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Generally favorable reviews- based on 733 Ratings

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  1. LaurenB
    May 28, 2007
    i love linkin park
  2. LucyWang
    May 28, 2007
    I HATE Linkin Park
  3. KevinC
    May 28, 2007
    I've been a LP fan since the beginning, and this is absolute crap. The only track worth listening to is Bleed it Out. They tried to do something different but ended up sounding like every crappy alternative rock band out there. nothing interesting going on. why did I buy this?
  4. JoeA
    May 27, 2007
    Linkin Park has improved the lyrical and thematic elements on their music, but in their effort to craft something beyond their nu-metal niche they have lost the excitement and energy that mad e their previous studio albums so much fun. The album is alright, but most Linkin Park fans will be (and, as far as I've seen, are) disappointed.
  5. JamieL
    May 27, 2007
    Linkin Park brought me into the Rock scene and i've been a die hard fan for several years after listening to this album i thought "is that it?" but after listening to it again i found that this is a good step forward. Althought this album is diverserly different from both Hybrid Theory and Meteora it serves itself on a whole different plate. Linkin Park have grown to become more than Linkin Park brought me into the Rock scene and i've been a die hard fan for several years after listening to this album i thought "is that it?" but after listening to it again i found that this is a good step forward. Althought this album is diverserly different from both Hybrid Theory and Meteora it serves itself on a whole different plate. Linkin Park have grown to become more than just a Nu-Metal group that fades away along with the genre itself. Personally i believe the album has some amazing tracks (a majority of them) and some flops but you got that with the last two albums aswell. Embrace change, because it's good. Expand
  6. Maar
    May 27, 2007
    This CD is utter garbage. Makes an ok drink coaster for my computer desk.
  7. JeremyI
    May 26, 2007
    Their best album was Hybrid Theory hands down, this..well this isn't that, they tried to mature but they went for the worse.
  8. RobertN
    May 26, 2007
    A HUGE disappointment. I love LP and I enjoyed every single track on Hybrid Theory and Meteora. I thought that this was going to be gold and now I am looking for any way to sell this CD. Their songs have lost the energy and the flavor that made them so popular. While I did enjoy "What I've Done," most everything else is just garbage. I really hope this is just a phase....really, really.
  9. BurtAherne
    May 26, 2007
    Its sounds like a load of retards trying to fuck a doorknob
  10. JustinS.
    May 25, 2007
    Just totally awesome. i dont care if lp changes their sound. They are too way too freaking awesome to suck. I hate all the haters of this album. just appreciate this and go. PS i ve been a fan of lp since hybrid theory
  11. maplejet
    May 25, 2007
    Not a great album, but not an entire failure. However, it's a splitting point for LP's fanbase as expect a lot of fans to leave...they'll get new fans though from the other songs.
  12. MartinP
    May 24, 2007
    Once you get past the initial shock of how much they've changed, you'll discover that this is an excellent, excellent album.
  13. JuanCarlosM
    May 24, 2007
    This album is the best linkin park's record
  14. RichardO
    May 24, 2007
    This album is not as hard as the previous one but it is still an excellant album. The lyrics are reli gud and a change in style is always good. 10/10 for this album any day.... Linkin Park is the best band ive heard
  15. ToddW
    May 24, 2007
    My children think these guys are gods. And you would hope that having Rick Rubin behind the board would bring out the best in these schizophrenic songsters. Uh, nope. They still suck. It just goes to prove the old adage that you really can't make chicken cordon bleu out of guano.
  16. angela
    May 24, 2007
    This album is great. Although, it might take some time for the less open-minded LP fans to appreciate the change their sound has gone through. When I first heard the "What I've Done" chorus that was released to create anticipation a few months back, I was all "What the heck?! Where's the nu metal sound?!" I would've rated the album 2 or 3 on that very minute on-the-spot if This album is great. Although, it might take some time for the less open-minded LP fans to appreciate the change their sound has gone through. When I first heard the "What I've Done" chorus that was released to create anticipation a few months back, I was all "What the heck?! Where's the nu metal sound?!" I would've rated the album 2 or 3 on that very minute on-the-spot if it were released by then. But I kept listening to it and eventually became open to LP's changes in their music. I guess ya'll should do the same. Try listening to it a little more to understand it They can't play nu metal forever. They gotta try something new and fun all at the same time. They didn't change their sound for the sake of it. Though, I must admit that I liked the old LP better. But that doesn't mean that I want them back. This album is nothing short of awesome. :) Expand
  17. fucklp
    May 24, 2007
    this band just sucks. and they're back with another another shitty album. the end of linkin park!
  18. Nick
    May 23, 2007
    didnt work for me.....not at all
  19. JoeyR
    May 23, 2007
    Solid album from start to finish. It has a good variety, definitely check it out.
  20. Marc.D.
    May 23, 2007
    Two important questions come to mind when you approach the topic of a new Linkin Park album. 1) Are they still clinging to the marketable 'clean' nu-metal which was their claim to fame? and 2) If so...are they anything more than listenable? The answers to both lie somewhere in between. With the band attempting a genre makeover in the hopes of riding the emo wave which has Two important questions come to mind when you approach the topic of a new Linkin Park album. 1) Are they still clinging to the marketable 'clean' nu-metal which was their claim to fame? and 2) If so...are they anything more than listenable? The answers to both lie somewhere in between. With the band attempting a genre makeover in the hopes of riding the emo wave which has gripped the music world since 05...the band serves to alienate it's existing fanbase while simultaneously blocking off new fans with their limited abilities at emulating the source material from other styles. Simply's not horrible. There's worse...but in an age of easy downloads and sampling before purchases...this album is going to rot on some shelves. Expand
  21. MarlonL
    May 22, 2007
    Honestly, it's tough listening to a LP album and actually skipping tracks. All in all, I'm a Linkin Park fan at heart and they did enough for us with their prior albums. If this is what they want I will support them. Chester still has an amazing voice, and his ability to hold the note on track 2 is simply amazing. Go ahead linkin Park. You related to me in 2000, I will relate to Honestly, it's tough listening to a LP album and actually skipping tracks. All in all, I'm a Linkin Park fan at heart and they did enough for us with their prior albums. If this is what they want I will support them. Chester still has an amazing voice, and his ability to hold the note on track 2 is simply amazing. Go ahead linkin Park. You related to me in 2000, I will relate to you now. Expand
  22. JimmyG
    May 22, 2007
    This ALBUM IS the best i love lp i think they have gone to the top now since their previous two albumsso what if they changed and sound awful to some people i still think lp has it.
  23. JordanC
    May 22, 2007
    I absolutely love the change, this is by far my favourite LP album. Who cares what everyone else says LP is still the best
  24. JenniferM
    May 22, 2007
    This CD is awesome! Who cares if it is different from their other albums? If you people would actually give it a chance instead of complaining about how LP is "selling out" by changing their music style, you'd be able to see how awesome Minutes to Midnight really is.
  25. JasonH
    May 22, 2007
    Linkin Park changed for the worse. Not even close to what LP sounded like and built their fanbase on in the past. Just terrible...
  26. Chester'HamFistedRaps'
    May 22, 2007
    Hey kid's were selling out!! And you can buy this for the low price of a £10
  27. ClayS
    May 22, 2007
    Track #6 is the midpoint on a slide from mediocre Linkin Park to simply unlistenable. I would rather listen to Barry Manilo then the last 6 tracks. couldnt even pawn this thing off to a hardcore Linkin Park fan for $5!
  28. MattD.
    May 22, 2007
    They've gotten away from the annoying rap/rock genre, only to not develop a style of their own. They don't have the talent to sound like good imitators.
  29. DennisW
    May 21, 2007
    This is awful.......Linkin Park has jumped from one trend to another, They've always been devoid of any organic sound and any depth, and they try too hard for both here. The paint by numbers music of the past has been replaced by scribble.
  30. LukeW
    May 21, 2007
    Linkin park is a great band!!! No Matter what any critic says A true Fan will love this.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 15
  2. Negative: 3 out of 15
  1. The California rap-rockers are stymied by their decision to stay roughly within the shrieky boundaries of their genre (albeit with less emphasis on the rap).
  2. Amid the stabs at growth, every new effect sounds borrowed.
  3. As you might imagine, the band’s emo makeover doesn’t always go smoothly.