• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Dec 11, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 311 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 21 out of 311
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  1. Jul 31, 2022
    Definitely my favorite album of 2020. Cudi returned with that signature psychedelic hip hop sound. It all sounds so amazing and unique. Definitely worth the wait.
  2. Mar 4, 2022
    A lot of people complain about the heavy trap sound early, but the fist half is great. I find myself bopping to She Knows This and Another Day a lot, but the true highlights are in the second half. Solo Dolo pt III marks the turning point of the wonderful conceptual journey initiated more than a decade ago. The masterful Alan Wake type alter ego that has plagued him for so long, though nowA lot of people complain about the heavy trap sound early, but the fist half is great. I find myself bopping to She Knows This and Another Day a lot, but the true highlights are in the second half. Solo Dolo pt III marks the turning point of the wonderful conceptual journey initiated more than a decade ago. The masterful Alan Wake type alter ego that has plagued him for so long, though now we can appreciate a higher degree of agency in how Cudi dictates destiny. It's something that has allowed him to grow and let others grow alongside him.
    Lord I Know is an optimistic note to end with. It feels like Cosmic Warrior pt 2 in a way, and certainly points in a more upward trajectory for whatever is next.
    I never saw myself as a huge fan of his work, but this album along the care and sensitivity put into it definitely made me a stan. Sept 16 is now one of my favorite songs. Even with the complaints that it doesn't slap, it doesn't have to. It's just vibes.
  3. Feb 17, 2022
    so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil
  4. Dec 9, 2021
    better than Man on the Moon 1 but worse than Man on the Moon 2, still a great album. His best album lyrically speaking
  5. Aug 29, 2021
    Kid Cudi's Man On the Moon 3, Wow, from the perfect storytelling through the tracklist to the constant melodic singing on tracks, this album was sensational. Every single feature fit perfectly in their respective songs and none of them failed to bring out the feeling behind their words. By far this is Kid Cudi's best solo album and I don't think he will do better than this for a longKid Cudi's Man On the Moon 3, Wow, from the perfect storytelling through the tracklist to the constant melodic singing on tracks, this album was sensational. Every single feature fit perfectly in their respective songs and none of them failed to bring out the feeling behind their words. By far this is Kid Cudi's best solo album and I don't think he will do better than this for a long while. Anyone wanting to make a story album take notes at this masterpiece that is Man on the Moon 3. Expand
  6. Jun 4, 2021
    The first half of the album features Scott experimenting with the current landscape of trap but adds his own style to it and it is enjoyable and works well most of the time. The other half of the album sounds like previous Cudi songs but improved upon and these songs are extremely addicting to listen to. You'll find yourself coming back to this album after a few listens.

    9/10 - Extremely
    The first half of the album features Scott experimenting with the current landscape of trap but adds his own style to it and it is enjoyable and works well most of the time. The other half of the album sounds like previous Cudi songs but improved upon and these songs are extremely addicting to listen to. You'll find yourself coming back to this album after a few listens.

    9/10 - Extremely Enjoyable
  7. May 30, 2021
    Cudi just repeated his miracle as it was with MoM 1 and 2. No one was able to go so deep into my inner state for the last 10 years as he did with "The void"
  8. Mar 29, 2021
    The only good thing that reminds the past year. 3 songs that I particularly enjoyed while listening: "Tequila shots", "Show out" and "Elsie's baby boy (flashback)". Enjoy!
  9. Mar 29, 2021
    this album is a 9 this album is a 9 this album is a 9 this album is a 9 this album is a 9
  10. Mar 24, 2021
    Absolutely beautiful. Cudi delivered the best album of 2020, and to be completely honest it wasn't really close.
  11. Mar 16, 2021
    This is the worst Man On The Moon. I LOVE IT. The only reason why it is the weakest one is because the other ones are just amazing.
  12. Feb 24, 2021
    I smoke dope like kid cudi 7/10
    I smoke dope like kid cudi 7/10
    I smoke dope like kid cudi 7/10
  13. Feb 10, 2021
    This album is AMAZING! good to have kid Cudi back! I really liked the sound of the album even though i felt the album was a bit long
  14. Feb 3, 2021
    Man On the Moon 3, while not as good as the first, is a large improvement from Kid Cudi's recent solo discography. There are a few very catchy tunes on here, such as She Knows This or Show Out. There are infectious melodies throughout this project, and of course some classic Kid Cudi humming. Overall, pretty damn good album.
  15. Jan 11, 2021
    The album as a whole is very enjoyable, especially compared to his last three albums. One minor problem is that there is no one song that seems like a smash hit like “Pursuit of Happiness” “Up Up and Away”, and “Day N Night”. Despite this, the album ranks as one of Cudi best, probably right after Man on the Moon The End of Day, making this his second best album
  16. Jan 5, 2021
    Kid Cudi's half "return to form" half "modern adaptation" greatly satisfies. This album has the same heart and soul as the two other albums of it's namesake, but also takes the style of moody, emotional trap music (that he himself pioneered) and incorporates many of the elements that are staples of other artists who have taken this sound and made it their own. From front to back, thisKid Cudi's half "return to form" half "modern adaptation" greatly satisfies. This album has the same heart and soul as the two other albums of it's namesake, but also takes the style of moody, emotional trap music (that he himself pioneered) and incorporates many of the elements that are staples of other artists who have taken this sound and made it their own. From front to back, this album's consistent sound, sticky hook writing, and trademark Cudi style are once again a winning combination. In Cudi's discography, this album is undoubtably the best since the "Man on the Moon" series' first installment. Expand
  17. Jan 4, 2021
    People doubted Kid Cudi and didn't think this album would be any good. You have to give him credit because a lot of artists can't make a better album than there first few albums.
  18. Jan 3, 2021
    a top 5 album of 2020. The production level is great, and Kid Cudi's signature humming still carries the vibe of the album. All I can say is listen to it
  19. Dec 13, 2020
    Kid Cudi’s best since Mr Rager. A beautiful album that feels like a mix of new and classic Cudi in the best ways possible! Solo Dolo 3 and Lord I Know are instant classics that actually made me cry the first time I listened to them.

    I wish there were more theatrical elements to tie it together with Motm1&2. But this is still an amazing album.
  20. Dec 25, 2020
  21. Dec 22, 2020
    oh the humming!!! Cudi is back with this project! i dont know what that last couple **** he put out was but this def made up for it.
  22. Dec 21, 2020
    This was a pretty solid album, and never listend to much by Kid Cudi aside from his previous Man on The Moon tracks and Kids See Ghosts. But this album is a return to form! I wasn't a fan of SB2H and I know he had his hardships. It's pleasant to see a beloved artist like Cudi bounce back, and with that you can feel that within this album. Worth a listen for sure!
  23. Dec 21, 2020
    Kid Cudi's Man On The Moon III is possibly his best solo project, featuring amazing tracks, lyrics, and otherworldly production. Although the Pop Smoke and Trippie Redd features were unnecessary and rather disappointing, this is still an amazing album overall.

    Favourite tracks: Tequila Shots, Another Day, Dive, Damaged, Sad People, Sept. 16, The Void, Lovin' Me, Lord I Know Least
    Kid Cudi's Man On The Moon III is possibly his best solo project, featuring amazing tracks, lyrics, and otherworldly production. Although the Pop Smoke and Trippie Redd features were unnecessary and rather disappointing, this is still an amazing album overall.

    Favourite tracks: Tequila Shots, Another Day, Dive, Damaged, Sad People, Sept. 16, The Void, Lovin' Me, Lord I Know

    Least favourite tracks: Show Out, Rockstar Knights
  24. Dec 21, 2020
    Great album, really enjoy listening! Favorite tracks are solo dolo III, the void and lord I know.
  25. Dec 21, 2020
    Its no secret, that MOTM I and MOTM II are some of my favorite albums ever. With MOTM III Cudi deliver on some tracks like 'Tequila Shots', 'The Void', 'Lovin' Me' and '4 Da Kidz' the vibe and delivery i love from Cudi. Unfortunately, there is too many songs that does not live up to the standard from those songs. The album feels more like a sequel to Passion Pain & Demon Slayin', which isIts no secret, that MOTM I and MOTM II are some of my favorite albums ever. With MOTM III Cudi deliver on some tracks like 'Tequila Shots', 'The Void', 'Lovin' Me' and '4 Da Kidz' the vibe and delivery i love from Cudi. Unfortunately, there is too many songs that does not live up to the standard from those songs. The album feels more like a sequel to Passion Pain & Demon Slayin', which is not bad at all, but in comparison to the MOTM I and MOTM II albums, it lacks a bit of story and quality. Expand
  26. Dec 18, 2020
    Cudi killed it with this. It compete with the top works in his discography to be honest. It really exceeded my expectations and that’s saying a lot coming from someone who’s been listening to cudi for half his life. Scott really hasn’t lost it in the slightest.
  27. Dec 17, 2020
    Great album. Cudi really improved lyrically. Overall one of his best albums.
  28. Dec 17, 2020
    This isn’t an album, this is an experience. And what an experience this is. Perfection from back to front. Extremely solid. Damn... what else can I say about this masterpiece. 10/10.
  29. Dec 17, 2020
    Album of the year and the second best Cudi album since the first MOTM. So much diversity and innovation is seen, starting with the modern trap sound and extending to classic Cudi. The new trap, drill, and even faith type mixing of alt Rock with hip hop and psychedlic music is great. No bad song. Creates an atmosphere of the space and has lyrics relatable and helpful for the mental healthAlbum of the year and the second best Cudi album since the first MOTM. So much diversity and innovation is seen, starting with the modern trap sound and extending to classic Cudi. The new trap, drill, and even faith type mixing of alt Rock with hip hop and psychedlic music is great. No bad song. Creates an atmosphere of the space and has lyrics relatable and helpful for the mental health and fighting aspect. An exquisite experience. Expand
  30. Dec 16, 2020
    Top tier Cudi! The album sounds like a breath of fresh air. This music is so pure and despite the obvious Travis influence, it’s a hip hop album that only he could release.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Jan 20, 2021
    Cudi wrestles with the same struggles that have plagued him since he began sharing the complexities of his internal world, but at its best, Man on the Moon, Vol 3: The Chosen shows that years of struggle have yielded substantial growth.
  2. Dec 17, 2020
    His music might still be relatable, but it has never sounded so cliché.
  3. Dec 16, 2020
    Throughout the journey of the Man on the Moon trilogy, which is imbued with many twists and turns, The Chosen captures Cudi as victorious, finally reaching his long-awaited destination.