• Record Label: Fiction
  • Release Date: Sep 21, 2010
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 12
  2. Negative: 2 out of 12
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  1. Sep 26, 2010
    I think this is a great album. Its easy to listen to and enjoy, and there's lots of great guest appearences on tracks. Although I find the album is a tad predictable and there is not much variety when it comes to songs. Solid debut for Sitek though.
  2. Sep 22, 2010
    Whereas TV on the Radio takes a few listens to truly appreciate its intricacy and uniqueness, Maximum Balloon delivers as a superficial, upbeat catch that is extremely listenable from the start. The songs on this record are perfect for those who want something great and something fast. My only fear about this record is that it will lose its charm overtime and eventually just be anotherWhereas TV on the Radio takes a few listens to truly appreciate its intricacy and uniqueness, Maximum Balloon delivers as a superficial, upbeat catch that is extremely listenable from the start. The songs on this record are perfect for those who want something great and something fast. My only fear about this record is that it will lose its charm overtime and eventually just be another record in the stack. This album is very apparent that it is a derivative of TV on the Radio with the addition of some really catchy synth riffs and hooks. Instead of being a solo project, it seems as though this album would be more appropriately titled as a b-side/leftover/remix album from the Dear Science sessions. I would however recommend this album because of its accessibility and charm. It's a better listen than 90% of the crap out there even with what it lacks in its simple lyrics and neglected intricacy. It takes the intellectual Science out of TV on the Radio and substitutes it with a fun but meaningless art seminar. Expand
  3. Sep 22, 2010
    This is a great album with lots of pop - meaning it really grooves and makes you smile. It sounds maybe 65% TV on the Radio, with the rest filled out with other cool and interesting sounds. Faves are Groove Me and Tiger - but I guess that's because they sound the most like jammin' TV on the Radio tracks. What a pleasant surprise (as I hadn't heard about this until a week before its release).

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Dec 13, 2010
    Maximum Balloon, obviously, is not your typical TVOTR tour de force. But it doesn't aspire to be. What it simply seeks is to make your ass shake.
  2. Under The Radar
    Oct 26, 2010
    Overall, Maximum Balloon is a generally pleasing collection, if not consistently striking. [Fall 201, p.68]
  3. Maximum Balloon really about a great producer/songwriter exhibiting his considerable talents free from the pressure and expectation of his day job.