• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Sep 17, 2021
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Universal acclaim- based on 465 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 54 out of 465
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  1. Mar 13, 2022
    “Montero” by Lil Nas X is a song that will go down in history. Nas rose to fame from his viral song “Old Town Road” that became popular on TikTok in early 2019 and launched his career as an artist. He released a few singles after “Old Town Road”, including “Panini”, “Rodeo”, and “Holiday”, as he attempted to “soft launch” his sexuality as a gay man. He took a break from releasing music as“Montero” by Lil Nas X is a song that will go down in history. Nas rose to fame from his viral song “Old Town Road” that became popular on TikTok in early 2019 and launched his career as an artist. He released a few singles after “Old Town Road”, including “Panini”, “Rodeo”, and “Holiday”, as he attempted to “soft launch” his sexuality as a gay man. He took a break from releasing music as he gained a large following on social media. As a member of Gen Z, he related to his fans through social media, and became beloved by gay twitter specifically. On March 26th, 2021, after a short hiatus, Nas released “Call me by your name” or “Montero”. This song was extremely controversial in the media and was condemned by conservatives. “Montero” has explicit lyrics about sexual encounters and his experiences as a gay man. The music video stars Nas in every single role and is a sort of rebuttal to everyone who told him he was going to hell for being gay. In the video, he is shown sliding down a stripper pole to hell to give the devil a lap dance. Clearly this was a very bold move from Nas, making his ability to be marketed in the media, very niche. Although he received an unfathomable amount of hate, his message resonated with many of his young LGBTQ+ fans. Montero is a catchy, well-thought out, personal song from Montero himself, and single handedly proved that he was not a one hit wonder. The lyrics along with the video tied themselves together to create a masterpiece that has become a symbol of carelessness and freedom in gay culture. Lil Nas X has since continued to release music, including his self-titled album: “Montero”. Expand
  2. May 20, 2022
    This album was just iconic and incredible, in just 15 songs you can feel so much due to how verstalie this album is.
  3. Sep 17, 2021
    Lil Nas X has to be one of the most unique artists out there, he creates an atmosphere with his music that is very hard to recreate. This album has some absolute bangers and is awesome fun pretty much the whole way through, I’m gonna be coming back to this one a lot
  4. Sep 17, 2021
    The wait was indeed worth it. This album is filled with music that transcends genres. What an amazing debut album from a talented individual. Can’t wait for to watch him explode.
  5. Sep 21, 2021
    Every bit as excessively gaudy, idiosyncratic, and self-indulgently over-the-top as one's likely come to expect from Lil Nas X, such defiant flamboyance largely continues to work in his favor on "MONTERO" as peppy melodies, earworm choruses, and well-matched guest artists come together to form a short, sweet, thoroughly entertaining sugar rush of a pop-rap record.
  6. Oct 16, 2021
    In general this album is good, their collaborations are great and in the same way their lyrics, sounds, production
  7. Sep 18, 2021
    Incrível, as melodias e as colaborações do álbum estão ótimas, a voz do Lil Nas impecável.
  8. Sep 17, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Straight 9 for this, every song is amazing but ONE OF ME, the one i expected to be the best, was really silly, i expected Elton John to be the feat of the year but he didnt sing, and this wasnt my biggest disappointment, the chorus feels like a kids song, but still, an amazing album. Expand
  9. Sep 17, 2021
    Com certeza um dos melhores álbuns do ano! Lil Nas X entregou tudo que prometeu pra esse novo álbum. Os singles já lançados mostram uma sincera linearidade com todo o resto do álbum, enquanto o single oficial e "Dead Right Now" prometem ser os novos próximos sucessos! Sem esquecer de destacar "Am I Dreaming" com Miley Cyrus que entrega vocais perfeitos e um ótimos desfecho.
  10. Sep 17, 2021
    After 7, I had absolutely no hope for a good Lil Nas X project. Then MONTERO came out. I’m absolutely floored. This album can easily compete for album of the year, and honestly is the most surprisingly good release of the year to date. This album is a such a statement to release, especially after all the criticism and homophobia after Call Me By Your Name, DaBaby’s rolling loudAfter 7, I had absolutely no hope for a good Lil Nas X project. Then MONTERO came out. I’m absolutely floored. This album can easily compete for album of the year, and honestly is the most surprisingly good release of the year to date. This album is a such a statement to release, especially after all the criticism and homophobia after Call Me By Your Name, DaBaby’s rolling loud performance, etc. Lil Nas X is here to stay, and I love it. Expand
  11. Sep 18, 2021
  12. Sep 19, 2021
    It starts off with the title track, which has cool, guitar-y instrumental, later kicking with a little of hook, and it exploring gay sex - nice! It's followed by "Dead Right Now", which has much more trap beat and sounds pretty dope. But "Industry Baby" kicks really! Not only you see the contrast of homo and hetero lyrics here (perfect track for bisexuals lol), but both Nas and JackIt starts off with the title track, which has cool, guitar-y instrumental, later kicking with a little of hook, and it exploring gay sex - nice! It's followed by "Dead Right Now", which has much more trap beat and sounds pretty dope. But "Industry Baby" kicks really! Not only you see the contrast of homo and hetero lyrics here (perfect track for bisexuals lol), but both Nas and Jack compliment each other nicely over a really kick-ass beat. And it's hook, those trumpets, they're just so great! And I simply like the fact that Nas is saying outloud that he want that commercial success, and it might be seen as egoistical, but for me he's very right. "Thats What I Want" is a nice piece of pop rock, I would even argue it's one of my most favorite tracks from the album. I love counting at the begining and synthline behind choruses. Even though Nas sings last chorus in a weird way, like he's part-goat, but it's pretty enjoyable and I grooved to it since it was included in Montero teaser.
    I don't care about "The Art of Realization", I don't know if it's really needed here. And there is "Scoop" which I was really excited about, and the track seems to be cohesive of what Nas said about Doja, that he admires her for her perfectionism and working on body. It's instrumental starts really cool, and before chorus Nas really goes with his vocals! But the chorus itself is...dissapointing to say the least. It's just 'scoop' repeated few times...is it supposed to be new 'skrrr'? However how he delivers second verse is pretty cool, so deep or just altered. I like Doja's verse and her backing vocals - they're pretty sweet!
    "One of Me" starts kinda like Madonna's "To Have and Not to Hold" (1998), but the piano kicks in, and then chorus is with more complex background, but with kinda odd word choices. But the song itself is very enjoyable with its athmospheric production. But hence Elton John got a feature credit here, I thought he would sing there, but that's not what happened; instead he is just playing piano here... Anyway, am I the only who thinks that "Lost In the Citadel" kicks off just like "Clumsy" (2006) by Fergie? Besides that, this one is cool too - with really nice vocal melodies and groovy rock chorus. Its synths go really well into trumpets of "Dolla Sign Slime" featuring Megan Thee Stallion. That song is pretty dope, not only through enjoyable Nas and Megan deliveries, but mostly because of its beat. And Megan's delivery is really something, like in "Thot **** (2021), she showcases such force.
    "Tales of Dominica" is quite darker than the rest songs of the albums, with Nas' deeper voice, later layered with slight auto-tune. Second verse featured harmonizations, which are pretty dope - just mixing his deep tones with those altered vocals! And those violins at the end...just beautiful! "Sun Goes Down" starts with nice guitar riff and what it seems like should be part of the outro (really altered, subdued vocals) - which would be true what Take a Daytrip said about him changing the course of tracks. Lyrics are very deep, they reflect how being gay is wrong for people for some reason. And just like in "Thats What I Want" I see some hope, but here it's more melanchonic, depressed. "It's much more to life than dying" is my most favorite lyric from the whole album I guess. "Void" features similar strings to its predecesor, but they're more subdued, and instrumental builds-up a little in course of the track, with Nas' voice going louder before being quite high (did he found love?).
    Going back to trap and over-the-top stuff, "Dont Want It" still shows Nas' deeper vocals but the track itself is really anthem-y, especially with those news samples inside of it. Even though it's enjoyable, it's missplaced, hence the next track - "Life After Salem" - is going back to more melanchonic, distanced sound with its heavy metal, clunky guitars. Album closer - "Am I Dreaming" - is another one of my favorites. It's more subdued than the rest of the album, and as melanchonic as last tracks. And it shows that, as Nas said, Miley Cyrus can fit anywhere. I love her vocals here!
    It's one of the best debut albums we've seen thus far - it's quite cohesive and well-layered. It's not perfect, but it has strong and beautiful moments. Lil Nas X knows what he's doing - especially from the promotion side. Those album trailers are the most entertaining things I ever seen. And the music videos - just iconic! And that artwork, it's pretty too!
  13. Sep 18, 2021
    This was definitely a long-awaited listen. From the notoriously good raps and a little of pop and rock music here and there, Nas' versatility is shown from loud bangers to melodic tracks showcasing his devotion to the LGBTQ+ community. Top picks would be TALES OF DOMINICA and VOID.
  14. Nov 6, 2021
    Let's be honest. This is a great album. Not repetitive at all, catchy and with great colabs.
  15. Nov 4, 2021
    I'm not a fan of rappers but this album is very good, the lyrics and the sounds catchy. I love this album and also they include collaborations with other iconic singers.
  16. Feb 5, 2022
    The "Montero" album by Lil Nas X has sassy and savages lyrics. I love some songs on this album. And the album cover was pretty good.
  17. Apr 25, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum é muito bom, as letras desse álbum é de cair o c... da bunda, são muitas sonoridades diferentes, como folk, rap, rap melódico, pop, rock, pop rock, e as colaborações são melhores ainda, tem Jack Harlow, Doja Cat, Megan Thee Stallion e Miley Cyrus. Expand
  18. Oct 29, 2021
    Lil Nas X's MONTERO was an unexpectedly remarkable debut. Almost loved it..
  19. Sep 17, 2021
    After amazing singles “Montero,” “Industry Baby,” and “Sun Goes Down,” Lil Nas X does not disappoint with his solid debut album that proves he is talented alongside having the amazing ability to use social media to his advantage and to create music videos that are works of art and get people talking. This album is multifaceted with various genres and vocal styles, proving that he is moreAfter amazing singles “Montero,” “Industry Baby,” and “Sun Goes Down,” Lil Nas X does not disappoint with his solid debut album that proves he is talented alongside having the amazing ability to use social media to his advantage and to create music videos that are works of art and get people talking. This album is multifaceted with various genres and vocal styles, proving that he is more that a one-hit wonder. He shows depth in many songs that make you emotional, but also has harder-hitting songs that are still packed with passion. Certain songs like “Dead Right Now,” “Scoop,” and “Dolla Sign Slime” do nothing forming and kept this album from reaching A-status from me, but songs like the singles, “Am I Dreaming” with Miley Cyrus, and one of my favorite songs from 2021, “Life After Salem,” have me wanting him to pursue this direction on this album’s follow up. I have an obsession with this song as it is epic and its lyrics are great. Also, Lil Nas X sounds great with Miley Cyrus! While I hate the track with Megan Thee Stallion, I do think her part is fine, but the track with Doja Cat is irritating. I look forward to what Lil Nas X does with his career.

    On “Life After Salem,” Lil Nas X talks about a love interest quite beautifully with “you know I can be your part-time lover / our scars, they'll dance with each other.” This idea of singing to a love interest can also be heard on “Lost In The Citadel” with “my God, you're an angel / I only see you in your halo / I was hoping we could stay close / but we no longer sing the same notes.” On “Am I Dreaming,” he sings of how he must smile, bear the bad, and rewrite his story through his music with “tears running dry / shattered inside, but I still gotta smile as I'm sinking, I relive the story / glitter comes off, battered in blue, but I gotta go on / as I'm singing, I rewrite my story.” On “Void,” he continues sharing his mental health space when he sings “stuck in this world where there's so much to prove / every win gives you more room to lose / it’s too many ups and downs on the ride.”

    MONTERO - 9
    SCOOP - 6
    ONE OF ME - 8
    SUN GOES DOWN - 10
    VOID - 7
    DON’T WANT IT - 7
    AM I DREAMING - 10

    116/140 83/100
  20. Nov 18, 2021
    Surprisingly, Montero is a very good album filled with a lot of diversity from an artist you would not expect to make such a variety of different sounds.
  21. Sep 20, 2021
    Pleasantly surprised, especially after his ep which I found to be mediocre. Consistent songs throughout the album. No skips in my opinion. Definitely my surprise album of the year.
  22. Sep 23, 2021
    Half of the album was skip for me but the rest were too good so I give 7 instead of 5
    Update: it aged so well so I give it an 8
  23. Sep 19, 2021
    A raw, honest and emotional album that still brings us the right hooks. Lil Nas X did great with his debut album, proving he's much more than a one-hit-wonder.
  24. Jan 14, 2022
    [ ek-suh-luhnt ]

    possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good.
  25. Oct 3, 2021
    On his debut, Lil Nas X has delivered a strong solo project, with few gaps to be filled in. Whether he's in the showers in a local state prison with Jack Harlow (INDUSTRY BABY), to when he's reminiscing about love during a global pandemic (THAT'S WHAT I WANT), or even a poignant acoustic guitar-aided outro with Miley Cyrus (AM I DREAMING). This studio album, delivered by a former "cowboy",On his debut, Lil Nas X has delivered a strong solo project, with few gaps to be filled in. Whether he's in the showers in a local state prison with Jack Harlow (INDUSTRY BABY), to when he's reminiscing about love during a global pandemic (THAT'S WHAT I WANT), or even a poignant acoustic guitar-aided outro with Miley Cyrus (AM I DREAMING). This studio album, delivered by a former "cowboy", Nas is in the process of experimenting with his new sounds, and that is tolerable to the majority of optimistic listeners. Expand
  26. Sep 18, 2021
    It's a really well produced album with solid vocals and not a single bad track. That being said, that are some forgetable tracks like scoop and I am dreaming when the features are the best parts of the song. It's a really great project overall and Lil Nas X is one of the best on the game right now.
    Favorite songs:
    Industry Baby, Tthat's What I Want, Dead Right Now, Life After Salem,
    It's a really well produced album with solid vocals and not a single bad track. That being said, that are some forgetable tracks like scoop and I am dreaming when the features are the best parts of the song. It's a really great project overall and Lil Nas X is one of the best on the game right now.
    Favorite songs:
    Industry Baby, Tthat's What I Want, Dead Right Now, Life After Salem, Tales of Dominica
  27. Sep 22, 2021
    Lil Nas X has proven to be a good rapper and good singer, in this album it is no different. MONTERO is packed with catchy choruses and good verses, altough the production is not adventurous nor super inventive, it is good.

  28. Sep 23, 2021
    good featurings and some bangers that sound amazing, really great album debut.
  29. Sep 18, 2021
    So many super catchy hooks, really only a few songs a did not like, and they still were not bad. All songs also I think fit into this album, there are high-energy hype songs and also heartfelt low-key ones but all tie into a few common themes.
  30. Sep 17, 2021
    Montero is a really well producted album. Lil Nas X proves us to be more than a meme, but and artist here to stay and a beautiful person with deep sentiment and struggles. Really strong chorus in almost all the songs. All the songs are enjoyable to listen to. However, sometimes the lyrics can be improved.

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Oct 13, 2021
    The end result sounds like a distillation of contemporary popular music, the kind of blockbuster pop album following the much larger footsteps of Ariana Grande’s Dangerous Woman or Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream, albeit not as polished.
  2. Sep 28, 2021
    Lil Nas X set out to make a crossover pop album with “MONTERO” and succeeded.
  3. Sep 23, 2021
    Everything’s he’s done has led to this engaging debut record, a work that allows his inner self to shine.