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Universal acclaim- based on 36 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 36
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 36
  3. Negative: 4 out of 36
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  1. Nov 20, 2021
    Another astonishing release by Phil under the microphones moniker. Complied into one 40min song.
  2. Apr 28, 2021
    Absolutely fantastic. Makes me feel nostalgic for somebody else's life. While listening to this I think a lot about my life and my future. It is a very calming but at the same time melancholic experience. The only album I can think of that makes me feel anything close to this is Frank Ocean's Blonde. Best album of 2020.
  3. Mar 3, 2021
    Incredibly boring and self-indulgent. Reminds me of a slate-gray-sky day in conformity-obsessed Olympia.
  4. Jan 15, 2021
    What an incredible album. Seriously, Phil Elverum has outdone himself here. I was surprised when I first noticed that the album was just one continuous song, but it's really used to maximum effect. Amazing storytelling throughout. For your first listen, I would honestly recommend just sitting down and exclusively focusing on it, this album is an experience like none other and there's moreWhat an incredible album. Seriously, Phil Elverum has outdone himself here. I was surprised when I first noticed that the album was just one continuous song, but it's really used to maximum effect. Amazing storytelling throughout. For your first listen, I would honestly recommend just sitting down and exclusively focusing on it, this album is an experience like none other and there's more than enough depth to keep your attention. Expand
  5. Oct 6, 2020
    I would say surprisingly good, but Phil never really disappoints. Check out the music video!
  6. Aug 28, 2020
    uma experiência única!
    os 44 minutos e 44 segundos dizem a que veio: uma longa e prazerosa aventura pelas memórias e reflexões do autor. a musicalidade é extremamente agradável, desde suas melodias no violão, a voz, até a junção dos outros instrumentos. um dos melhores de 2020.
  7. Aug 24, 2020
    my favorite of 2020 so far, potentially even better than my favorites from last year as well
  8. Aug 14, 2020
    so warm, so introspective, so nostalgic, so nice, i dont even know the point of reviewing this, it is just so emotional. Also very personal. The way Phil writes makes it seem like he's talking to you, like a diary. The instrumentation is quite minimalist but there are moments of perfection, complements the vocals very well. its great
    in addition to the music, the pictures in the video are
    so warm, so introspective, so nostalgic, so nice, i dont even know the point of reviewing this, it is just so emotional. Also very personal. The way Phil writes makes it seem like he's talking to you, like a diary. The instrumentation is quite minimalist but there are moments of perfection, complements the vocals very well. its great
    in addition to the music, the pictures in the video are perfect.
  9. Aug 11, 2020
    Phil Elverum, otherwise known as Mount Eerie or The Microphones, is someone who I've rarely listened to, but admired nonetheless. I recently saw that a new Microphones album came out, and decided that now is a better time than ever to get started with more of his music. My goodness, this is amazing. Instead of an album, it is in fact a very long 45 minute song, and that's it. It isPhil Elverum, otherwise known as Mount Eerie or The Microphones, is someone who I've rarely listened to, but admired nonetheless. I recently saw that a new Microphones album came out, and decided that now is a better time than ever to get started with more of his music. My goodness, this is amazing. Instead of an album, it is in fact a very long 45 minute song, and that's it. It is honestly a bit of a slowburn, with vocals not coming in until about 7 minutes into the song, but the instrumental is so amazingly hypnotizing and beautiful I honestly zoned for a bit without paying attention to much. It's almost haunting how captivating how entrancing this is. When vocals finally come in, it's almost like opening a book of someone's memories. Phil goes on about how he started The Microphones, his amateur experiences in music making, watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and being inspired by it, and many other seemingly meaningless memories, but yet, despite how seemingly simple they may seem on the surface, he tells them with such detail and emotion, it feels like you've lived what he tells. As it goes on, Phil just gets more and more vivid with details of memories and where he's come from and where he is now, it's honestly **** beautiful. This may be one of, if not, the most captivating things I've heard all year. The instrumental is amazingly lush, and honestly sent shivers down my spine when it came to a high point in the song, either with it getting louder and more intense, or adding more instruments and making it more grand for a bit, what have you, it gives me chills. Without saying too much on the ladder half of the song, I will say that it gets much more personal and more deep into things like the meaning and purpose of life, as well as existentialism. If that ain't your cup of tea, then I get it, but for me it was stunning. Honestly, this is one of my favorite albums (or song, i guess?) that I've heard all year. Please, give it a listen if it sounds like your style, it's amazing, I honestly have no complaints about this. Expand
  10. Aug 8, 2020
    Incredibly personal, possibly meaningless. Made my body shiver multiple times.
  11. Aug 7, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I straight cried once we got to the final verse of this album. The gentle warmth of Phil's voice within the chaotic instrumentation and the harmonic chord progression. It sent a chill down my spine. I cried. It was like being reunited with an old friend. Someone that you dearly held tightly, yet over the years they had become distant, cynical. Finally they see how to move again and push towards a brighter meaning in there existence. I Don't think any review/critical reaction to this piece is ever gonna really encapsulate the feeling of hearing an artist intimately respond, question, and ask themselves why? Why do they keep on moving and make music, deeply expressing and asking themselves questions of deep, personal, belief. The album is a justification of 'being'. And, as the final moments express. 'Now Only' and 'There is no End', the most important meanings within Phil's music. Expand

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Aug 14, 2020
    Elverum has been recording the same song since he was a teenager in the mid-1990s, making tapes late into the night after his shift at the record store. Microphones in 2020 might be his apex.
  2. Uncut
    Aug 13, 2020
    Sometimes diaristic, sometimes philosophical, it's a long litany of past memories and formative moments that, while demanding patience, gradually inches its way to somewhere profound. [Oct 2020, p.34]
  3. Aug 7, 2020
    Time has only made Elverum's music more transcendent, and anyone who loves the Microphones or Mount Eerie will find the album's fresh yet timeless perspective on it a fascinating and moving listen.