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Generally favorable reviews- based on 948 Ratings

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  1. May 16, 2016
    Diferentemente do "Bangerz", álbum que eu gostei muito, eu não consegui gostar nem um pouco do "Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz". Se houver duas faixas que eu goste nesse álbum é muito. Miley fez uma boa escolha ao mostrar que pode ser livre na sua arte, e ela também mostrou um amadurecimento no trabalho. Mas, pra mim, não me agradou nem um pouco.
  2. Oct 5, 2017
    ...I thought Bangerz was bad. With just AWFUL production, some of Mileys worst vocals yet, and the entire song "Dooo it!!", this was a train wreck of an album. I missed old Miley. She wasn't good, but she wasn't atrocious. 1/10
  3. Sep 4, 2015
    Absolute rubbish. Complete gash. Total nonsense. Music for idiots by a total idiot. Like Michael Bay making Pain And Gain "to show us his soul", we look into Miley's soul and see very little.
  4. Sep 6, 2015
    This is hands-down the worst album of 2015. It has pretentious attempts at psychedelic rock and indie, and the lyrics are utter trash. "Why they put the dick in the **** This album was written in 2 minutes, and this album was recorded and mixed in 1 and half. After this album, you'll start saying that Justin Bieber is the best songwriter of all time. This "Dead Petz" project has theThis is hands-down the worst album of 2015. It has pretentious attempts at psychedelic rock and indie, and the lyrics are utter trash. "Why they put the dick in the **** This album was written in 2 minutes, and this album was recorded and mixed in 1 and half. After this album, you'll start saying that Justin Bieber is the best songwriter of all time. This "Dead Petz" project has the capability to lower your musical tastes to the very abyss. Expand
  5. Sep 1, 2015
    Melhor album de 2015 sim, só não vê quem não quer, tirando a capa e o single que é SUPER HIPER MEGA NOJENTO AO EXTREMO, é um album maravilhoso, amei as composições, a sonoridade da relevar, mas continua sendo o melhor album de 2015
  6. Nov 22, 2017
    Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz is a revolting mess. Was she really trying here? The songs are boring have literally no meaning and are basically faceless. Dooo It the lead single is disgusting, it has no reason to exist, it sounds like a remix made in a club if I'm being honest. The songs get slightly better from there but it's still not even worthy to exist which is why it never was releasedMiley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz is a revolting mess. Was she really trying here? The songs are boring have literally no meaning and are basically faceless. Dooo It the lead single is disgusting, it has no reason to exist, it sounds like a remix made in a club if I'm being honest. The songs get slightly better from there but it's still not even worthy to exist which is why it never was released officially it was basically a Soundcloud album. This is Banger's more immature less witty and smart sister. Expand
  7. Sep 4, 2015
    Não to impressionada, to desiludida até. Musica é musica, sim, mas tem de haver uma diferença entre boa e má musica. Doi saber que artistas ótimos, são tratados à pedrada, outros, demasiado privilegiados. Mas parece que o mundo da musica é assim mesmo.
  8. Sep 4, 2015
    Não gostei, ficou ruim. Se você for olhar, ela poderia fazer mais que isso. Todos nós sabemos. Ela era otima antes de virar louca '-' Agr ta descendo o nivel como a nota do album.
  9. Sep 4, 2015
    Probably the worst album I've heard all year. Disgustingly produced, absolutely terrible singing, it's almost like listening to nails on your soul. Even the lead single, which is supposed to be the highlight, is absolutely dreadful.
  10. Sep 5, 2015
    Miley seems so frustrated that she couldn't land the leading role of Harmony Korine's "Spring breakers" and that fellow ex-Disney child star Selena Gomez took the role instead, so she's been torturing us with her trashy looks and obnoxious attitude ever since, and now this "Dead Petz" is the cherry on top. A collection of self indulgent "experimental" crap, a bunch of lazily producedMiley seems so frustrated that she couldn't land the leading role of Harmony Korine's "Spring breakers" and that fellow ex-Disney child star Selena Gomez took the role instead, so she's been torturing us with her trashy looks and obnoxious attitude ever since, and now this "Dead Petz" is the cherry on top. A collection of self indulgent "experimental" crap, a bunch of lazily produced demos that everybody seem to love on ATRL but nobody gives a crap outside of it

    Apparently you have to sing like you have narcolepsy, release a "surprise record" and pass unfinished demos as an "album" to be consider a good artist nowadays. People are easy to impress nowadays, too.

    This album is the epitome of TRY-HARD, and failed attempt to mimic Madonna's Erotica
  11. Sep 6, 2015
    Why they put the dick in the Pus-ie?

    I guess completely hallow and shallow people need sad and emotional people too.
    Why Miley...why did you trick these sad, sad people in to writing 10/10 reviews for you, that's just cruel.
  12. Sep 8, 2015
    This album is so boring, and the music so bad. And it's ugly too. The people says that is the best album of the year, but it's a **** It's so boring. I think that is one of the worst albums that I've ever heard
  13. Sep 18, 2015
    For the people who says, 'Is the album of the millenium'
    Please, wash your ears, and listen to good music!
    This is so disgusting,it has bad lyrics, my ears are crying blood! Please, Cyrus, don't do this again!
  14. Oct 14, 2015
    Disgusting!! A massive step down from Bangerz; This Is Disgraceful. Such overuse on Auto-Tune on ALL the songs. This album is an abomination!! This album really isn't something to be proud of Miley Cyrus.
  15. Oct 16, 2015
    This is really bad just 2 songs good, I prefer buy a good album than dowloand free a trash like it, I loved Bangerz's era but this is plastic indie, I don't like it
  16. Aug 30, 2020
    No me extraña que esto haya sido gratis en su momento de lanzamiento, porque es realmente espantoso, parece un álbum de descartes a mitad de camino sin pulir, ya que la producción es realmente paupérrima.
  17. Jan 19, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. OMFG what hell is it?this is without a doubt the worst of her album, it is not mature is ua joke, I love Miley and her projects, however I can say I am very disappointed Expand
  18. May 6, 2016
    Why put the dick in the **** put the dick in the **** really? whoever finds this good must be...very confused with themself that they HAVE to find miley cyrus as edgy. she smokes pot. we all do. no one cares.
  19. Dec 4, 2016
    How is this even music? This album is lower than trash. It is straight up rat s**t straight from the deepest depths of a L.A sewer. Miley Cyrus is disgrace to the music industry.
  20. Nov 13, 2017
    This album makes me envy deaf people.

  21. Aug 24, 2022
    Tell me this is a joke? This horrendously long listless collaboration between miley &the flaming lips is a then new low for music. Not only to her songs meander in awful vocalizations or nonsensical lyrics about weed,death and bb talk but her vocal performances feel just as underdone.
  22. Aug 31, 2019
    This album is completely a mess. No even one good song. That's why it was for free, it sucked so bad.
  23. Sep 5, 2020
    um horror um espanto me faz mal pior coisa que já ouvi na vida e obviamente não ouvi tudo.
  24. Aug 21, 2022
    Popoooooopopopkdhhdhdvdhshhsjs jahshbs sjjsjs. Qwooooow no no me husta kavha

Mixed or average reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 21
  2. Negative: 2 out of 21
  1. Dec 22, 2015
    Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz needs an editor, but there's more than enough worthwhile music here to transcend shock value.
  2. Oct 5, 2015
    Dead Petz isn't inherently ugly; in fact, there are many gorgeous moments. These moments tend to not go anywhere, though, and they are surrounded by mostly superfluous and even boring songs.
  3. Sep 17, 2015
    While not everything here succeeds (much of the album is, in fact, a sprawling mess of ideas) Cyrus deserves a great deal of credit for unabashedly taking chances with her music, her image, both past and present, and what will ultimately be her controversial legacy within pop music.