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  1. May 15, 2018
    ____ "Mr. Dynamite" - is beautiful in its originality. Four musicians with deep knowledge in electronic music and experiencing a great love for analog machines created an electronic spirit, ominously smiling and dancing to the rhythms of synthetic beats. A small theater of the absurd, consisting of 9 experimental compositions, in which such styles as: electropop, techno, funk and____ "Mr. Dynamite" - is beautiful in its originality. Four musicians with deep knowledge in electronic music and experiencing a great love for analog machines created an electronic spirit, ominously smiling and dancing to the rhythms of synthetic beats. A small theater of the absurd, consisting of 9 experimental compositions, in which such styles as: electropop, techno, funk and industrial were mixed with John Grant vocalizations or indistinguishable voices processed by the vocoder. All this conjures surreal images, balancing on the verge of fear and pleasure.
    ___ "Seductive Evil" are two words that fully characterize this musical debut from the Creep Show quartet.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. 70
    Mr. Dynamite's expansive instrumental interludes sometimes disrupt the pacing and punch of the record, defying coherence, but this never seems like anything less than deliberate mischief. It’s merely a performance of the group’s own self-discovery, proudly extending and flexing their new cyborg limbs.
  2. Mar 19, 2018
    It’s thoughtful, intelligent and considered music that’s not afraid of having a sense of humour.
  3. Mar 19, 2018
    A debut album that is by turns ominous-sounding, inventive and, on K Mart Johnny--a Blue Jam-like evocation of plastic-dinosaur-based children revenge--surprisingly funny. For the most part, the voices of Grant and Mallinder have been heavily treated, pitched up or down, rendering their contributions largely indistinguishable.