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  1. May 29, 2023
    The Art Of Letting Go melhor música R&B lançada na década 10. Tem qualidade.
  2. Jan 6, 2023
    Muito bom o álbum, uma obra muito lírica, muito coeso, no lirismo muito suave, um tom suave das melodias.
  3. Dec 13, 2022
    This is top 5 albums of her career yall arent ready for this conversation
    Like what’s not to like??!
  4. Nov 28, 2022
    bjs skv ia sobwob. sosn. ns nos oo o n o n n Op o. oo. h o o o h h b hbbnbb
  5. Nov 7, 2022
    A poor collection of trite and redundant songs that sound a step below Mariah's caliber and about 4 years too late.
  6. Nov 4, 2022
    After being promoted to the JLo spot on American Idol Mariah arrives with an album that sounds 3 years too late, its dated even by 2014's R&B standards, she even attempts a dance record "Meteorite" which is quite frankly one of the worst songs she's recorded. The singles and a couple other gems "Thirsty" and "Dedicated" are more E=MC2 and should have been where the album went rather thenAfter being promoted to the JLo spot on American Idol Mariah arrives with an album that sounds 3 years too late, its dated even by 2014's R&B standards, she even attempts a dance record "Meteorite" which is quite frankly one of the worst songs she's recorded. The singles and a couple other gems "Thirsty" and "Dedicated" are more E=MC2 and should have been where the album went rather then more boring ballads. Expand
  7. Oct 20, 2022
    This album is so deep, I mean deep emotional album songs like Cry., Heavenly this is good album
  8. Jun 21, 2022
    An underrated project that deserved better.A lot of good songs in the album
  9. Feb 12, 2022
    Album gostosinho, so não é coeso a divulgação péssima atrapalhou tudo e singles fracos
  10. Aug 22, 2021
    First Mariah Carey album I heard. It’s a grower album. It took me a while to like it but its good. So many hidden gems and underrated possible #1 hits. But I would not recommend it as an introductory album to Carey’s immense and highly underrated catalogue.
  11. Mar 20, 2021
    É impressionante a maneira como Mariah realmente sabe produzir músicas. Sem dúvidas o maior gênio da música da história! O álbum trás um mix de emoções enorme, caminhando entre o Pop, Hip Hop e R&B, fazendo jus ao título, descreve bem a maior artista feminina da história.
    Apesar das alterações sofridas no álbum por conta do divórcio e problemas pessoas/com a gravadora, o álbum ainda é
    É impressionante a maneira como Mariah realmente sabe produzir músicas. Sem dúvidas o maior gênio da música da história! O álbum trás um mix de emoções enorme, caminhando entre o Pop, Hip Hop e R&B, fazendo jus ao título, descreve bem a maior artista feminina da história.
    Apesar das alterações sofridas no álbum por conta do divórcio e problemas pessoas/com a gravadora, o álbum ainda é incrível! É impossível não se emocionar ouvindo Cry e Camouflage, assim como é impossível não se animar ouvindo Money e Make It Look Good.
    Merecia muito mais reconhecimento! Uma pena que as pessoas hoje em dia medem qualidade por números...
  12. Feb 19, 2021
    Unfortunately, Mariah seems to had just surrender herself to this R&B songs, that could be great, but they're simply not. They aren't the worst either, but they lack longetivity which is a shame since this is one of her most (if not the most) detailed - sonically - albums, not to mention the beautiful ending explaining the album title. Nevertheless, it's impossible to ignore that, sinceUnfortunately, Mariah seems to had just surrender herself to this R&B songs, that could be great, but they're simply not. They aren't the worst either, but they lack longetivity which is a shame since this is one of her most (if not the most) detailed - sonically - albums, not to mention the beautiful ending explaining the album title. Nevertheless, it's impossible to ignore that, since Charmbracelet she been giving us the same songs. Expand
  13. Jan 6, 2021
    This is so Mariah Mariah vibes and all songs in this album so interesting I can listen repeat and repeat again. I love this so much
  14. Oct 31, 2020
    After listening to Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel, The Emancipation of Mimi and Charmbracelet, there's only one word that describes this album: underwhelming. She brings the most boring aspects of her career all into one; this project. This album does not feel timeless as her others do. She still managed to show some exceptional good quality songs and her lyricism still can't be questionable.
  15. Oct 7, 2020
    Mariah Carey just underwent the returning Sony Music Entertainment years at Epic Records after she was out of Def Jam Recordings in 2015.
  16. Jul 24, 2020
    This album offers a lot of Mariah’s good work. She is truly and incredibly talented. #Beautiful and You’re Mine are a bop!! The cover of George Michael’s One More Try is fantastic. A gospel song is included, Heavenly (No Ways Tired/Can’t Give Up Now). Gem? Yessssss, it’s the Art Of Letter Go
  17. Jul 24, 2020
    This album is just not it.. It's her worst, some songs like 'The Art of Letting Go' kinda saved it but the album is still bad. Poor production and generic.
  18. May 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A lenda Carey nos apresenta um show de eficiência vocal numa compilação de canções totalmente entregues. Não é 100% do que estamos esperando mas é essencialmente o que precisamos em alguns momentos Expand
  19. Nov 16, 2019
    Most songs sound exaclty the same. She keeps relesing the exact same boring album over and over again
  20. Nov 16, 2019
    She really did what she had to do! One of my favorite tracks is "You Don't Know What To Do". This album deserved more and she served.
  21. Sep 14, 2019
    legendary legendaric stuff if you say you havent cried multiple times uncontrollably to Cry and One More try youre just lying to yourself, yet another step above rendition by thee Mariah Carey
  22. Jul 22, 2019
    Me. I am Mariah is Amazing!! Mariah is the Queen Of RnB for a reason
  23. Jul 11, 2019
    Me. I Am. Mariah. The Elusive Chanteuse is just pure perfection. From the flaring vocals. To the show casing lyrics. Absolutely amazing and well done.
  24. Jun 20, 2019
    Sort of messy as a body of work, but as individual songs this album really did what it needed to do! Mariah proves her music creating genius here.
  25. Jun 19, 2019
    Too bad this album was underrated at the time of its release. The divorce drama, continuous negativity from the press and bashing from the audience, and personal issue and poor management all did their thing. But that does not change the fact that this is a great album, full of touching songs, deep lyrics and new sound of Mariah. Huge difference to previous album which makes it even more standout.
  26. Mar 29, 2019
    Mariah's most personal album to-date since "Charmbracelet". Somehow I can relate to all contents in this lyrical genius album.
  27. Nov 16, 2018
    This is Mariah's best effort since Butterfly. maravilhoso. MIMI. nota 10. muito bom.
  28. Aug 21, 2018
    Um álbum pessoal de uma artista de verdade, que além de cantar também participa de todo o processo de criação, desde a letra até a produção. Mostrando que apesar do tempo continua muito boa com o que faz, sendo original e ao mesmo tempo não perdendo a sua essência.
  29. Aug 14, 2018
    Although it had a stormy release, Mariah delivered one of the best R&B albums of 2014. It had the classic Mariah ballads while also including fresh and breezy dance numbers. Her versatility shines through.
  30. Dec 21, 2016
    Mariah Carey vuelve a experimentar con nuevos géneros en este álbum, lo cual es evidente en canciones cómo "Thirsty", "Dedicated", "You Don't Know What to Do" y "Meteorite". El álbum es bueno, tiene baladas realmente inspiradoras como "Cry.", "Faded", "The Art of Letting Go" y "You're Mine (Eternal)". Me gusta mucho este disco a comparación de su antecesor "Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel"Mariah Carey vuelve a experimentar con nuevos géneros en este álbum, lo cual es evidente en canciones cómo "Thirsty", "Dedicated", "You Don't Know What to Do" y "Meteorite". El álbum es bueno, tiene baladas realmente inspiradoras como "Cry.", "Faded", "The Art of Letting Go" y "You're Mine (Eternal)". Me gusta mucho este disco a comparación de su antecesor "Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel" es un muy bailable y a la vez muy diferente y tiene colaboraciones muy bien escogidas. Creo que el tiempo que nos hizo esperar Carey fue oro, ya que nos dió un álbum súper genial. // Mariah Carey returns to experiment with new genres in this album, which is evident in songs like "Thirsty", "Dedicated", "You Don't Know What to Do" and "Meteorite". The album is good, has really inspiring ballads like "Cry.", "Faded", "The Art of Letting Go" and "You're Mine (Eternal)". I really like this record compared to its predecessor "Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel" is a very danceable and very different and has very well chosen collaborations. I think the time that made Carey wait for us was gold, since it gave us a great super album. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Jul 7, 2014
    She’s just a comfortable [singer], and that’s a good thing for her. She doesn’t need to be, nor should she ever be elusive. This album proves that in spades.
  2. Jun 16, 2014
    The album sounds exactly, defiantly like Mariah, acknowledging her place in the pop ecosystem both implicitly and explicitly without chomping at the bit.
  3. Jun 9, 2014
    Even for all its collaborations, bringing in Mary J Blige and R Kelly, the desperate skirting around for identity leaves this album feeling underwhelming.