guys on their balcony with thier shirts off blasting "beverly hills" and drunkenly screaming the lyrics. ughhhhh. The pitchfork review is dead on. Expand
  50. JebJ
    May 12, 2005
    I remember clearly when I was a child and my great-grandfather (who lived with us at the time) was forced by some invisible demon to walk down the driveway and tap on the mailbox every morning for 2 straight minutes in failed attempts to get the ringing in his ears to cease. He equated the mailbox with his ringing in his ears which in effect was simply a symptom of an impending stroke he I remember clearly when I was a child and my great-grandfather (who lived with us at the time) was forced by some invisible demon to walk down the driveway and tap on the mailbox every morning for 2 straight minutes in failed attempts to get the ringing in his ears to cease. He equated the mailbox with his ringing in his ears which in effect was simply a symptom of an impending stroke he would suffer. Simply put, this album is awful. Anyone who says that it isn't hasn't yet heard the album. Expand
  51. attaboy
    May 12, 2005
    so absolutely atrocious. worse than pitchfork wrote. i am shocked there are still people who will like a weezer album on the basis of it being a weezer album. jesus, it's so bad.
  52. VincentC
    May 13, 2005
    I also agree with Pitchfork. Weezer have always gotten by on the kind of goodwill generated by this imagined notion that they are somehow underdogs or anti-establishment heroes, despite all evidence to the contrary. Every Weezer fan since Pinkerton has been aware of this, yet we've always given Rivers the benefit of the doubt, because despite the fact that we knew that in his heart I also agree with Pitchfork. Weezer have always gotten by on the kind of goodwill generated by this imagined notion that they are somehow underdogs or anti-establishment heroes, despite all evidence to the contrary. Every Weezer fan since Pinkerton has been aware of this, yet we've always given Rivers the benefit of the doubt, because despite the fact that we knew that in his heart his earnest goal was to be a bloated rock star, the music continued to speak to us, to give us a glimpse into his human thoughts and feelings. Well, seeing Hugh Hefner in the new video completely changed all that for me (oh yeah, and the music stinks, too). If this is what Rivers was striving to be all this time, then so be it. They've lost me completely. I am no longer a Weezer fan, and will forget I ever was one. Expand
  53. FrankW
    May 14, 2005
    I have a friend who was crying by the second song and just turned it off. He had listened to the two best songs of the album. They just grew progressively worse. The album wouldn't be quite as bad as it is if it was completely instrumental (not saying that the songs are decent because the just plaing aren't), but Cuomo's lyrics are so disgustingly bad they might have failed I have a friend who was crying by the second song and just turned it off. He had listened to the two best songs of the album. They just grew progressively worse. The album wouldn't be quite as bad as it is if it was completely instrumental (not saying that the songs are decent because the just plaing aren't), but Cuomo's lyrics are so disgustingly bad they might have failed in a high school poetry class. For troubled inner city kids. With learning disabilities. People who argue this album's merits have never listened to a good song in their entire life. Expand
  54. jon
    May 18, 2005
    Could honestly be one of the worst things ever recorded. It makes you wonder if all their old stuff was as good as you thought it was when you were in middle school.
  55. ElDuderino
    May 18, 2005
    I remember a small scene from the Simpsons where Homer and Flanders were in Vegas, and their hotel marquee read that the entertainment was a Moody Blues cover band, whose opening band was the Moody Blues. After this crap-heap of an album, that scene serves as an analog for the future of Weezer.
  56. BradM.
    May 23, 2005
    A five year old could write "Beverly Hills." It might be the worst single of the year. It's the kind of song that 14 year olds trying to learn guitar will take to their instructors. These guys once wrote fun songs like "The Sweater Song" and "Surf Wax America." What happened? The only thing that seems to be keeping this band in the spotlight is River's geek glasses. "Oh Rivers, A five year old could write "Beverly Hills." It might be the worst single of the year. It's the kind of song that 14 year olds trying to learn guitar will take to their instructors. These guys once wrote fun songs like "The Sweater Song" and "Surf Wax America." What happened? The only thing that seems to be keeping this band in the spotlight is River's geek glasses. "Oh Rivers, you're so....sensitive and bookish." What a pile. Expand
  57. Rowdy
    May 9, 2005
    They've come a long way..........and the road they've traveled has been a steep downhill one.
  58. PopeJohnPaul
    Jun 11, 2005
    Goodbye Rivers. I know we had some great times together, but that was 9 years ago. It's over.
  59. FLauren
    Jul 25, 2005
    The critics are right, that's why people read what the write. This album blows. If every band changes with each cd, Weezer has changed into the one of the many ironic drunks that pervade crappy parties and pop their collars. I'm going to make believe this album never happened.
  60. matt
    May 28, 2006
    i was weezer superfan #1 all through high school (pre green album) and this album makes me feel like i wasted my time back then, it makes me wish time travel was possible so i could go back to 1998 and uppercut myself.
  61. A.J.C.
    Mar 27, 2007
    There is not much to say here, except everything. It's painful, yes, but it needs to be done. For someone like me who's been following Weezer since I was 12 and popped in the Blue album, their tour de force and in my opinion the album that they've painfully tried to recreate ever since Pinkerton (which in reality was one of the best albums of the 90's) was critically There is not much to say here, except everything. It's painful, yes, but it needs to be done. For someone like me who's been following Weezer since I was 12 and popped in the Blue album, their tour de force and in my opinion the album that they've painfully tried to recreate ever since Pinkerton (which in reality was one of the best albums of the 90's) was critically assaulted. I don't ever want to dream of the feeling a musician as devoted as Rivers Cuomo must get when he goes out on a limb and pours his feelings into an album like Pinkerton, only to have it rejected for not being as upbeat and catchy as his previous album. Ever since then, that one Rolling Stone review, Cuomo and crew have been on a downword spiral. Several failed attempts to revisit that pop music bliss that was Blue...but in my opinion they could have tried a million times to get that old juice flowing again only to be thouroughly dissapointed each time. Blue album was fantastic, not only because of its music and lyrics, but because it stood out in an era where heavy guitars and scraping metal along with kitchy pop plastered the top 40. Since then, Blue has influenced so many bands and knock offs that any reattempt at that originality again by Cuomo would be futile. And don't get me wrong when I say this...in no way am I implying Make Believe would have been as big as Blue had their release dates been switched, Make Believe is a horrifying album. There is nothing appealing at all about these contrived and cliche melodies, these do goody high school jock band lyrics, this fake innocence Cuomo evokes when he sings "girl, you really freak me out" when in reality, after his shaky voice croons these words, he goes backstage and pisses all over everything he once created, then lights it on fire. Never in my life would I have expected Cuomo, a man as humble as to turn his cheek to his fellow Harvard classmates who neglected to even notice him while they blasted "Buddy Holly" through a boombox, to sell out like this. Sell out may even be an understatement, Cuomo promotes and seems to adore this album with so much idiocy and obliviousness he may not even think he's sold out. I'm sorry sir, but I would say when you start touring with Taking Back Sunday and the Fray, you've given your heart to the record industry. Expand
  62. Aaron
    Nov 11, 2005
    This album is just plain fu**ing awful!!!
  63. VincentGallo
    May 13, 2005
    We can't let Weezer get away with this shit.
  64. JosiahR
    May 15, 2005
    unbelievably horrid
  65. JesseJ
    May 17, 2005
    Sigh::: Poor Weezer...since when did they get a computer program to write their songs? Trust me folks, there's nothing here. Don't waste your money.
  66. DaveN
    Jun 21, 2005
    I wanted to love this album. Badly. I listened to it about 15 times after it came out. Can't. I've thoroughly enjoyed every weezer album up until this one. even more uninspired lyrically than maladroit, but without the fun. =w= is dead.
  67. Mack
    Jun 21, 2005
    With all the real, imaginative, and inventive music available (Spoon, White Stripes, Doves, um...Weezer's debut) how could you possibly listen to 2 seconds of this terrible heap? Weezer has been on an obvious downward spiral for 3 albums now - this album is like a 'Worst Hits' of the post-Pinkerton years. It's quite sad, really.
  68. PatrickC
    Jun 27, 2005
    They should have quit while they were ahead.
  69. May 23, 2018
    You ever try to inhale an egg whole? That is the equivalent of trying to listen to this album without slitting your wrists and hanging yourself by your d*** from a tree. There's Weezer, and then there's weezer. This isn't either, this is what would happen if Guantanamo Bay warden's were tasked with making an album to torture prisoner's with.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 25
  2. Negative: 8 out of 25
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Weezer's most conventional disc... a cleaner-sounding record heavy on way-earnest power ballads. [13 May 2005, p.85]
  2. Rolling Stone
    A breakthrough for Weezer... Cuomo's songs are his most plaintive and brilliant since Pinkerton. [19 May 2005, p.74]
  3. Sometimes an album is just awful. Make Believe is one of those albums.