• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Mar 24, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 77 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 60 out of 77
  2. Negative: 5 out of 77
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  1. Apr 27, 2015
    Musically the album is so enjoyable to listen to, influences from funk, rock, hip hop and just about everything else, all coming together with Action Bronsons habit of just being incredibly entertaining to listen to. Great album.
  2. Mar 24, 2015
    What you've come to expect of Mr. Baklava. Absolute absurdity over wild beats. This man has yet to disappoint and I'm very interested to see where he takes his career from here.
  3. Mar 30, 2015
    This is album is speaks for itself. It is indeed a wonderful album. Great artwork, Vocal delivery is excellent, coupled with excellent lyrics and album production. Action Bronson is the new face of Hip Hop. One of the best Lyricist
  4. Mar 25, 2015
    This album is great! It takes different turns here and there, in terms of music. For example, there are full on rapping, then there is some blues, and some rock. This is a very complete album, but not necessarily too cohesive like say, To pimp a butterfly by Kendrick Lamar. Nevertheless, it's a fun album, Action Bronson brings his usual quirky style and culinary word play, in other words,This album is great! It takes different turns here and there, in terms of music. For example, there are full on rapping, then there is some blues, and some rock. This is a very complete album, but not necessarily too cohesive like say, To pimp a butterfly by Kendrick Lamar. Nevertheless, it's a fun album, Action Bronson brings his usual quirky style and culinary word play, in other words, this IS AN AUTHENTIC Bronson piece of work. Over the top lyrics, trippy soundscapes, and hard hitting, pure hip hop production all throughout. Expand
  5. Mar 24, 2015
    ''Im not flawless, I'm gorgeous like a horse'

    Action Bronson is wild and authentic. He represents a certain brand of hip-hop I love: crafting an over-the-top, cartoonish WWE-esque persona. He infuses his ultra-confident, warts-and-all personality and razor sharp sense of humor into chronicling his lavish, drug-fueled, sex-crazed rockstar lifestyle. Its his own take on this common
    ''Im not flawless, I'm gorgeous like a horse'

    Action Bronson is wild and authentic. He represents a certain brand of hip-hop I love: crafting an over-the-top, cartoonish WWE-esque persona. He infuses his ultra-confident, warts-and-all personality and razor sharp sense of humor into chronicling his lavish, drug-fueled, sex-crazed rockstar lifestyle. Its his own take on this common rebel-on-the-loose trope filled with original detail and flourishes about exotic locales, gourmet food, and general debauchery. He has a lot of heart to go along with his unique, self-aware perspective. The album art really illustrates how you should approach listening to the album. Sonically, the production and sampling are incredible. Tonnes of stylistic influences, even a sanctioned sample from Billy Joel. Being in an altered state while listening to this enhances the experience.……
  6. Mar 29, 2015
    Having a handful of well received mixtapes on his résumé, Action Bronson has the duty to live up to expectations with a cohesive debut album. Production-wise »Mr. Wonderful« is beautifully composed with a lot of jazz and soul elements that you will not find as properly placed and perfectly arranged in other hip hop albums. Lyrically, Bronson sticks to what he knows best and does not fallHaving a handful of well received mixtapes on his résumé, Action Bronson has the duty to live up to expectations with a cohesive debut album. Production-wise »Mr. Wonderful« is beautifully composed with a lot of jazz and soul elements that you will not find as properly placed and perfectly arranged in other hip hop albums. Lyrically, Bronson sticks to what he knows best and does not fall into despair by trying to touch on too many pop appealing topics for his first major label release. Halfway through the project, »A Light in the Addict« shows just how much of a musical understanding Action Bronson brings to the table by letting the bare instrumental serve as an outstanding scenery without too many vocals spoiling it. On the heels of it, the Mark Ronson produced »Baby Blue« might be hip hop's next mainstream smash hit without losing the project's golden thread. After only twelve tracks, »Mr. Wonderful« comes to a remarkable ending with »Easy Rider« once again being evidence of Bronson's perfect approach to the body of work and his choice of collaborators. This is the way debut albums should be crafted. Expand
  7. Jan 31, 2016
    I know that former sous chef Mr. Arslani was aiming for a very serious final product for his debut on a major label, and the content on “Mr. Wonderful” has obviously been handled with extreme care; however, I think the best parts of this latest Bronson project revolve around its silliness. Action Bronson cranks the kitsch up to eleven with goofy lyrics, glitzy production, and over-the-topI know that former sous chef Mr. Arslani was aiming for a very serious final product for his debut on a major label, and the content on “Mr. Wonderful” has obviously been handled with extreme care; however, I think the best parts of this latest Bronson project revolve around its silliness. Action Bronson cranks the kitsch up to eleven with goofy lyrics, glitzy production, and over-the-top instrumentation. There’s a deep classic rock vein running throughout “Mr. Wonderful”, with Fender Strat solos, slamming piano rock chording, and even some singing from Mr. Wonderful himself. But, the enjoyment comes from Bronson’s insouciant personality that he injects in every facet of this album. If you’re not having fun while listening to this celebration of glitter, glam, and mink sweat suits, go get yourself some escargot. Expand
  8. Jun 13, 2015
    Bronson can do no wrong. He's just the most absurd rapper. I love anyone who's willing to consistently rap about eating cereal. The production here is absolutely fantastic - ambitious but not too much so that it's distracting or takes away from Bronson's flow. It starts off on a light-hearted tone with "Brand New Car" and just keeps rolling, peaking with the track "Actin' Crazy" but neverBronson can do no wrong. He's just the most absurd rapper. I love anyone who's willing to consistently rap about eating cereal. The production here is absolutely fantastic - ambitious but not too much so that it's distracting or takes away from Bronson's flow. It starts off on a light-hearted tone with "Brand New Car" and just keeps rolling, peaking with the track "Actin' Crazy" but never lulling too much that it becomes a bore to listen to. Of course not. Bronson's never boring. Yet another success from Mr. Baklava. Expand
  9. Mar 24, 2015
    Very anticpated. After hearing a few bars from him on other's collabos, along with a few mixtape singles, I was excited as well. Good word play and unique to the game. This album lacked really and well known names to add to the excitement. While listening, the album seemed very disjointed-very different sounds. Which can be good or bad. I liked it to a degree, but didn't like many of theVery anticpated. After hearing a few bars from him on other's collabos, along with a few mixtape singles, I was excited as well. Good word play and unique to the game. This album lacked really and well known names to add to the excitement. While listening, the album seemed very disjointed-very different sounds. Which can be good or bad. I liked it to a degree, but didn't like many of the songs beats-but good lyrics in my opinion. Didn't really live up to the hype and didn't seem to have have what I have heard from him before. All in all, nice to listen to but not to ride to. Expand
  10. Jun 14, 2015
    Action Bronson is one of the most recognizable figures in the Alternative Hip Hop movement. The former internet chef now Hip Hop recording artist released his debut full length earlier this year, after a series of mixtapes which rattled the underground. These releases including Blue Chips and Chandelier in my eyes included hilarious lines from the Queens rapper, as well as a selection ofAction Bronson is one of the most recognizable figures in the Alternative Hip Hop movement. The former internet chef now Hip Hop recording artist released his debut full length earlier this year, after a series of mixtapes which rattled the underground. These releases including Blue Chips and Chandelier in my eyes included hilarious lines from the Queens rapper, as well as a selection of rock inspired beats which carried his Ghostface Killah – like flow. But while these projects were popular in the underground, they did not receive as much acclaim from me as much as I liked. Here in Action’s new project, however, I see a bit more focus and harder hitting beats. But while this album shows progression, it does come with it’s misses with ambitious rock inspired interludes.

    The first quarter of this 13 track record starts off well. Songs like Brand New Car and Terry have catchy beats with hilarious Bronson lines which give us what we know and love from Bronson. But with the track Actin’ Crazy I hear what I feel like this album lacks which are hooks an un interesting breaks which fills this record with filler. This track has a very interesting beat that sounds like something that could come out of a Madvillainy project, but instead of hooks, Action gives us dull breaks which causes the listener to fall out of the track. Thug Love Story 2017 is an unnecessary and uninteresting interlude as well the next track, City Boy Blues which features clumsy singing and a rock backing track that sounds like a Thursday night at some middle aged Long Island Bar with a band where your dad might play in. It’s at this point at the record that I’m wondering where on earth did this record go, and the first few tracks are know forgotten and left in the dark.

    This album picks up again with a fantastic track in Baby Blue featuring Chicago rapper Chance the Rapper. With funny and relatable lines on a girl that Bronson might have a love/hate relationship with. Chance’s verse is one of the most unique and interesting verses out there. This track gives what I’ve always wanted from Bronson, which is a fantastic and catchy hook along with already consistent lyrics and beats. I also liked Only in America, with a fun guitar riff and a New Wave style hook.

    I have the same problems with The Passage as I did with City Boy Blues, which gave me an uninteresting rock tune. I’m sure Bronson saw something in that live performance, but for me it adds nothing to the quality of the Album. I love how this record ends though, with an Old Western Themed beat which I can only imagine Action Bronson riding into the sunset at the end to close out this record.

    In these times where it seems like the Big Apple doesn’t have much to offer in comparison to it’s West Coast and Atlanta counterparts, artists like Action Bronson offers what the New York scene does have, which is potential. I see this record as progression for Bronson. While I do not question his talent as an MC, the production leaves something to be desired, because while it is always ambitious to offer different sounds that Hip Hop doesn’t always offer, delivery is always tough. I liked this record, and it has many high points that I think he can build off of for his next project, which I am very hopeful for.
  11. Dec 19, 2015
    Hmmm Mr. Wonderful is a good album. Really interesing. The best track is of course 'Baby blue'. Action is crazy and i like it. Good music, I recommend

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Dec 22, 2015
    Through it all, Bronson balances brutish punch lines with a stunning wit, and tempers his lust for world travel and opulence with self-deprecating jokes, and yet, Mr. Wonderful is still just a tad too big and busy for the newcomer.
  2. Apr 9, 2015
    With Action Bronson, he's continuously put out solid bodies of work, whilst never compromising his character. Mr. Wonderful may not be the strongest debut he could've released, but for a rapper that probably doesn't measure his ability by studio albums, neither should we.
  3. Apr 7, 2015
    Though Bronson does try new things on his first major-label outing, he still includes his characteristic lyrical qualities along with elements from past releases. In a sense, he's re-introducing himself.