• Record Label: Warp
  • Release Date: May 22, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 184 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 184

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  1. David
    Dec 5, 2008
    One of the very best albums of 2007, this one needs several listens to yield its treasures. Hard to describe the sound, but it's truly great.
  2. TristanJ
    May 21, 2007
    Takes you places you've never been before, then reminds you of where you've been with a different take on contemporary indie music that leaves you with nothing to do but re-evaluate everything you've listened to in the last five years. Wow...
  3. Vince
    Aug 14, 2007
    A trip of an album...can't stop listenin to it
  4. EricC
    Aug 14, 2007
    First time I listened through it and I had no idea what to think. I was wierded out and confused by the barage of beats, sounds, and distorted vocals. But than on another listen, something clicked. It all come together perfectly. This cd reeks of talent, and this being their debut, music fans need to get in to this band. I don't know much about math rock, but these guys seem ready to First time I listened through it and I had no idea what to think. I was wierded out and confused by the barage of beats, sounds, and distorted vocals. But than on another listen, something clicked. It all come together perfectly. This cd reeks of talent, and this being their debut, music fans need to get in to this band. I don't know much about math rock, but these guys seem ready to reach an Animal Collective level of popular experimental, or even surpass it. I just hope I get the chance to see them live. Expand
  5. ChrisA.
    Dec 8, 2007
    I was a fan of the record upon my first listen. It's a bit of a mind-f*ck, but also so incredibly (yet strangely) catchy. After seeing them live and realizing that they actually produce the majority of the sounds with actual instruments, it became even better. A highly impressive album that ranks at my #1 of 2007.
  6. JohannT
    May 20, 2007
    Incredible. I used to be a huge fan of Tortoise, Mice Parade, and of all those bands that were labelled as "post-rock". I thought nothing new could show up gave it all up years ago (except for OOIOO). And then, this album showed up. Imaginative, creative, fun and virtuoso, stunningly precise but never boring, and magnified by Animal Collective-like vocals. Absolument parfait.
  7. onyx4
    Jul 12, 2007
    regular, at moments good, the first time you heart it, but it gets old really fast. I can't stand this band now
  8. desert
    Aug 9, 2007
    This record is as stupid as I am. Me the ugly duck. Saddest loser in The Netherlands.
  9. StevenH
    Mar 8, 2008
    A must-listen.
  10. Jack
    Dec 2, 2007
    Unique, different, confusing, brilliant. An essential album.
  11. MikeN
    Oct 5, 2007
    I had high hopes for this album after reading reviews saying that they are reinventing music, etc. This is an extremely repetitive album. The band made one cool beat for each song, and played it over and over for 4, 5, or even 10 minutes, adding more and more instruments every few bars. The only thing that was remotely impressive was the drumming, but the Mars Volta pulls that style off I had high hopes for this album after reading reviews saying that they are reinventing music, etc. This is an extremely repetitive album. The band made one cool beat for each song, and played it over and over for 4, 5, or even 10 minutes, adding more and more instruments every few bars. The only thing that was remotely impressive was the drumming, but the Mars Volta pulls that style off 500X better. Overall a boring, repetitive, and at times annoying album. Expand
  12. Tyler
    May 18, 2007
    Album of the year thus far.
  13. alanl
    May 22, 2007
    Mirrored has much to offer, instant classic tunes, complicated beats, bizarres harmonic progressions, wierd synths and much more. This band is the true Zappa/Patton's sequel. So far, the year's best!!!
  14. MattF
    May 23, 2007
    Brilliant. Having got into music from Mali this year, this is like a full circle back to the West. Tracks like Tonto are straight out of africa. Best fun in ages.
  15. PeeStain
    May 25, 2007
    This album makes me feel really weird. I cant stop laughing and my body cant relax. Might be complex and uniqe, I dont now. What I do know is that this is by far the most surprising album I got my hand on in a good while. Put headphones on and go for a jog, it mill fit just fine.
  16. BorisH
    May 31, 2007
    Anyone that saw any reviews above that included the words 'rock' or 'pop' in it should disregard them immediately. Whatever this is it's certainly not my type of music. I forced myself to listen through the hole thing once; attempting to do it again would be veritable torture.
  17. DanW
    Jun 11, 2007
    A very rewarding and amazing album for those who give it a chance. A standout album of 2007.
  18. SeanG
    Jun 10, 2007
    This is a great rock record brimming with technical experimentation. You can dance to it as easily as you can throw on a pair of headphones & have your mind blown.
  19. GrantP
    Jun 3, 2007
    Amazing band, such talent displayed In this album. It's almost hard to find something you don't like about It. Should we expect less from Warp Records? I think not.
  20. DM
    Jun 5, 2007
    Original and eccentric sounding beats. Usually I like something like this. But I just can't into this album. I get nothing from this album.
  21. JordanK
    Jun 6, 2007
    I don't give too many albums tens. I wasn't sure of this on first listen. But I kept coming back to the tracks I liked. Then I listened again. And again. And again. And again. Until I did about as much looping on my media player than they do in the album. I'm sure this album/genre/band is not for everyone, but there is a fantastic display of musicianship throughout. And I don't give too many albums tens. I wasn't sure of this on first listen. But I kept coming back to the tracks I liked. Then I listened again. And again. And again. And again. Until I did about as much looping on my media player than they do in the album. I'm sure this album/genre/band is not for everyone, but there is a fantastic display of musicianship throughout. And there is so much detail in the production, whether electronic, technical instrumentation, or musicality (tempo changes mostly, but also some dynamic attention). My only advice to the haters is listen more closely. I found my best listen was with noise-cancelling headphones. Expand
  22. JaddyP
    Jun 7, 2007
    An album of mix emotions and ideas. At time it really hits the mark with an eccentric approach to making beat based rock. Other times it is so far from being accessible that they shot themselves in the foot by pushing a good thing too far.. but I am not the be all and end all of music taste.. Give it a try!!
  23. JustinB
    Jun 8, 2007
    It's extraordinary - playful, sinister, exciting and unusual. It obviously won't be everyone's thing but it's far more accessible than you'd think from some of the comments here. And I can't see the point of posting a review after admitting to only listening the record once.
  24. ToddW.
    Jul 11, 2007
    Take some vintage Yes, throw in some Frank Zappa time signatures, channel Marc Bolan, add a dash of the Wizard of Oz, and finish it off with the Chipmunks and you pretty much have Battles' Mirrored. It's an, uh, interesting listen. If you can hang with the entire offering a couple of times through then it becomes apparent what the kudos are about. It really does sound like the Take some vintage Yes, throw in some Frank Zappa time signatures, channel Marc Bolan, add a dash of the Wizard of Oz, and finish it off with the Chipmunks and you pretty much have Battles' Mirrored. It's an, uh, interesting listen. If you can hang with the entire offering a couple of times through then it becomes apparent what the kudos are about. It really does sound like the future of rock music at times, so fresh and innovative are what these guys do. Props to them for at least trying something different than the cookie cutter 'music' saturating the Sewersream. But cutting through the cacophony can at times exasperate, but like a diamond in the rough, it shines brilliantly when the chaff is stripped away. Expand
  25. oliverc.
    Jul 1, 2007
    Tij and Atlas are some of the best songs i've heard this year. Amazing tracks, though the album as a whole isn't necessarily as good as it's parts.
  26. césarb.
    Jul 12, 2007
    the best album of the year, the music of new millenium
  27. TimF
    Jul 14, 2007
    I wouldn't call this math rock. Progressive rock maybe. It's not something you should listen to with any preconceived notions of what it should or shouldn't sound like. For that reason alone it's worth listening to because it's forward thinking and fresh. Atlas is definitely the stand out and you'd be surprised how badly it gets stuck in your head for such an I wouldn't call this math rock. Progressive rock maybe. It's not something you should listen to with any preconceived notions of what it should or shouldn't sound like. For that reason alone it's worth listening to because it's forward thinking and fresh. Atlas is definitely the stand out and you'd be surprised how badly it gets stuck in your head for such an experimental song. I wish some of the rhythm tracks had more driving impact to them; maybe more of a Helmet sounding guitar under the microprocessing. Still, it's one of my favorite CDs so far this year. Expand
  28. ja
    Aug 17, 2007
    What is with this album. It is strange and out there, yet totally accessible and listenable. Rarely has any sensible or even legible lyrics, and Its erratic pacing makes it hard to wrap your mind around, yet it never feels out of control or lacking in inspiration. I love it.
  29. Nick
    Aug 17, 2007
    So tight I worry it's going to crack my skull.
  30. AshleyP.
    Aug 24, 2007
    Music made by people that love to make music. While so many others are rehashing the same old tricks, these guys have translated their ideas and energy into sounds and rhythms without fear. This album conforms to nothing.

Universal acclaim - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Alternative Press
    At times, the effect is akin to hearing Tortoise and Animal Collective covering the Steve Reich and Devo catalogs in tandem; but such reference points barely do justice to an album that just halfway through 2007, is already topping the year's best-of list in multiple genres. [Jun 2007, p.151]
  2. Battles combine the power of hard rock with an experimental aesthetic.
  3. Urb
    Every song on the 52-minute masterpiece builds and bridges until everything self-destructs and the only thing left to do is dance. [May 2007, p.92]