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Universal acclaim- based on 247 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 10 out of 247
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  1. Nov 11, 2013
    Definitely a return to form, it really is just as good as Kala. It is not exactly the same as Kala or Arular, but it is on par if not better. I wasn't sure what to expect (being that I wasn't too thrilled with her last album), but this is a really coherent and well done album. Amazing.
  2. Jun 3, 2014
    Four genius albums in a row. Brilliant. A bit dark in parts, but still very good. Her strength lies in her global party jams like "Y.A.L.A.". Very unique collection of songs, and I still think "Boom" should be a full song instead of a skit.
  3. Nov 11, 2013
    Matangi is consistent, unique and passionate album full of interesting ideas. I like the production noisy, aggressive, industrial and dance-pop beats mixed with Tamil music and Middle Eastern influences work again very well for her. Her willingness to blend and explore various genres and styles is admirable. Matangi is certainly not M.I.A.'s best effort, but it is a very satisfying albumMatangi is consistent, unique and passionate album full of interesting ideas. I like the production noisy, aggressive, industrial and dance-pop beats mixed with Tamil music and Middle Eastern influences work again very well for her. Her willingness to blend and explore various genres and styles is admirable. Matangi is certainly not M.I.A.'s best effort, but it is a very satisfying album on the first listen-through. Give it a try. Expand
  4. Nov 5, 2013
    Matangi is M.I.A. at her best. it's noise, it's eclectic, it's a mixture of several roots as she is. 'bad girls' the anthem of 2012 is probably the best song on the album but there are a lot of really good songs like 'come walk with me', 'Bring the Noize', or the perfect combo 'Exodus' 'Sexodus' both with samples by The Weeknd. Lyrics and melodies are a statement of art and creativity ofMatangi is M.I.A. at her best. it's noise, it's eclectic, it's a mixture of several roots as she is. 'bad girls' the anthem of 2012 is probably the best song on the album but there are a lot of really good songs like 'come walk with me', 'Bring the Noize', or the perfect combo 'Exodus' 'Sexodus' both with samples by The Weeknd. Lyrics and melodies are a statement of art and creativity of M.I.A. It seems like MATANGI Goddess coming back with powa powa! Expand
  5. Nov 5, 2013
    One of the most exciting records I've heard in a long time. Thank you M.I.A. for sharing your art with us.

    My favorite tracks are Warriors, Boom, and aTENTion
  6. Nov 5, 2013
    [-This is better than Y of course, but it's still not better than Arular & Kala (this would be an impossible feat). Much of its content is not political inspired, although I love this album.

    Highlights: ONLY 1 U, Come Walk With Me, Exodus, Bad Girls, Double Bubble Trouble, Bring the Noize, Lights and I Know It Ain't Right.
  7. Nov 6, 2013
    Amazing substance and fluidity in the album. It offers much more than just a listen as it is jamp-packed with quality and commentary. Amazing MIA. Definitely akin to anthropology.
  8. Nov 10, 2013
    Bad Girls definitely isn't the big name of the album. M.I.A. keeps reinventing herself..
    Definitely one of her bests work.. Exceeded Maya and bring the noize for all of us.
    Best song of the album: Exodus.
  9. Nov 11, 2013
    I was waiting very long time for this, but I'm not disappointment with the result. This is for sure one of best albums of 2013. I'm really happy with this and I can't find any flaw in this album. Everything is perfect starting with artwork to the music. I'm not going to mention my favourites, because I love whole album, my only one tiny note is that "Lights" is the only song on the albumI was waiting very long time for this, but I'm not disappointment with the result. This is for sure one of best albums of 2013. I'm really happy with this and I can't find any flaw in this album. Everything is perfect starting with artwork to the music. I'm not going to mention my favourites, because I love whole album, my only one tiny note is that "Lights" is the only song on the album that I'm not crazy about, but I still like it.
    I'm happy that there are out there artists like M.I.A. creative, different, futuristic. I think that few pop artist of younger generations should take a notes.
    Great job M.I.A. I'm proud to be your fan.
  10. Mar 7, 2014
    M.I.A has always been an amazing Fusion Music artist, this is how she does not limit her in terms of creativity. Plus she Rocks !!!!! This album is full of up beat music and contains lyrics that is personal to M.I.A . Whenever I go down the street listing to this alum , it hard for me not dance to the music and make a complete fool of my self .
  11. Mar 5, 2015
    The Hindu culture inserted in this album is wonderful, the mantra sounds captivate me, this album is really fantastic and I can not wait to see the new M.I.A. work.
  12. Sep 3, 2020
    one of my favorite albums of all time, the production on every track is fantastic and so ahead of its time, every track is addicting and im in love with the diversity and the aesthetic of this record, FLY PIRATE FOR LIFE PURR THIS CHANGED MY LIFE
  13. Nov 12, 2013
    This album is a big surprise to me. I didn't know it would be this good. It's actually better than her 2007 album, Kala. Groundbreaking production throughout, and amazing vocal work to boot.
  14. Nov 16, 2018
    "Why do we still compare Matangi with her first two works? Arular was pretty revolutionary in 2005 and it is still a great album with strong political tonalities but it would not have been considered as great as it was back then if M.I.A would have done the same work nowadays. The same can be said for Kala. After the huge success of paper planes, she wanted to immolate herself like the"Why do we still compare Matangi with her first two works? Arular was pretty revolutionary in 2005 and it is still a great album with strong political tonalities but it would not have been considered as great as it was back then if M.I.A would have done the same work nowadays. The same can be said for Kala. After the huge success of paper planes, she wanted to immolate herself like the terrorist she´s been proclaimed to be, producing an abrasive work, quite extreme but logical from a strategic point of view.. A natural answer, that all artists, lost in front of so much popularity, tend to make so that they can prove to themselves that they can still be creative. Recycle yourself keeps you from dying artistically speaking. Maya faced limited success and incomprehension from critics. What´s next then? With Matangi, she´s going back to the place where she left people before embarking to her (failed?) punk era. She´s had a lot of fun she said, creating bangers, playing with weird sounds and original beats using the Bollywood influences. The political message has disappeared a little bit but at least she´s bringing something familiar and really danc-ey. Matangi is creative and quite a follow up to Kala. It is transgressor as well but she seems to be tired of shocking. While MAYA was blood and guts, Matangi is totally the oposite; an enjoyable thing with lots of very good efficient and surprising tracks. Only 1 U produced by So Japan is the craziest stuff you will listen this year. Bring the noize is a huge electrifying anthem! Double Bubble Trouble is a great adaptation from the classic Shampoo hit (Trouble) The Partysquad collab with YALA sounds already like a classic and last but not least, the brute, exotic and challenging Warriors which contains a Chino Bayo sampler (Not credited!) All these tracks bring more colors to M.I.A´s sonic palette. I definitely think that, at this point, this album represents all the things we wanted to listen to. M.I.A has just gave up a little bit her aim to be independent, rebel as she used to be when she started making music. The difference between now and 2005 is that she reached that level of popularity that prevents her from being underground for real thus artistically free. She found her sound and managed to make it popular. She tried to go through a different path and she´s been hardly criticized for it. Too many people and especially fans and the musical industry are waiting for the same thing. Even though Matangi is exploring slightly different exotic landscapes, it is clearly responding to the expectations and can be then considered as a triumphal even if not so honest come back" Expand
  15. Jul 23, 2015
    Best music. Best lyrics. I really can't fault MIA - she's not perfect but that's not the point. What she does she does perfectly & I wouldn't have her music any other way. I too was a little cool on Matangi to begin with but it's now two years on I still keep coming back and listening to it. I think it sits very comfortably alongside her best work and it's exciting to think that she mayBest music. Best lyrics. I really can't fault MIA - she's not perfect but that's not the point. What she does she does perfectly & I wouldn't have her music any other way. I too was a little cool on Matangi to begin with but it's now two years on I still keep coming back and listening to it. I think it sits very comfortably alongside her best work and it's exciting to think that she may still be in that zone artists have when they produce classic material. Expand
  16. Nov 5, 2013
    Excelent Album!
    M.I.A always kick-ass.

    Looks like a Yeezus (Kanye West) performed by a Indian woman.

    Love Bad Girls, Bring the Noize, Y.A.L.A and Only 1 U.
  17. Nov 12, 2013
    This woman just can't do wrong. Matangi is another example of how talented M.I.A. is. It's an excellent and remarkably eclectic album which is also a lot of fun. Standout tracks are probably 'Matangi', 'Warriors', 'Exodus', 'Double Bubble Trouble' & 'Bring the Noize'. Can't wait to hear what she comes up next!
  18. Nov 8, 2013
    As Kanye West said, M.I.A. is the future, nothing could be more true.

    Amazing album, maybe the best of her career.

    Trouble Bubble Double and aTENTion are totally dope!
  19. Nov 10, 2013
    Can listen to this album start to finish without wanting to skip any of the songs, it has a fresh sound and I also love the album art!. Personal favourite's are Exodus/Sexodus.
  20. Jul 22, 2014
    An amazingly done album. Cohesive, banging, and has that M.I.A. flair that her followers should know well. This album, from the beginning, already grips you. Karmageddon, the album opener, is a short rap by our artist, and one that just makes you wonder what is in store for you. The endless tempo changes, crazy lyrics, and insane beats just sound like it would be a mess. However, she didAn amazingly done album. Cohesive, banging, and has that M.I.A. flair that her followers should know well. This album, from the beginning, already grips you. Karmageddon, the album opener, is a short rap by our artist, and one that just makes you wonder what is in store for you. The endless tempo changes, crazy lyrics, and insane beats just sound like it would be a mess. However, she did it, and did it well. It's not perfect, but it isn't poorly done, either. Matangi brings a bunch of sounds that blend together and are perfect if you're up for getting "turnt up." I really recommend Only 1 U, Double Bubble Trouble, Y.A.L.A., and Bring the Noize. Very well done album. Expand
  21. Sep 6, 2014
    M.I.A. é diferente das outras cantoras: ela faz um estilo só dela, e sempre inova a cada álbum. O Matangi não deixa a desejar. Faixas maravilhosas produzidas por ela mesma, e mesmo as faixas dançantes não são genéricas ou "farofas". A M.I.A. não merecia o "flop", porque ela é uma cantora muito esforçada e sempre faz algo diferente e surpreendente.
  22. Dec 15, 2014
    This is the most commercial album of Maya, but it is still good. The message you have the songs are very good. The production is incredible with exception of the unbearable "Bring The Noize". The best are: Bad Girls, Yala, Come Walk With Me and Exodus
  23. Mar 24, 2015
    That production, that lyrics, that sound, that goddamn power! Special greetings to Danja for producing of Bad Girls, the most powerful track on the album. Double Bubble Trouble, Karmageddon, MATANGI, Exodus/Sexodus are i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e! So I have no words to describe this, you just need to listen 'em all.
  24. Nov 6, 2013
    Though not flawless, Matangi is somewhat of a return to form for M.I.A. Using plenty of unconventional song structure, bizarre glitch effects, and subterranean bass, it walks a line between the ambitious (but barely-listenable) MAYA and her more accessible earlier work (Arular and Kala), resulting in an instantly challenging and ultimately entertaining album. Some highlights includeThough not flawless, Matangi is somewhat of a return to form for M.I.A. Using plenty of unconventional song structure, bizarre glitch effects, and subterranean bass, it walks a line between the ambitious (but barely-listenable) MAYA and her more accessible earlier work (Arular and Kala), resulting in an instantly challenging and ultimately entertaining album. Some highlights include MATANGI, Warriors, and Bad Girls Expand
  25. Nov 5, 2013
    Matangi may lack an authentic heart, since it is, as Maya stated, all of her previous albums in one place, but it is nevertheless quite creative, inspired and aesthetically, a step-forward, quite different from MAYA, where the music was lacking a body and sounding derivative and confusing. More than any other thing she did before, most of the songs in Matangi lack a predictable structureMatangi may lack an authentic heart, since it is, as Maya stated, all of her previous albums in one place, but it is nevertheless quite creative, inspired and aesthetically, a step-forward, quite different from MAYA, where the music was lacking a body and sounding derivative and confusing. More than any other thing she did before, most of the songs in Matangi lack a predictable structure and that is at same time challenging to the ears and the sensibility, as well as entertaining and fun. The hype of Matangi's release may eclipse expectations and resound disappointing, but don't pay attention to lazy press like Pitchfork or AllMusic. Mrs. Maya is still a craftswoman for specific tastes. When she is no longer an exotic appearance, since this is her 4th album, just the true appreciators will appreciate. Step in or leave it. Expand
  26. Nov 6, 2013
    Matangi is the first album that I've listened to by M.I.A, I've heard her before in such songs like "Paper Planes" which is a terrific song. So I've been anticipated to hear what M.I.A is like, and "Matangi" may be one of the strangest albums I've heard in a while, but it works. Matangi is an interesting album that isn't for everybody, but I really enjoyed it. Saying what genre Matangi isMatangi is the first album that I've listened to by M.I.A, I've heard her before in such songs like "Paper Planes" which is a terrific song. So I've been anticipated to hear what M.I.A is like, and "Matangi" may be one of the strangest albums I've heard in a while, but it works. Matangi is an interesting album that isn't for everybody, but I really enjoyed it. Saying what genre Matangi is under, is liking going through a maze, it's unknown whether it's Pop, or Electronic, or Rap. It could've sounded like a mess, but it's so well put together and produced that I forgot that the genre of this album is unclear. M.I.A delivers her lines with plenty of personality and wit, making her one of the more unique pop stars today. The album may be 15 songs long, but it flies by at a brisk pace and luckily knows when to slow down and speed up. Personal favorites include the head spinning "Only 1 U", the bad girl anthem "Bad Girls", and the strange yet endearing "Y.A.L.A". Problems include that some songs drag on around the end, but they still feel appropriate for the album. It starts off a little wonky, and it's weirdness goes a little too far sometimes. But in the end, Matangi ends up being a pleasant surprise, it's a weird, strange, and insanely cool album, which is unlike most music I listen too, and that I mean with respect. Expand
  27. Nov 19, 2013
    Before Bad Girls blew larger than life into the mainstream conciousness, M.I.A dropped the Vickileekx mixtape and I was quite certain that it was the direction album #4 would take on. After the contradicting aftermath success of Paper Planes and the polarizing, ill received MAYA, M.I.A came off as this reluctant pop star, and it wasn’t that hard to figure out why skeptics are quick toBefore Bad Girls blew larger than life into the mainstream conciousness, M.I.A dropped the Vickileekx mixtape and I was quite certain that it was the direction album #4 would take on. After the contradicting aftermath success of Paper Planes and the polarizing, ill received MAYA, M.I.A came off as this reluctant pop star, and it wasn’t that hard to figure out why skeptics are quick to dissect her intentions and artistry. After a seemingly long hiatus consisting of personal turmoil, several push backs and label dispute, it was clear that MIA’s head is up in the clouds of uncertainty but all thanks to the hindu goddess of music, Matangi saw the light of day of being released.

    Certainly, this album sounds like every bit of what MIA has gone over the past few years. It’s brilliant, confusing and predictable all at the same time. The album opens with the unnecessary Karmagaddon intro that falls short in introducing Matangi the way The Message signalled the of MAYA. Majority of Matangi seems to give ode to her early materials while trying to make it sound current (Matangi & Lights). And what’s fascinating about it is that MIA got on board with some of the current top 40 hit producers and she made them work overtime to produce something beyond their music palate into something distinctively MIA-esque (Warrior). I would go on and say that this might be the album MIA has been secretly wanting to release all along. Her most pop leaning record. A blatant attempt to actually dominate the pop scene. And when Matangi gets it right, it reaches out for a chokehold and there’s no room for a breather, leaving the obvious and unnecessary duds (aTENTion, Y.A.L.A, Know it Ain’t Right) noticeable. Matangi is one of the most engaging and essential albums to listen to this year.
  28. May 13, 2014
    Big return to form after the letdown of her previous album (MAYA). Bit of a mix of styles but it all works.
    Standout tracks: 'Warriors', 'Sexodus' / 'Exodus', 'Bring the Noize'
  29. Nov 11, 2013
    WILD album. Exodus and Sexodus are INSANE, although practically the same song. I don't really understand what they tried to achieve there... but still both are incredible. This is a true return to form for M.I.A. after that abortion she gave us with Y M.I.A. continues to fuse 12 musical styles together per song while still turning in an entertaining and engaging listen. Bad Girls, BringWILD album. Exodus and Sexodus are INSANE, although practically the same song. I don't really understand what they tried to achieve there... but still both are incredible. This is a true return to form for M.I.A. after that abortion she gave us with Y M.I.A. continues to fuse 12 musical styles together per song while still turning in an entertaining and engaging listen. Bad Girls, Bring the Noize, and Come Walk With Me are some of my personal standouts but really, every track besides aTENTion is worthwhile listening and each track definitely stands on it's own... excluding the strange Exodus/Sexodus situation, they're practically the same song, but they have subtle differences, it's weird. I'd be way more angry about that if it weren't for how AMAZING those songs are. Expand
  30. Dec 3, 2013
    Matangi throws a rollercoaster of musical styles and sounds at you, which vary from dark, to playful, to outright sterile. The album has quite a brooding sense about it, a sort of aggression and power that attempts to violate your ears. If you give it a chance however, you'll learn to appreciate the over inflated electronic assaults and the indulgent and forceful tones, and come to termsMatangi throws a rollercoaster of musical styles and sounds at you, which vary from dark, to playful, to outright sterile. The album has quite a brooding sense about it, a sort of aggression and power that attempts to violate your ears. If you give it a chance however, you'll learn to appreciate the over inflated electronic assaults and the indulgent and forceful tones, and come to terms with the fact that no one else in the music industry sounds like this, few (if any) artists would be as daring as this, and as it happens, a lot of the album is so annoyingly addictive so that you'll find yourself listening to it time and time again, even if you wanted to tell yourself that it was a mess to begin with. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 37 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 37
  2. Negative: 0 out of 37
  1. Magnet
    Dec 18, 2013
    Matangi ends up being worth the wait, which in this case is high praise indeed. [No. 105, p.58]
  2. Mojo
    Dec 18, 2013
    The snotty attitude of MIA's incendiary globalist skipping rhymes has never been better balanced with first-rate pop hooks. [Jan 2014, p.96]
  3. Uncut
    Dec 6, 2013
    Matangi is her most exhilarating and mulch-faceted album. [Jan 2014, p.75]