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Generally favorable reviews- based on 77 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 77
  2. Negative: 5 out of 77
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  1. Jun 8, 2018
    Billy can do better than this. It's cool that some of the songs rock and have decent melodies, but the production is inconsistent, and there is some clutter on here
    "Dorian" is my favorite track, "Run2Me" is my least favorite track
  2. Jan 9, 2015
    I didn't find 'MTAE' particularly bad in any way. It can be bland at times, maybe a bit uninspired, but it isn't 'bad'. For a Pumpkins record, however, it will disappoint those looking for a recapture of their signature sound present through the first six albums (and I admit, I came in looking for something akin to that, albeit to a lesser extent). However, despite such, there are quiteI didn't find 'MTAE' particularly bad in any way. It can be bland at times, maybe a bit uninspired, but it isn't 'bad'. For a Pumpkins record, however, it will disappoint those looking for a recapture of their signature sound present through the first six albums (and I admit, I came in looking for something akin to that, albeit to a lesser extent). However, despite such, there are quite enjoyable tracks present; personally, 'One and All' was the highlight of the album, and indeed will bring back a bit of nostalgia for those yearning to hear it.

    I do respect that Billy is attempting to make a musical progression with this new sound, though. Some things just seem to miss the mark, however, like "Run2me" and the entirety of Tommy Lee's hard-hitting drumming. Nothing against it, but the style just doesn't seem to fit, as the absolute precision drumming of Chamberlin or the high-energy of Byrne.

    Overall, the album is not bad, or even mediocre, it just seems to be tucked away in the grey section of the review scale.
  3. Dec 28, 2014
    Well Smashing Pumpkins still have their signature style intact. An intricate mix of almost techno and almost rock, Monuments to an Elegy certainly entertains its listener but doesn't do anything particularly new with the songs and fails to subvert expectations of what you were going to hear unlike in previous albums. Drum + Fife and Anti-Hero stand out as the strongest.
  4. Dec 27, 2014
    The Pumpkins do little to surprise, neither negatively nor positively, as the album “satisfies” for lack of a better word. A highlight of the album comes in the form of the single “Being Beige” teasing chord progressions and builds similar to that of Corgan’s former band, Zwan, indulging the bubble-gum hymns and larger than life dynamics.
  5. Dec 14, 2014
    Tiberius and One and All are decent songs but the rest is mediocre at best. Oceania was closer to the old Pumpkins sound and Tommy Lee's drumming style does not match or mesh with the pumpkins sound. Jimmy was the man and at least the drummer on Oceania had a similar jazz technique that meshed with the original Pumpkins percussion sound. Tommy is a pure hard rock drummer that hitsTiberius and One and All are decent songs but the rest is mediocre at best. Oceania was closer to the old Pumpkins sound and Tommy Lee's drumming style does not match or mesh with the pumpkins sound. Jimmy was the man and at least the drummer on Oceania had a similar jazz technique that meshed with the original Pumpkins percussion sound. Tommy is a pure hard rock drummer that hits every drum as hard as he can and constantly on the bass drum. Just doesn't fit. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 31
  2. Negative: 1 out of 31
  1. Kerrang!
    Jan 14, 2015
    There's no fat. Here in abundance is evidence of Billy's enduring genius. [13 Dec 2014, p.52]
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jan 9, 2015
    It's not just the most svelte, direct and immediate Pumpkins album ever, it's the most misleadingly titled. [Feb 2015, p.94]
  3. Jan 7, 2015
    Regardless of the pretentious set-up, this is another fine record.