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Generally favorable reviews- based on 23 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
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  1. Jul 6, 2020
    The album was so unexpected.i expect a terrible trap album but...
    The album was completely fits sheck wes.

    Fav tracks: Mindfu*ker,gmail,chippi chippi,wanted
  2. Mar 8, 2019
    It's a good but weird trap album. It's unique and stands out which was the intention here. The only problem with this album is the lack of concentration when Sheck strays from the hard hitters. WESPN sounds kinda like a parody of sorts. Burn Slow is nothing special. The same with every song that follows. There are good moments here but they're too sparse towards the end. It's a good debutIt's a good but weird trap album. It's unique and stands out which was the intention here. The only problem with this album is the lack of concentration when Sheck strays from the hard hitters. WESPN sounds kinda like a parody of sorts. Burn Slow is nothing special. The same with every song that follows. There are good moments here but they're too sparse towards the end. It's a good debut album from someone that many expected to be a one-hit wonder but it's not a career defining project. His sophomore album will be highly anticipated and I expect a Playboi Carti "Die Lit" jump from his freshman effort. Good work overall though. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Oct 18, 2018
    There isn’t enough content in Mudboy to make it much other than a vibe. There are traces of A$AP Ferg, Waka Flocka Flame, and OG Maco locked beneath its consistently muddy sound. But there isn’t enough nuance or ‘moments’ to make it worth repeated listens (like Sheck’s mentor, Travis Scott).
  2. Oct 18, 2018
    Sheck masterfully transcends one-hit-wonder status throughout his debut.
  3. Oct 18, 2018
    On songs like “Kyrie” and “Gmail,” he briefly lives up to that raucous potential. Unfortunately, the missteps--the thin singing voice used on “WESPN” and awkward yogurt references of “Danimals”—hamper much of the promise.